Benzos and oxy in proper doses, always yield overdose. Pregab could help, but unless u have a tolerance, that much oxycodone will be fatal. Anti emetic should be taken as they make some people nauseous. And I read some above said "you can od from 160mg IV"… as a oxy and H user I've seen people od from IVing 40mg. And even with my old tolerance I would likely od from 160. That's a crazy amount to take at once, especially IV. Most people don't do shots bigger than 80-100Mg, and those people are doing 500mg+ day.
By crushing it up, especially if the pills say "OC 80"… the crush makes it instant release. But if it's a reformulation (would say like OP, OXN, ON, etc).. those pills don't really crush.
However even if taken intact, 30 of the 80's would still be pretty fatal, just not as quick.
So you have what you need for a peaceful exit, and if you don't have any benzos, even a few pills of whatever, Xanax, Rivotril/Klonopin, diazepam/valium, Ativan/lorazepam have really strong synergy. Also the antidepressant
I take (luvox) causes a significant increase in blood levels of most opioids and benzos.
That's a good deal. And 800mg is pretty damn high dose. Idk why you would survive unless you have a tolerance? U understand that's equivalent to like 750mg of pure heroin? Regular doses of oxycodone are 5-10mg, and diamorphine is 2.5-10mg, with 20mg being the HP( high potency) dose. Plenty of People OD
When when they take 10-20 5mg pills. So if people accidentally die from 50-100mg, I think 800mg would probably have similar results, but with an increased risk of fatality.