I think I'm more of an awkward, or perhaps difficult, person than a pain as such. Actually, I think me saying that probably proves the point! I know people can see me as pedantic. So, let me be honest, yes, I'm a pain... damn, why didn't I just say that in the first place!
I feel I speak a different language sometimes. It's not that I feel that way about myself but that other people make me feel that way. In my own head I know what I'm saying, it makes sense to me and I'm happy with it. I then seem to fail to communicate it well enough and so I can upset people. They then see me as a pain, someone who should 'get a life'... and all I feel I've done is try to explain myself. I don't know, perhaps I lack empathy or something.
I've even read on here reports of people's own parents doing being exhausted by their kids' depression and then abandoning their kids. Sorta like some animals that abandon their sick infants to die.
You know, I can understand that. I find me a pain sometimes so why shouldn't other people?
I know my partner finds me exhausting. I know there are times when they are fed up with me, of having to tread gently around me. That's not a nice feeling for me btw, knowing that I am someone who is like that. I know I'm not what people might call 'easy going' sometimes. I don't know why that is, I just know that it is. I don't set out to piss people off but I end up doing it. So I can understand that they will find me too much like hard work to be around. I get that.
I think there's a limit to most people's tolerance, there certainly is to mine. I'm not critical of that, I accept it as the way we are. I think people who 'stay with' someone, despite all of their problems, are incredible. Maybe it's fear of the unknown alternatives (much like someone with an abusive partners will stay with them) I don't know. Tolerance is extended for people you love but I think there are limits. I can understand people not wanting their lives dragged down by someone else.