

what's the use...?
Jun 22, 2019
Of course, when I finally get to that breaking point and mindset of no return, I overhear my brother talking about how much it means to him that I'm still here after discovering I was going to kill myself many years ago. He talked about how it still bothers him sometimes when he thinks about how I could be gone, and the room I stay in could be empty. And how it fucked him up when he found out I was self harming.

Before, I had made peace with the fact that I would be passing on and leaving tears for those behind, but hearing my brother actually say those things was a lot. I don't want my family to hurt for the rest of their lives. I'm just so damn tired of this mental fight everyday. At this point the whole reason I'd be living is so they wouldn't have to be in pain. But who can call that being alive.

I just really wish I was never born. Or born with a different brain. I don't know what to do anymore. Maybe take up another drug so i can keep faking it for awhile longer...
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May 21, 2019
Of course, when I finally get to that breaking point and mindset of no return, I overhear my brother talking about how much it means to him that I'm still here after discovering I was going to kill myself many years ago. He talked about how it still bothers him sometimes when he thinks about how I could be gone, and the room I stay in could be empty. And how it fucked him up when he found out I was self harming.

Before, I had made peace with the fact that I would be passing on and leaving tears for those behind, but hearing my brother actually say those things was a lot. I don't want my family to hurt for the rest of their lives. I'm just so damn tired of this mental fight everyday. At this point the whole reason I'd be living is so they wouldn't have to be in pain. But who can call that being alive.

I just really wish I was never born. Or born with a different brain. I don't know what to do anymore. Maybe take up another drug so i can keep faking it for awhile longer...
Wow that is powerful. Have you talked to him about it? Sounds like he might be A good support for you?


Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
Of course, when I finally get to that breaking point and mindset of no return, I overhear my brother talking about how much it means to him that I'm still here after discovering I was going to kill myself many years ago. He talked about how it still bothers him sometimes when he thinks about how I could be gone, and the room I stay in could be empty. And how it fucked him up when he found out I was self harming.

Before, I had made peace with the fact that I would be passing on and leaving tears for those behind, but hearing my brother actually say those things was a lot. I don't want my family to hurt for the rest of their lives. I'm just so damn tired of this mental fight everyday. At this point the whole reason I'd be living is so they wouldn't have to be in pain. But who can call that being alive.

I just really wish I was never born. Or born with a different brain. I don't know what to do anymore. Maybe take up another drug so i can keep faking it for awhile longer...

I suspect that you are a family of rather emphatic humans - people are not 'all the same" genetically, some just suffer more by default. I mean, some are more concerned or touched when something is off, or not working as it should in society, and nowadays not much is ideal in the original human small-herd animal sense of that term.
One should think this to be obvious, that genes rule over us - but its being made irrelevant by "think positive, be woke" philosophies that come and go in waves. Your brother's feelings should give you a perspective on your own... I always forget which Greek philosopher came to the conclusion that it would be best not to be born, it's one of several possible logical conclusions - but that's a pretty unintelligent general stance to take for a life form that already exists, as is.
I have no doubt that you are seeing life as a hard task, which it often is for most people - and it's hell for all other animals, if you have the time to think about THAT for a moment - but if you get down to it, it's self-pity and chickening out, giving up all chances because of possible disappointments.
Just summing up the life-form logic of this, right ?
I think suicide is completely rational when you rationally compute your chances, and the are in fact minimal, say because you are old, or have a nasty illness, or are surrounded by religious fanatics whose gods order them to torture everything that moves to death - that sort of thing.
Everything else is unnatural - so yeah, it would be your duty to contemplate VERY HARD the pros and cons of your death, and see yourself as part of your environment, your family etc...
Then again, closing the circle, you are a product of your genetics and if your genetics condemn you to annihilate yourself when confronted with a stress level of a certain magnitude, which must be the case because you're here, then that cannot be avoided, and then those genes will vanish from this evolution, and more primitively vital ones will procreate and replace them.
This is a very interesting thing I have been wondering about lately, if the human species is already folding back on its own evolution when its most advanced subspecies, the more emphatic and intelligent ones, are increasingly ceasing to procreate and even killing themselves.
Does having the ability to contemplate the meaningfulness of your own existence trigger a negative feedback circle ?
It frequently seems to, but is this always reasonable ?
I think it depends on the underlying emotional level, and if that is basically positive or negative, which again may be a family or subspecies trait.
What does this mean in the context of human civilization, will we have to go back to a 'healthier' simpleton stage ?
Is this already happening ?
What does all this signify in connection with the Fermi Paradox ?
Sorry for the rant, but maybe it can give you some more perspective. You're free - and this is a galaxy ;)
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Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018
I understand your predicament. Yesterday my mother told me how lucky she is to have me and my brother to take care of everything since my father passed away. My brother sent me a message 2 weeks ago that he's worried about me lately. He's obviously caught on to my decline lately. He knows i've been suicidal for many years.

