

Aug 30, 2019
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Sep 15, 2018
Yeah, I mean if a 12 yo can do it...
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First loss

First loss

Jan 28, 2019
There are very few methods that are 100% sure to succeed, like jumping off a 30+ story building. I think you need to be aware that you can fail in your attempt and adjust your plan to minimize the chances of that failure.
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I didn't ask to be here... so why can't I leave?
Jan 18, 2019
I think most of us here are procrastinating looking for a method that will be quick and painless and at the right time. But you're wrong about the body being "fragile" because of the survivors jumping off Beachy head or the Golden gate bridge. killing yourself takes work.
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Conflicted Cat

Conflicted Cat

May 23, 2019
Stop SIMPLIFYING suicide, because it really isn't that simple. If it was, most people here would have been gone already.
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Jun 27, 2019
Posts like this don't help anyone. It's just taking frustrations out on others who are suffering. There has been a lot of the "you aren't being suicidal correctly" stuff popping for a while now. Empathy goes a long way. There is no proper way to be in this situation.
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Aug 6, 2019
I'm so sorry but I'm sick of negative people who try to complicate or negatively criticize every single method.

There are about 20 times as many suicide attempts as there are successful suicides. Failed suicide attempts have serious consequences in most of the world, even without considering the potential for serious injury.

If you want to just "go for it" and hope to make it into that ~5% of people who succeed, that's your choice. Some of us would rather put the work in to be successful. I'm not about to fuck it up again, or be bounced in and out of psych wards until I eventually get it right.

Again, if you want to risk that, go for it... but I can't help but notice that people who claim suicide is simple tend to be alive, and therefore haven't successfully committed suicide, and so maybe it's not as simple as they think.
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Jul 26, 2019
I agree with you.
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Jun 7, 2019
So, Peaceful, you've been a member of this forum for two whole days and are already an expert on the serious business of suicide? Good luck with adding "informations" about your efficient plans and strategies. We will all be so grateful.
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Love is my final option
Aug 25, 2019
Suicide, no matter how you look at it, isn't simple. I wish it was because of it were simple id long have been gone. It's much easier to fail at a suicide attempt than it is to succeed.

If I see somebody is trying to learn from other people's experiences I will share my past failures so trey can learn what not to do. And how to get it right.

People are naturally curious. And there is no harm in that. If I want to ask if sn is safer than partial I will ask. And depending on what I learn I will either switch methods or I will perfect my method according to what I've learned from other people.

I've been 100% determined every time I've tried and I've still failed. So no it's not true that you will always succeed. The human body is far from fragile. We are beings who fight to survive no matter what. Or bodies are strong, resilient and survivers in the face of death. We as determined to die have to find ways to combat that fight or fought instinct. That's why we ask for help. So wet don't fail.

These kinds of threads aren't good. Don't put doubt into people's minds. We already do that to ourselves. Tri to be kind to one another. Answer questions, be friendly, support each other, love one another. Don't tell us that we're wrong for trying to find a safe way out.
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
I think we have to perhaps take that statement and analyse it a bit more as I read it in a different way to others and see both sides of the conversation. I can't speak for others so this is my own opinion. If given the choice I am sure we would all love to go to our local pharmacist, get N for the cost of the loose change you have in your pocket and leave by a peaceful method. But we can't. So again this is my own opinion reading Peacful_Sam's entry and my thought journey since I joined the site. First read about N. Wow! exactly what I want.....oh dear, seems I have more chance of catching a unicorn fart in a bucket made from Higgs Boson particles. So then I explored other methods that suited the manner in which I would feel comfortable in doing, which led me to SN. So I have become parental to that method (perhaps even a tad obsessed) in making the plan for its execution. There are a bunch of conversations going on in parallel about that method and it seems that they are cross referencing each other and perhaps at times a bit of chinese whispers creeps in and the story or facts get diluted or change a bit. I can understand that, any discussion about a preferred method is charged with eagerness because of the attachment those kindred spirits feel for it. So putting words into Sam's mouth, I can see a few times where I have looked at a few statements about SN and thought 'back to square one' before correcting myself and sticking to the plan.

