

🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
I would've been dead by age 12 if it wasn't for modern medicine. How many others here would've died long before now without medical intervention?

Many of us would've died before our problems became so severe that ctb was necessary. Legal euthanasia needs to make up for the fact that natural selection has been undone by advancements like safety warnings on products. Many people are not equipped to live a full life. it's always been that way.
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Mar 25, 2023
48 and totally agree. I'm older than most "elders" in ancient times.
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Mar 12, 2023
43 and im done with life , too bad i wasnt born when life expectancy was 40
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🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
43 and im done with life , too bad i wasnt born when life expectancy was 40
I mean you could replicate the ancient scenario. A person would scrape themselves doing gardening or something and the infection would do the job. Maybe they drank to soothe pain til death took them.
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Mar 12, 2023
I mean you could replicate the ancient scenario. A person would scrape themselves doing gardening or something and the infection would do the job. Maybe they drank to soothe pain til death took them.
I cut myself at my job often and sometimes doesn't clean and nothing happens , my body just don't want to die.
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May 10, 2023
18 months old I had a deadly case of Gastroenteritis. I would have been dead before even having long term memories.
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Apr 18, 2023
The global medical community has been too focused on extending lifespans instead of improving the quality of life. Honestly I'd rather live to 40 in perfect/near perfect health instead of living to 100 and aging naturally. When I saw Logan's Run my first thought was, "Damn I wish I lived there"
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Mar 23, 2018
The global medical community has been too focused on extending lifespans instead of improving the quality of life. Honestly I'd rather live to 40 in perfect/near perfect health instead of living to 100 and aging naturally. When I saw Logan's Run my first thought was, "Damn I wish I lived there"
It would be awesome to live in a Mall not having to work and die at 30. :hihi::heart::smiling:
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
This is an interesting claim and I think there must have been an article somewhere that states that the human isn't meant to live beyond 30-40 years. It is (just like you said) that modern advancements in medicine and technology have provided humans a long lifespan, well beyond what nature itself has intended to. Sure, it's great if one enjoys life, but for those who don't like life and wish to CTB, living long and suffering through existential suffering is not acceptable.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Yeah- I absolutely agree with you. I guess a long life might be ok if you don't develop health problems and have the finances to support it but for a lot of people- old age looks to be unpleasant.

I would have died around 6 years ago without medical intervention.

I don't know how I feel really- I guess for people who want to live and are able to maintain a decent quality of life- modern medicine is good. Still- I suppose where I take issue is- it shouldn't be compulsory. People should be equally supported if they make the choice to not fight a particular illness. They ought to still receive pain medication though and- assisted suicide where appropriate.
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Jul 29, 2021
i'd say our current problems stem from these shitty machines we all inherit if these machine could automaticly repair themselves life would be alot better if they werent destined to decay into old age and fade away, i wish we had the power to stay forever young without ever growing old or decaying, only choosing to die when we want too
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
This is a very interesting point. I had asthma and would have died almost immediately without modern medicine. That certainly would have been a blessing in disguise.

Throughout human history, average human lifespans have pretty consistently been between 20 and 40. This generally factors in infant mortality; otherwise the number might be significantly higher, such as an estimate of 55 during the Middle Ages.


Since the 20th century, life expectancy has skyrocketed. So has the human population itself, exploding from less than 2 billion in 1900 to more than 8 billion today. And if that's not enough, energy and resource-intensive human lifestyles are increasingly de rigueur across the globe also. All this is at the direct cost of the remainder of the ecosystem.


This is not to suggest discarding people at any particular age. But it certainly appears irrational and inhumane for society to demand that every human must reach the elderly age demographic regardless of their own desire, ability to make meaningful contributions or quality of life.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It's horrific how the human life expectancy is so unnecessarily long, I think it's irrational to want to be tortured by old age, and to me it's truly so nightmarish how we are programmed to continue existing despite the fact that wanting to die is perfectly logical. I hate how it's so difficult to set ourselves free from this decaying flesh prison and how it can torture us endlessly without causing us to leave this world.
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✨Invaild Pharmacy Student✨
May 7, 2023
This is a very interesting point. I had asthma and would have died almost immediately without modern medicine. That certainly would have been a blessing in disguise.

