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Jul 9, 2018
I've had quite a few experiences with the ouija in my youth, including correct information, phone numbers, requesting physical proof ect. Was curious what others had experienced.
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Jun 19, 2018
Ouija boards are bullshit. They have been thoroughly debunked.
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May 31, 2018
Was curious what others had experienced.

For what it's worth, while I don't place stock in ouija boards, since lack of proof of existence is not proof of non-existence, I have to acknowledge that there could be something to them.
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Seul contre tous
Jul 23, 2018
For what it's worth, while I don't place stock in ouija boards, since lack of proof of existence is not proof of non-existence, I have to acknowledge that there could be something to them.

Ok sure. Whats my phone number? :)
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Jun 15, 2018
I tryed a Ouija board twice.It was with a group of friends.
This was when i had friends.
Could you post more about your experiences.


Jul 18, 2018
Lol ouija boreds aren't bullshit, that's impossible. People have had way too many strange experiences with them for them to be bullshit...
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Jul 8, 2018
You can get possesed by playing ouija board.
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Jun 15, 2018
@dog3000 Thanks for the video.Interesting !

I enjoy watching stuff like this.
I don't believe in Ouija boards,
but i find it nice to escape from reality
Even for just a few minutes a day.
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
@dog3000 Thanks for the video.Interesting !

I enjoy watching stuff like this.
I don't believe in Ouija boards,
but i find it nice to escape from reality
Even for just a few minutes a day.

you'll enjoy this one
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Jun 15, 2018
ZOZO :ohhhh:

@mattwitt Thanks ! i watched all of it. :)
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Jul 27, 2018
Real satanic possession through them is rare, but very possible.
I don't use them for that reason
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May 31, 2018
Life has been horrific enough. Last thing I need is to be terrified to end my own life.
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Jul 27, 2018
you gotta be fucking kidding me.
no, I'm for reals here, I have actually had really scary experiences with demons. To me it is no joke.
Of course, everyone should believe what they see fit.
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Jul 9, 2018
I tryed a Ouija board twice.It was with a group of friends.
This was when i had friends.
Could you post more about your experiences.
we were contacted by a girl named Stephanie Beth's, she said she drowned in a lake, she gave a phone number to her parents, the parents confirmed she had drowned. Another time we were able to get phone numbers of neighbors. We asked it to blow out a light which it did.
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Jun 19, 2018
we were contacted by a girl named Stephanie Beth's, she said she drowned in a lake, she gave a phone number to her parents, the parents confirmed she had drowned. Another time we were able to get phone numbers of neighbors. We asked it to blow out a light which it did.

Wow, Stephanie sounds like a spoopy skellington. Did everyone clap when... "it"(???) blew out a light?
Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
Bloody typical, English law they don't mind you being possessed by an Evil spirit but you can't buy SN, :smiling: :smiling: :smiling:

Amazon product ASIN B07MSC8D2N

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Tell my dogs I love them
May 29, 2020
ZOZO :ohhhh:

@mattwitt Thanks ! i watched all of it. :)
If ghosts turn out to be real I'll probably end up being a zozo demon if I carry all this fucking trauma with me over to the paranormal world :ahhha:
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Jul 15, 2020
I wish ouija boards weren't bullshit but I tried it with my friend a few times when I was younger and nothing happened:( I want to believe tho but nothing ever happens to me. I know there's some spiritual people that literally attract this kind of stuff and weird stuff always happens to them, I wish that could be me or that I could have a friend like that because I'd love to see something crazy
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
This is Baltimore Maryland: OUIJA

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Sep 7, 2020
I was maybe close to 16 I guess. I was with with the evil twisted abusive bf I had after my father died. We went to visit a co worker of his and co workers wife. So were sitting at the dining table with Wendy & Les drinking beer talking. Wendys younger sister and her bf were over in the living room doing something. Her younger sister tells me I was asked to tell you sorry about the tree and shit brown eyes. Well, my father had blue eyes and called me shit brown eyes or you got your mothers shit brown eyes. The night before he died we were putting up the christmas tree and his pool league called needing him to come shoot pool and he left in the middle of putting up the tree- he died in the driveway the next morning icing off the car windows to go to work. So.. that began my ouija board experience. I didn't know what it was or how it worked but it some how told me something from my father and I asked Wendys younger sister all about it.