Last few months i've been going downhill alot. And i'm i feel the same as you... My life is definately over as far as i'm concerned but leaving them is going to cause alot of pain and other problems.

So yeah i'm right there with you with the wish to have never been born. What a waste this life was.
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
I understand your predicament. Yesterday my mother told me how lucky she is to have me and my brother to take care of everything since my father passed away. My brother sent me a message 2 weeks ago that he's worried about me lately. He's obviously caught on to my decline lately. He knows i've been suicidal for many years.

Last few months i've been going downhill alot. And i'm i feel the same as you... My life is definately over as far as i'm concerned but leaving them is going to cause alot of pain and other problems.

So yeah i'm right there with you with the wish to have never been born. What a waste this life was.

Tell me, do you have any humor, do you fall into sarcasm easily ? Do you like anything specific about life, even things as mundane as eating, or sex ? What sort of life, the fuck, would you accept as worth living - not forever, begging your pardon - just for a puny 100 years max, or rather so that your mother doesn't have to experience her child dying before herself ? How much vitality does that take ? How much egocentrism to refuse it ? Don't get me wrong, I'm in the same situation...


Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018
Tell me, do you have any humor, do you fall into sarcasm easily ? Do you like anything specific about life, even things as mundane as eating, or sex ? What sort of life, the fuck, would you accept as worth living

Humor: barely any left.
Fall into sarcasm: very rarely
Like specific things: I'll try and keep my story short(ish) here.

I'm a sucker for love and have had tons of it to give and only one in 30+ years was willing to take and even she left after 2-3 years (guess i was too much of a "nice guy") my nearly 2 decades of depression/suicidality started arround 14-15yo everyone was finding gf's but despite all of my effort it took me to late 20's to finally find someone. Damage was already done but those few years where the only one's i didn't want to die. Now back in the same shit and i crave companionship so much i turned to payed companionship... (i've done the same in early 20's) so i've been financially destroying myself over the years just so i can be next/with/hold/make love to someone. All the while not giving a shit "cause i'll be dead when i hit rock bottom" meanwhile wage slaving to have an existence that is nothing more than surviving. I basically don't know what being happy is anymore (if i ever have..) All of my past hobbies have gone to shit. Things i held on to are all broken or gone. i spent all my life being a friend to everyone for their benefits ... helped so many people for free throughout all my life just to be able to fit in/be appreciated. Thinking back on it is just mindwrecking. And i still do the exact same shit ... i haven't enjoyed myself for so long i don't remember when the last time was.

When i'm with someone and it's basically the only thing i crave i still think about hoping to drop dead as soon as i walk out. I'm done,exhausted,becoming emotionless ... i mean wtf is it with this mind i don't know. I don't think this life is worth living at all ... i guess i'm just in survival mode untill something finally pushes me over the edge. If it makes any sense my character is just too fucking "nice" i destroy myself in favor of others and i can't force myself not to. Everyone likes me just enough to benefit from it .. they come to me with their work,relationship,life problems and meanwhile i'm waiting to drop dead.

- not forever, begging your pardon - just for a puny 100 years max, or rather so that your mother doesn't have to experience her child dying before herself ? How much vitality does that take ? How much egocentrism to refuse it ? Don't get me wrong, I'm in the same situation...

I wish i knew the answers right now ... but i'm only going to find out when i have finally reached my limit. Hoping it's soon. Tell me is paying €150/hour just to hold talk to someone and for them to like/trust me so much (as a client) they sometimes fall asleep in my arms and i wake them up before my time runs out because i don't want to profit from the situation, is that rock bottom? I adore her so much i even like it when she feels secure enough to actually fall asleep. I'm just the epitome of the word "loser".

Excuse the rant .. also not trying to highjack the thread. My apologies if i am.
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Mar 22, 2019
Of course, when I finally get to that breaking point and mindset of no return, I overhear my brother talking about how much it means to him that I'm still here after discovering I was going to kill myself many years ago. He talked about how it still bothers him sometimes when he thinks about how I could be gone, and the room I stay in could be empty. And how it fucked him up when he found out I was self harming.

