First: We?
Don't know how reliable PH is, although I did have a cousin who was successful using it, but others here on SaSu have used it to success (apparently anyway, because none of us can really know in most cases since we don't actually know anyone on here IRL).
IMO, jumping in front of a train would not be more effective, since there are too many variables that you, yourself, can't control, like deflection off the train and such. On the other hand, placing your neck on the tracks and letting a train roll over you could be very effective, but, again, that's only my opinion. One thing to consider about the train method is that you would be involving an innocent third party into your suicide (CTB) - the engineer - which *may* traumatize them. I wouldn't do that myself, but that's up to you and your values. Good luck on whatever you "all" decide is best for "all of you".
I apologize for not being clear about our Dissociative Identity Disorder in this post, we get so used to using plural pronouns and forget that a lot of people won't be familiar with it. I apologize for the confusion.
Thank you for your advice, it was really helpful. You're very right about the variables, and very very right about traumatizing the train driver and also the other people on board the train. I most definitely do not want to traumatize anyone especially when it's innocent people involved. We've just been so desperate to find a way that will be most likely to be effective, and had that guilt on hold while doing desperate research. But you're absolutely right, and the guilt about doing that has kicked in, especially now that we have thought that through and now have a plan that is much more unlikely to traumatize anyone.
Thank you!
Wildflowercloud has multiple personalities (DID). It's not a royal we, it's a perfectly good use of language.
Thank you so much for looking out for us, we really appreciate this and you! Thank you
I am honestly not a big fan of methods that have a possibility of leaving you brain damaged. But if the rope doesn't rip and you make sure that your 'end' position will not eventually stop putting pressure on your arteries then sure, why not?
Yeah that's never a nice thought, a very scary thing that is a possibility.
We have done practicing with the PH and ended up unconscious within seconds, though our ligature point was much less likely to allow things to be successful when doing a full attempt, compared to the research we've done over the past couple of days and realizing what we had wrong and have also found a place for our suicide that we believe is going to be a much more successful method of carry it out and completing it.
Thank you for your reply!
Wasn't questioing the use of language, only what was meant by "we", such as if "she/he/they" are a member of a suicide group, or something like that. That explains it. Thanks for that. I wish they would have said something in their post about it, though.
Apologies again! We will make sure to make it clearer in future posts.
PH can be effective, especially when you say you went unconscious quickly. Not everyone finds going unconscious quickly with PH, they have a lot of difficulty finding the spot.
I would say, you should practice more to make sure you are able to find the spot easily all the time. Also when the rope slips after, you need to make sure that the pressure is still held up. if these things are taken car of PH can be very reliable and relatively painless for folks who can find artery easily, like you seem to indicate.
Thank you so much for this!
We have done a lot of research into PH, which firstly lead to our practicing which was successful, but after having some hesitations about our ligature point thinking it could be likely to be unsuccessful in a full attempt, we have done further research into PH and figured out what we had wrong, and have found a place where we can do it that we like (in nature), and feel much more confident that we know what to do when it comes to the final act. However I do think you're right that practicing would be a good idea, but I know that's risky because of how quickly unconscious can happen, so I think I'll practice on the night we decide to carry it out and complete it, and hopefully it'll lead to success.
Thank you!
I was just randomly complimenting cloud's writing skills while passing by, I found this post beautifully written, although that's quite off topic. It wasn't a jab at you.
Thank you for the compliment
We really appreciate you!
jumping in front of a train would have too many variables to it, such as the other people who might step in, but also other things that are out of your control. If you guys think you can go through with hanging and actually do it properly, then we support you in it, hopefully you find peace.
That makes a lot of sense, thank you so much for your advice!
We've done extensive research into PH and feel mostly very confident about how to do it successfully. Really hoping we're right about that, but we're planning to make it as fail safe as we can. We cannot wait to finally be free and safe and at peace. Hopefully overcoming the bit of fear that remains won't take too long.
Thank you so much!