

drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
I feel as I have to earn their permission to leave. I constantly ask them if they allow me, or I worry a lot if they will be fine and feel guilty.

my parents brought me here against my consent and although I doubt they ever wanted to harm me, they really fucked me up during my teens. I feel bad for leaving them because I know I will cause pain inevitably but I feel it's a right everyone should have and also I didn't asked them to bring me to this cruel world, or to drug me as a teen.

do you guys think that being born without our consent gives us to the right to exit without the consent of those who brought us here?
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Mar 22, 2020
Yes, I think we have the right to leave this world whenever we want because we never asked to be born.

I always wonder, wasn't my brother enough? Why on Earth did my parents decide to have one more child and force me to exist? Why did they have to have sex THAT NIGHT? lol
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Mar 21, 2021
It's not the being brought into the world part it is the raising part I think. All that time they spend bringing you up if you are lucky enough to have caring parents. "Such a waste" is what my mum always says when talking about someone who ctb.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
What I never understood about this is, how do you expect them to ask you before you're born?
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It is our lives at the end of the day, it is up to us what we do with them. We deserve a right to die as a human being. We never even asked to be alive in the first place. I think it is selfish for others to expect us to stay alive for their sake, yes it would be sad and traumatic for those left behind but it is inevitable when children are brought into the world.
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drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
What I never understood about this is, how do you expect them to ask you before you're born?
They can't, that's why I think it's not moral to have children. There's many ways to suffer in this world and no one asked for it. Most people won't stop having children, but in my opinion, the way to balance it out a bit would maybe be to give everyone the right to die peacefully.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I feel as I have to earn their permission to leave.
Your life belongs to you and you alone. No one has the right to keep you here if you're suffering so much that you can't bear it anymore
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i'm so done lmao
Dec 30, 2019
My parents literally wanted to abort me ever since they heard that they will have their very first baby. They didn't because my mother was too young and they threatened her that if she were to abort me she would never have children again. Guess what, they gave birth to me just so they can solve this issue later with having a "wanted child" like my middle sister and also get super cool munnies from the government, because they were young parents and that's what they do here. Pay you for the increase of the demographics UwU :33c

But honestly... I wish they would just disown me. Or never have me in the first place. Im tired of hearing things like:"you are our biggest problem now" from them and such, when I clearly never intended to be one. I never intended to actually be born. I think on a molecular lever it wasnt me who was a lil lucky sperm that got in there first, but plenty others rushed so fast that i got pushed in there by a mistake.

I wanna fix that mistake for them? Like that would be the only reasonable thing to do? If things are faulty, you either fix, throw them away or deal with em, but the last option is a joke obviously in my case lololol
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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
This, for sure. Hell, my own father didn't want me in the first place. He told me many times. He even tried to kill me once. Pretty sure that says it all. It might be a bit latte term, but, I need to give not only him but the world the greatest gift of all: my abortion. Erasing my existence from this world would make it a better place to live.
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always say never
Sep 14, 2019
I've heard the story of how I was going to be aborted until the very last minute when my mom changed her mind so many times.

I feel furious at the universe that something made her change her mind. What a mistake that was.

I feel it's righteous of me to "correct" that mistake, despite all the "raising" that's been done.
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
Being born without our consent should be enough to justify right to die. The right to die and access of suicide services should be constitutional because we're supposed to be free on what to do with whatever we want as long nobody else is harmed. The government should mind their own business and stop forcing us to live our depressing life. Sending us to PSYC ward against our will should be unconstitutional. They forced us to go there without our consent. They are stopping us to CTB even though we know what we're signing up for. In most situations, the government deem us "irrational" once we admit suicidal intent and plan to CTB, which gives them the "right" to abuse us by sending us to PSYC ward, forced-feed, drink, and medicate against our will. I hate the fact that no political candidate or party openly support the most liberal view of right to die.

We're still at the stage where suicide is a taboo topic to talk about. It's always dismissed as a "phase" and "it will get better". That is not true. Some people are eternally screwed because of financial, legal, relationship, career, or health problems. I say let them die by suicide peacefully and with dignity. I'll say it again: Being born without our consent should be enough to justify right to die.
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New Member
Mar 20, 2021
I've never really thought about it like that but i think you're right it make sense.
My parents didn't have any money or even plans to get money and they really thought it was okay to bring 7 children to this world and now i have to go through this fucked up life just to please them? That's doesn't sound right
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