Before, I had made peace with the fact that I would be passing on and leaving tears for those behind, but hearing my brother actually say those things was a lot. I don't want my family to hurt for the rest of their lives. I'm just so damn tired of this mental fight everyday. At this point the whole reason I'd be living is so they wouldn't have to be in pain. But who can call that being alive.

I just really wish I was never born. Or born with a different brain. I don't know what to do anymore. Maybe take up another drug so i can keep faking it for awhile longer...
When I tried to ctb a year ago i sent out a goodbye letter by text to a few people. This was when I didn't truly go through with it it was a half heart-ed effort. They responded and I didn't do it. They thankfully didn't call the police. I got very lucky I didn't get thrown in the psych unit. back to subject my friends have never brought it up again. My cousin does now and again but I'm close to him. He say's stuff like 'I thought I lost you' and stuff like that. Its just gonna suck when I leave one day and he's gonna be sad. That I can make peace with somehow but I guess some people are born to succeed and others fate are already chosen for them


Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
I'll try and keep my story short here.

I'm a sucker for love and have had tons of it to give and only one in 30+ years was willing to take and even she left after 2-3 years (guess i was too much of a "nice guy") my nearly 2 decades of depression/suicidality started arround 14-15yo everyone was finding gf's but despite all of my effort it took me to late 20's to finally find someone. Damage was already done but those few years where the only one's i didn't want to die. Now back in the same shit and i crave companionship so much i turned to payed companionship... (i've done the same in early 20's) so i've been financially destroying myself over the years just so i can be next/with/hold/make love to someone. All the while not giving a shit "cause i'll be dead when i hit rock bottom" meanwhile wage slaving to have an existence that is nothing more than surviving. I basically don't know what being happy is anymore (if i ever have..) All of my past hobbies have gone to shit. Things i held on to are all broken or gone. i spent all my life being a friend to everyone for their benefits ... helped so many people for free throughout all my life just to be able to fit in/be appreciated. Thinking back on it is just mindwrecking. And i still do the exact same shit ... i haven't enjoyed myself for so long i don't remember when the last time was.

When i'm with someone and it's basically the only thing i crave i still think about hoping to drop dead as soon as i walk out. I'm done,exhausted,becoming emotionless ... i mean wtf is it with this mind i don't know. I don't think this life is worth living at all ... i guess i'm just in survival mode untill something finally pushes me over the edge. If it makes any sense my character is just too fucking "nice" i destroy myself in favor of others and i can't force myself not to. Everyone likes me just enough to benefit from it .. they come to me with their work,relationship,life problems and meanwhile i'm waiting to drop dead.

I wish i knew the answers right now ... but i'm only going to find out when i have finally reached my limit. Hoping it's soon. Tell me is paying €150/hour just to hold talk to someone and for them to like/trust me so much (as a client) they sometimes fall asleep in my arms and i wake them up before my time runs out because i don't want to profit from the situation, is that rock bottom? I adore her so much i even like it when she feels secure enough to actually fall asleep. I'm just the epitome of the word "loser".

Excuse the rant .. also not trying to highjack the thread. My apologies if i am.

I think that's what the thread is for ;)
Well, what can I say - did you ever Hate somebody ? Hate is a valuable feeling, too much love can strangle us as individuals and as a species. I always try to see my thoughts and feelings in an evolutionary context, that makes it easier and less binding. We're herd animals, we're not free, so there. Gives me sort of a view from outside... I know a few people similar to you, but they are not (so far) suicidal. Then, what do I know ?

Emphatic people like you have real hard time if they are men, because to be regarded as "alpha" animals, it takes a bit of self-centered brutality... women on the whole feel unsafe with nice guys, seeing them as betas, it's an unconscious primate reflex, and we function under a hardwired neurology. most people don't understand this, having been indoctrinated with all the love-and-free-will bullshit from an early age on... as we are supposed to fall into certain roles.
I'm all for happy families, but thinking that there is a special predefined way in which one must be happy is a bit unhelpful.
Wondering why humans, in their mating behavior, behave like spoilt animals rather than those ethereal movie stars, is a trap.
Constantly looking for love from self-centered consumerist brats is a fool's errand.

