Buf, without medicine I would have died two dozen times, the first when I was only a few months old.
I guess the advances are very gradual, first you achieve the survival of the person and then improve their quality of life.. but then it means when possible (as if several centuries pass).
It's like mental illness, thanks to the research and advances that have been made since the 19th century there are many people who have a life that they can enjoy and that would not have been possible before. Now it is necessary that with the people who have not succeeded (like me) they should not be left aside and they should be taken into account for further research, since in the future there will be other people for whom the current remedies will not work either and who could benefit from current research.
Anyway, life is still incredibly short just because it keeps accelerating, it happens to a lot of people (most actually). I'm 45 and I could say I'm 27 because not so much time has passed perceptibly. And I know that "soon" I would be 75 years old... it's one of the most curious things about living, that when you seem to master it a little, it's already over.
Sometimes, when I feel good, I think that because I have to do the CTB if in two days, like who says, I will be dead. I remember why when I feel bad again.
Buf, sense medicines m'hauria mort dues dotzenes de vegades, la primera quan tenĂa nomĂ©s uns mesos.
Suposo que els avenços van molt a poc a poc, primer s'aconsegueix la supervivéncia de la persona i després millorar la seva qualitat de vida.. però després vol dir quan sigui possible (com si passen diversos segles).
Es com les malalties mentals, grĂ cies a les investigacions i als avenços que s'han fet desde el segle XIX hi ha moltes persones que tenen una vida que poden gaudir i que no serĂa possible abans. Ara fa falta que amb les persones que no ho han aconseguit pas ( com jo) no les deixin de banda i les tinguin en compte per seguir investigant, ja que en el futur hi haurĂ n altres persones que tampoc els hi funcionarĂ n els remeis actuals i que es podrien beneficiar de les investigacions actuals.
De totes maneres la vida continua sent increĂŻblement curta nomĂ©s pel fet de que no para d'accelerar-se, li passa a molta gent (la majorĂa de fet). Tinc 45 i podrĂa dir que tinc 27 ja que perceptiblement no ha passat pas tant de temps. I se que "aviat" tindrĂa 75 anys... Ă©s una de les coses mĂ©s curioses de viure, que quan sembla que ho domines una mica ja s'ha acabat.
De vegades, quan em trobo bé, penso que perquè he de fer el CTB si en dos dies, com qui diu, m'hauré mort. M'enrecordo de perquè quan em torno a trobar malament.