Where we lived when my dad died (I was 15) was ohh about 250 miles or so from where I lived when this happened with Wendys sister. The house my mom bought upstate was built in the 1800's. I met the guy who lived there before us at a party. I cant remember his first name just his last Dibble. So when I met this guy he was in his early 20's I was just after I hit 16 I guess. Dibble asked me- who has the loft? I said thats my room. He said did you see the secret room in there? The loft was a room alone. In the main upstairs were 4 bedrooms- in the walk area in between the bedrooms there was steps to an open room that was the top of the house. There were maybe 8-10 steps not alot. It was a small room but I fell in love with that room when my mom bought the house. So back to this secret room... I said what secret room? it's just the loft. The loft was smaller than any of the bedrooms. He said no- take out the drawers theres a piece of sheetrock taped up. Inside there is a secret room it scared the shit outta me so I taped it up. The loft on the left side wall was about 3/4 was like cabinet doors that opened and had selves to put stuff. The other 1/4 of the wall were dresser drawers. So I pull out the drawers- and sure enough Dibble was right... theres a piece of sheetrock taped to the rest with ducktape. I get the sheetrock off and it was like I entered another dimension. Stuff in that room was OLD. I had to use a flashlight there was no windows or electric in that room. That room was beams no sheetrock so it was never redone. It reminded me of a room that people in the old days would lock away a mentally or physically disabled person to hide them away in shame. I don't remember all that was in there but it was all beyond old dusty stuff. A beyond old bedframe was in there. Of all things I found in that room- a ouija board. Not these ones you buy in this day and age.. a really OLD wooden ouija board. I took it out of that secret room. I don't remember being interested in anything else. I moved out in my 16th year so I didn't go exploring after that.

So now I have my own ouija board.. I have crazy stories! One time it wanted my friends to write down what it was saying. So 2 of us used it and the rest took turns writing. It warned me- get help now cancer. I was 17 than and at 18 I found out I had cancer. Not all of the times I messed with the ouija board was nice. Bad things happened. Bad enough it scared the daylights out of my brother and if there was a board he would run to this day over 30 years later.

ZOZO yeah... I used to think the board was getting confused or something. I messed with that board about 1988-1992. Back in I think 2015 or 2016 I saw something on youtube about a author who put out a book about zozo. I emailed this author to talk to him about it because the board would do it a lot. When it did it it made me feel.. uneasy, it would start slow z o z o as it went though it would get stronger and faster. I would just say goodbye because I thought the board wasn't able to find the letters it wanted or was confused. I didn't know what a ouija board was about until many years later. Anyway, I emailed this author and we were corresponding back and forth about 2 days. I was out running errands, my older son calls me " Ma, theres pipes in the yard gushing water. What do I do?" "what kind of pipes?" I don't know just went out with my dog and theres pipes they're black and it smells... I said get away it sounds like a sewage pipes. So I get home- now my son had a dog he took outback before work and after work every day. He spent 30 minutes in the morning with his dog out there and about an hour every day after work. Plus the before bed potty time. These pipes like emerged over night. It wasn't a big section but sure enough theres about 3 feet maybe of pipes bubbling up in the back yard. I call the water company to find out I dont have sewer I have septic... so homeowner had ot fix it. We were renting the guy refused to fix it septic company said it needed a new drainfield.. than I guess less than a week later I had my first car accident. So- I email author about zozo, talk with him 2 days these sewage pips showed up than I have an accident.. coincidence? I think not.