You should harden yourself a bit against humanity, there isn't anything lovable to the species as suc, and most of its individuals are of course what the entire breed evolved as from the beginning : scavengers. That's what we are and how we unerringly behave till we wise up enough to start working on our genome...
Guess why exactly that is "against ethics" of the scavenger species.
But seriously, free yourself from certain goals you may have set yourself, certain ideals. You don't have to be in a constant, happy relationship, (less and less people are). Do you really 'need' to be loved all the time, or is it rather attention that you need (it sure is what you get)? Analyze, and use your mind in a less emotional way, what do we have a Cortex for - to balance out our feelings, to get a grip on ourselves.
To be mean when it's necessary - not on others, but on what's killing us.
Let me add that looking for high happiness is dumb, being content is what we can reach.
Only when you reached the understanding that boredom is a luxury, can you start to be free...
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Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018
I think that's what the thread is for ;)
Well, what can I say - did you ever Hate somebody ? Hate is a valuable feeling, too much love can strangle us as individuals and as a species. I always try to see my thoughts and feelings in an evolutionary context, that makes it easier and less binding. We're herd animals, we're not free, so there. Gives me sort of a view from outside... I know a few people similar to you, but they are not (so far) suicidal. Then, what do I know ?

Emphatic people like you have real hard time if they are men, because to be regarded as "alpha" animals, it takes a bit of self-centered brutality... women on the whole feel unsafe with nice guys, seeing them as betas, it's an unconscious primate reflex, and we function under a hardwired neurology. most people don't understand this, having been indoctrinated with all the love-and-free-will bullshit from an early age on... as we are supposed to fall into certain roles.
I'm all for happy families, but thinking that there is a special predefined way in which one must be happy is a bit unhelpful.
Wondering why humans, in their mating behavior, behave like spoilt animals rather than those ethereal movie stars, is a trap.
Constantly looking for love from self-centered consumerist brats is a fool's errand.

You should harden yourself a bit against humanity, there isn't anything lovable to the species as suc, and most of its individuals are of course what the entire breed evolved as from the beginning : scavengers. That's what we are and how we unerringly behave till we wise up enough to start working on our genome...
Guess why exactly that is "against ethics" of the scavenger species.
But seriously, free yourself from certain goals you may have set yourself, certain ideals. You don't have to be in a constant, happy relationship, (less and less people are). Do you really 'need' to be loved all the time, or is it rather attention that you need (it sure is what you get)? Analyze, and use your mind in a less emotional way, what do we have a Cortex for - to balance out our feelings, to get a grip on ourselves.
To be mean when it's necessary - not on others, but on what's killing us.
Let me add that looking for high happiness is dumb, being content is what we can reach.
Only when you reached the understanding that boredom is a luxury, can you start to be free...

I have hated people with a passion and still do from time to time. Most if not all people who wronged me when there was absolutely no right to. Let's just say i have hated certain people so much i would have blown their head off if it didn't get me jailed. My brain often times brings these memories up even if they happened ages ago.

Thing is is i never saw myself as a typical beta male ... i'm not nerdy or nerdy looking,i have a temper,i hang out in times/neighbourhoods where most people would be scared to go alone,have had run-ins with the law (mostly car related),i've only shed a tear once in 15+ years while others cry for a tv show or cry themselves to sleep . Only thing beta about me is the fact that i struggled greatly with getting a partner and go out of my way to help people relentlessly. I'm not a looker (6.5-7 at best) but i've seen loads of guy's every fucking day who are uglier,look like nerds,are way less "manly" than i am yet still lowe and behold there's a girl next to them. Like what in the world is wrong with me to never have it i don't fucking now.

I really appreciate your effort for explaining what could help me but i'm afraid i tried often times but failed. After 2 decades i really lack the energy/funds to pull myself of the gutter yet another time. As of lately i'm slowly getting rid of everything so i leave as little behind as possible or have less holding me back from ctb.

You seem to be a very knowledgeable person when it comes to how people work. What brings you here? We can continue in pm if you'd like. (i'm really cluttering OP's thread here with my own issue's)
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Jun 19, 2019
I feel you.
It can be so hard.
Don't want to bother with my issues, but I am arrived at this point because I am severely chronically ill, and after useless years of fights, I know i can't get better. I agree with the statement that i should have preferred not to be born. I am so deeply sorry for my parents and my fiancee. They will be devastated by this, and of course i can't tell them about this. But i can't stay in this condition.
It is really horrible and i know how are u feeling. if you want to vent pm me. Sorry for my English, it is not my language of course.


Oct 22, 2019
Emphatic people like you have real hard time if they are men, because to be regarded as "alpha" animals, it takes a bit of self-centered brutality... women on the whole feel unsafe with nice guys, seeing them as betas, it's an unconscious primate reflex, and we function under a hardwired neurology. most people don't understand this, having been indoctrinated with all the love-and-free-will bullshit from an early age on... as we are supposed to fall into certain roles.

This is an old thread that I have stumbled upon, but err no...I feel safe around nice men and don't view them as "beta males". Had to say that.

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