Hi Paredler.
I agree, our society is dysfunctional. Too many people care more about their own comfort rather then helping their own brothers / sisters. Everyone is out for themselves alone, I am not sure what happeend to our society, maybe it is rose-tinted glasses, but things looked more homely in the 1960s and 1970s, bar a few conflicts people weren't at eachothers throats,
A few people propouse it is the economy, or women, or this and that, but I am not sure there is a single reason, or an enemy group. I think things have just gotten worse and I am not sure why. Ironically all the tech innovations myself and fellow Generation-Z have gotten have just made things worse, dating apps mean less people are getting together, housing and hotel apps mean less people can afford a home, job aggregate websites, mean that no one can get a job...
Kind of feels like we weren't meant to be a global society and we should have just stayed local like in the 60s, but again, I don't know what has caused this, I just hope it gets better for people like us and anyone who is suffering.
I doubt it will however.