The one thing I spoke to most said her name was Sue she died on a rollercoaster ride at 13 yrs old. She would say Mama zoo alot. No idea why. She was friendly until I had my son in 1992. Now, probably 1988, 1989 I used the board a LOT. 1990, 1991 and 1992 not much mostly here and there. My son was about 6 months old and Sue expressed jealousy and said she was going to kill him. That ended my ouija board time. It scared me and I was done with it. It was a couple years later and I met a guy who told me all about ouija boards. I wouldn't touch one if I had known it's demons.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
. She would say Mama zoo alot.
That was probably the demon pretending to be the girl named Sue. It's name is zozo or momo or mama. I think it wants people to say it's name out loud probably. Best not to. You were lucky it didn't do worse than it did.
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Nov 20, 2020
I have used Talking Boards, or "Ouija Boards", with some success in the past. I understand that not everyone has used them successfully. I don't really recommend them. There is no telling what you're talking to, only what it claims to be. There's no promise that anything they say is true.

Playing with this sort of thing, from a philosophical standpoint, is to typically go into the wrong direction of the Occult. First, people use the thing to make contact. Just to see if it works. Then, typically, they use the thing to try to get answers to unknown questions in order to gain some better kind of control over aspects of their life not typically in their control. Control over situations that they are not the only factor of the equation in and more importantly, to gain control in some way over other people. Philosophically, that's what they are doing. This is a kind of search for power that is ethically wrong.

Ethics aside, it's dangerous to the user still. Something to understand about power, any kind of power, is it always comes from somewhere just like literally anything else. Nothing comes from nothing. Everything comes from somewhere. To seek power through the Occult always comes at a price and if that price were an easy price to pay then everyone would do it.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
zozo means blackbird in Haitian creole. Some of the demons take bird forms.
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Sep 7, 2020
That was probably the demon pretending to be the girl named Sue. It's name is zozo or momo or mama. I think it wants people to say it's name out loud probably. Best not to. You were lucky it didn't do worse than it did.

there were insane things that happened. When I watched that thing on youtube about that author and zozo- and I reached out and all that stuff happened. I wrote that author back told him about the sewage pipes and my car accident. I said I don't want to talk about zozo anymore- talking about it I'm giving it space in my life. It could have been pretending to be a girl named Sue especially she would say Mama zoo. I thought she was remembering times at the zoo with her mom. But that zozo would come in and you could feel different energy around you. as it got faster and stronger going z o z o it just made me feel really weird.
I have used Talking Boards, or "Ouija Boards", with some success in the past. I understand that not everyone has used them successfully. I don't really recommend them. There is no telling what you're talking to, only what it claims to be. There's no promise that anything they say is true.

Playing with this sort of thing, from a philosophical standpoint, is to typically go into the wrong direction of the Occult. First, people use the thing to make contact. Just to see if it works. Then, typically, they use the thing to try to get answers to unknown questions in order to gain some better kind of control over aspects of their life not typically in their control. Control over situations that they are not the only factor of the equation in and more importantly, to gain control in some way over other people. Philosophically, that's what they are doing. This is a kind of search for power that is ethically wrong.

Ethics aside, it's dangerous to the user still. Something to understand about power, any kind of power, is it always comes from somewhere just like literally anything else. Nothing comes from nothing. Everything comes from somewhere. To seek power through the Occult always comes at a price and if that price were an easy price to pay then everyone would do it.

being a clueless person when I used it it is scary. Yes, it's not something people should mess with. It is dangerous and can cause harm in many ways. I would NEVER touch another ouija board again. The 1 mediumship reading of my son that really really got me- she did say he is saying don't be shown any kind of spirit board. My son was afraid of ghosts and ouija boards. I would NEVER try to contact my son on one he isn't where those entities are.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
It got it's hooks into you. They are good at taking over lonely or vulnerable people. It is hard to tell after a time what exactly it is doing to you. If it can move your hands around on the board that means it has control of you to some extent.
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Sep 7, 2020
It got it's hooks into you. They are good at taking over lonely or vulnerable people. It is hard to tell after a time what exactly it is doing to you.

I'm 49 now I was hmm 16,17 almost 18 really using it alot, rest of 18,19, & 20 I used it very little. I haven't touched one since- because it wanted to kill my son than I learned what ouija boards were.
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I'm 49 now I was hmm 16,17 almost 18 really using it alot, rest of 18,19, & 20 I used it very little. I haven't touched one since- because it wanted to kill my son than I learned what ouija boards were.
They usually want to kill what you love. To make you suffer and possibly want to die.

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