Throughout human history, average human lifespans have pretty consistently been between 20 and 40. This generally factors in infant mortality; otherwise the number might be significantly higher, such as an estimate of 55 during the Middle Ages.

View attachment 111144

Since the 20th century, life expectancy has skyrocketed. So has the human population itself, exploding from less than 2 billion in 1900 to more than 8 billion today. And if that's not enough, energy and resource-intensive human lifestyles are increasingly de rigueur across the globe also. All this is at the direct cost of the remainder of the ecosystem.

View attachment 111145

This is not to suggest discarding people at any particular age. But it certainly appears irrational and inhumane for society to demand that every human must reach the elderly age demographic regardless of their own desire, ability to make meaningful contributions or quality of life.
Keep in mind that the reason why life expectancy was so low was also the enormous amount of child mortality.
Edit: Never mind you did, I am just stupid. But yeah, if you didn't die a child you will be probably become old.
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Apr 18, 2023
It's horrific how the human life expectancy is so unnecessarily long, I think it's irrational to want to be tortured by old age, and to me it's truly so nightmarish how we are programmed to continue existing despite the fact that wanting to die is perfectly logical. I hate how it's so difficult to set ourselves free from this decaying flesh prison and how it can torture us endlessly without causing us to leave this world.
To be fair though while it's difficult for those without suicidal thoughts to understand us the converse also applies. It'd better if we just respected each other's state of mind without judging. Human life being long wouldn't be an issue if the problems that came with it weren't so insurmountable for people like us. At the same time society denies us the means to painlessly take away those problems with bullshit reasons. The absolute fucking worst are the religious pro-life cunts. Just because they see suffering as their VIP ticket to party with their jesus or allah or buddha or whatever doesn't give them any right to impose their views on the rest of society. Views which were created millennia ago and became obsolete the second we entered the age of enlightenment.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Buf, without medicine I would have died two dozen times, the first when I was only a few months old.
I guess the advances are very gradual, first you achieve the survival of the person and then improve their quality of life.. but then it means when possible (as if several centuries pass).

It's like mental illness, thanks to the research and advances that have been made since the 19th century there are many people who have a life that they can enjoy and that would not have been possible before. Now it is necessary that with the people who have not succeeded (like me) they should not be left aside and they should be taken into account for further research, since in the future there will be other people for whom the current remedies will not work either and who could benefit from current research.

Anyway, life is still incredibly short just because it keeps accelerating, it happens to a lot of people (most actually). I'm 45 and I could say I'm 27 because not so much time has passed perceptibly. And I know that "soon" I would be 75 years old... it's one of the most curious things about living, that when you seem to master it a little, it's already over.

Sometimes, when I feel good, I think that because I have to do the CTB if in two days, like who says, I will be dead. I remember why when I feel bad again.


Buf, sense medicines m'hauria mort dues dotzenes de vegades, la primera quan tenía només uns mesos.
Suposo que els avenços van molt a poc a poc, primer s'aconsegueix la supervivéncia de la persona i després millorar la seva qualitat de vida.. però després vol dir quan sigui possible (com si passen diversos segles).

Es com les malalties mentals, gràcies a les investigacions i als avenços que s'han fet desde el segle XIX hi ha moltes persones que tenen una vida que poden gaudir i que no sería possible abans. Ara fa falta que amb les persones que no ho han aconseguit pas ( com jo) no les deixin de banda i les tinguin en compte per seguir investigant, ja que en el futur hi hauràn altres persones que tampoc els hi funcionaràn els remeis actuals i que es podrien beneficiar de les investigacions actuals.

De totes maneres la vida continua sent increïblement curta només pel fet de que no para d'accelerar-se, li passa a molta gent (la majoría de fet). Tinc 45 i podría dir que tinc 27 ja que perceptiblement no ha passat pas tant de temps. I se que "aviat" tindría 75 anys... és una de les coses més curioses de viure, que quan sembla que ho domines una mica ja s'ha acabat.

De vegades, quan em trobo bé, penso que perquè he de fer el CTB si en dos dies, com qui diu, m'hauré mort. M'enrecordo de perquè quan em torno a trobar malament.
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