

Wanting to find peace
Mar 28, 2024
How do you all view suicide? I know there is few that just relish the idea of death,while others absolutely fear it and see no other option than to take it

So where do you stand on the matter,which end of the scale?

And what changes in your life realistic or not would it take for you to be content or able to carry on?
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
It's a way to escape psychic or physical pain. I do view it as a last resort, because life does offer the possibility of some good experiences, but the negatives can certainly outweigh the positives, and it can get to a point where there is no other realistic way to get relief. I think it's an adult's absolute right, but I still caution against making the choice hastily. One should consider what changes can still be made to their life and what they haven't tried. Even if change is intimidating, I see it as "might as well try first."
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(ᴗ_ ᴗ。)
Nov 25, 2023
I think that suicide is always sad in a way. Essentially someone's life is so bad that they willingly end it.
But suicide is also unfairly demonised in the current society.
Anyway...I respect other people's choice to end their life. It should be a human right.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I personally don't think that suicide should always be a last resort. If somebody concluded that life isn't worth living for them even if they haven't tried everything, I think their conclusion is still a valid one to make. There shouldn't be an obligation to try everything especially since death is inevitable and we never asked to be alive in the first place. We should have our own autonomy to decide when and how we end our lives.

Also, I don't think that suicide should always be a last resort because the people who say that it should be the last resort make the argument that one should try everything because a successful suicide attempt is irreversible as it leads to death. Sure, this type of argument can apply to everything else that is irreversible but I think it's illogical to apply it to death because it's impossible to have any regrets after you're dead. Once you're dead, you can't regret having not lived instead as that isn't possible
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incapable of shutting up
May 2, 2024
I agree it should be a last resort. I mean if someone feels genuinely happy or at peace dying, then I'm not going to say that should be kept from that. But that's pretty rare, I think. I hope everyone else xhuasts all options before that, or I feel like they coulf regret itonce it's too late.

I think I need some rly big changes in society for me to feel okay with life, which is why I don't feel hopeful about it. I think too many to list. If all jobs paid living eages, if you can survive on part-time work, if they start making better meds for my conditions that actually work, if I get a little smarter, if there's free healthcare for all includnig mentalhealth, if somehow most people becam a little nicer in general, I don't know, there'd still be a lot of suffering in my life and the whole world, but maybe it'd be ok enough I could handle it.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
I personally don't think that suicide should always be a last resort. If somebody concluded that life isn't worth living for them even if they haven't tried everything, I think their conclusion is still a valid one to make. There shouldn't be an obligation to try everything especially since death is inevitable and we never asked to be alive in the first place. We should have our own autonomy to decide when and how we end our lives.

Also, I don't think that suicide should always be a last resort because the people who say that it should be the last resort make the argument that one should try everything because a successful suicide attempt is irreversible as it leads to death. Sure, this type of argument can apply to everything else that is irreversible but I think it's illogical to apply it to death because it's impossible to have any regrets after you're dead. Once you're dead, you can't regret having not lived instead as that isn't possible
I think there's a difference between an "obligation" and a recommendation. I wouldn't say anyone has an obligation to anyone else (unless you've brought dependents into the world) but I still recommend considering other options first. I don't think one should feel they have to try every single possible lifestyle change out there, but I think it would be foolish not to consider possible major changes, e.g. someone who has always lived in reliance on others may find meaning making their own way in the world.

And you're right that regrets on the part of the suicide-ee will not occur. If things could've been better, they still missed out because the pain was too great, and that would still be sad to me.
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just a girl who's kinda sad
Aug 7, 2023
I don't think any changes in my future could make me want to go on. Changes in my past, maybe. But I'm at a point where I don't even feel excitement, comfort, joy etc. so I don't think introducing anything new to my life, or changing anything, would help me. And I guess it depends on what you mean by last resort?
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
In my case I'd always prefer to not exist no matter what but I only see never existing as true perfection. Human existence is just meaningless suffering, it's tragic how life even exists at all to me, I don't believe that existence was ever a desirable state in the first place, in fact I see existence itself as the true problem with ceasing to exist being the solution to this.

To me suicide is all that feels rational to escape from the harmful, futile and cruel burden that is having the ability to exist. I just wish to be unaware for all eternity, I see no value in existing as a conscious being who is capable of suffering to the most extreme amounts destined for nothing but to decay in an existence that was always so unnecessary and pointless in the first place. For me death is the only peace, I only find comfort in death.
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Missed my appointment with Death
Mar 9, 2024
I personally don't think that suicide should always be a last resort. If somebody concluded that life isn't worth living for them even if they haven't tried everything, I think their conclusion is still a valid one to make. There shouldn't be an obligation to try everything especially since death is inevitable and we never asked to be alive in the first place. We should have our own autonomy to decide when and how we end our lives.

Also, I don't think that suicide should always be a last resort because the people who say that it should be the last resort make the argument that one should try everything because a successful suicide attempt is irreversible as it leads to death. Sure, this type of argument can apply to everything else that is irreversible but I think it's illogical to apply it to death because it's impossible to have any regrets after you're dead. Once you're dead, you can't regret having not lived instead as that isn't possible
Agreed, I don't see why someone should have to reach the point where they've lost everything before CTBing, in fact that seems almost cruel to me, especially when there's no inherent value in living a good life even if they did manage to eke one out. It's just further suffering for suffering's sake; might as well quit while you're ahead and/or cut your losses.

Suicide (assuming it's successful) is the only decision you will ever make that you don't have to live with, and that's a very powerful thing.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
There are plenty of options where I would rather choose suicide over them so I don't consider it a last resort for me at least.
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Ready to have my forever date with suicide
Oct 6, 2023
I'm on both sides of the fence, but in my case suicide feels like my only option. When I had my failed attempt and saw my life flash before me before passing out I felt nothingness and a peace I know I'll never have here. It wasn't until I woke up in the hospital and realized I wanted to finish myself off.
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
I see it as a last resort. For myself, if there is any other possible way to fix things, that should be tried and fail first. That's why I'm still here. I need to be sure that I really don't have any other choice, and I need to know that I have done all the research I can and exhausted every possibility. I don't hate life, so if I can end the pain and illness and come to terms with things some other way, I'd rather do that. Like, at least I tried as long as I could.

But I think everyone has their own definition of what is a last resort. The most important thing to me is that it should not be an impulsive decision. Death isn't an emergency because it's not going anywhere, but it can't be undone.
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Apr 13, 2024
death is an inevitability, so i'm pretty apathetic towards it. people put way too much stock in death. it makes no difference if we die tomorrow or a hundred years from now. death isn't good or bad, it just... is. how you die doesn't make a difference.

i don't know if any changes would make me glad to be alive. ironically, my debts are the only things keeping me slogging through life right now, so maybe i just have to make sure i'm in debt until i die lol
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Dark Moon

Dark Moon

Sep 21, 2022
Maybe, for me I'm finding it hard to make changes, even if I did I don't fit into the world. I also don't enjoy much of life nowadays.

I don't know if that counts as a last resort.
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