Here is what i plan to do in my event: Going to make a list of my prep, what I did in the form of a list of instructions and post it and hope I keep the resolve at the time I feel now to go through with it. If I don't return to the forum then perhaps someone can cut and paste it into a pinned resources message to help others. If it fails, then I would come back on and post why, and be truly honest as I can to why it failed, including if I lost my nerve and sought intervention. I think I can be brutally honest as nobody here knows me so I have no shame in that respect. But to leave a resource of information that could be used as a valid source of data for others would be good. There are already some details of observed SN exits from PPeh, but are rarely mentioned in SN discussions. And I know there are a few ways I can fail, the SN purchased maybe a bag of flour with a bit of salt thrown in, I may get the dosage wrong, my delayed emails to the relevant people may go wrong and be sent immediately alerting people to what I am up to. There are many reasons why I believe i can be in the 95% of failed attempts. But with the help of this forum I truly hope I get into that important 5%.

Its a fantastic forum and I think I learnt more in a night's reading it that I have messing around on other sites picking up bits and pieces. But the common theme that I see from everyone is the surety and correct way to execute a method to make sure the % is more in our favour. So i am not defending or promoting either points of view shown here. But what I know about myself, if someone gave me a manual on how to do my method properly, it will be the first time I would have fully read one, and this comes from a man who built a lot of flat pack furniture incorrectly!

And I would also say at times we need to agree to disagree. This is in essence a support forum. We should be helping each other in whatever way we can.
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Jun 27, 2019
Because being an old member on ''this forum'' is what makes you a suicide expert? Right?
Learn how to read between the lines and stop replying just to reply.

It's more about treating people decently. If you barged into any gathering and starting declaring things angrily about how people should be you are going to get some push back. When you start arguing with people it makes it worse. People who do that usually WANT the fight. If you in fact don't...then it's best to adjust your tack. Treat others as you want to be treated.
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misery factory
Nov 15, 2018
Honestly if people making you aware of the risks of failing are making it harder for you to do it then you probably haven't thought it through enough, and aren't ready to do it. Suicide is serious, there are risks, and it is permanent. Don't simplify it
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
I'm so sorry but I'm sick of negative people who try to complicate or negatively criticize every single method. If It didn't work for you because you did it wrong you don't have to tell people that it doesn't work or that they might fail because you are making things harder for them.
If you are serious about your decision, you will make a good plan and you will 100% succeed with any method. The human body is so fragile, It doesn't matter how healthy it is.
There are people in the world that doesn't even have internet. They do it with a thin rope and succeed.
So please stop complicating methods.
definitely disagree, ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVENT FAILED A CTB; the aftermath of a ctb is 10x worse than you're life going into a ctb.

why the fuck wouldn't you stop someone from going the through the same situation that you or others have gone through? thats the dumbest shit iv ever seen. id rather someone successfully CTB with effeciency, instead of leaving room for mistakes, even the slightest and somehow being caught or literally becoming a vegetable.

Theres a reason why all these megathreads of methods are AS DETAILED AS POSSIBLE.
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Love is my final option
Aug 25, 2019
It's more about treating people decently. If you barged into any gathering and starting declaring things angrily about how people should be you are going to get some push back. When you start arguing with people it makes it worse. People who do that usually WANT the fight. If you in fact don't...then it's best to adjust your tack. Treat others as you want to be treated.
You shouldn't come onto a forum for people with like minds trying to tell them they are wrong for wanting peace. Do you really think by telling us we're all doing it wrong is going to earn you brownie points with the compassionate people on this forum?

Bro listen. We're family here. We all support each other and help each other.

Nine inch nails song "the fragile" says it best... "I won't let you fall apart!" "It's something I have to do. Before everything else. I was like you!"

That's how this forum should be. Not letting each each other fall apart. And mowing this last act we have to do we acknowledge the fact that we're all like each other.

Don't bash our methods. Especially if you haven't tried and failed before. Because most of us have fallen into that 95% category. And we are all trying to become part of that 5% statistic. And in order yup achieve that we all have to support each other and learn from one another. And most importantly, we have to love and understand this community of beautiful people.

Please don't come on here and tell us we're wrong for wanting to achieve s common goal.

We're all at peace here. Even though our lives are in turmoil we can still find s sense of peace in this community.
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żyję cicho krwawiąc
Aug 28, 2019
anyone can fail. but if i hadn't come onto this thread, i'd most likely be in hospital with a lot of pain right now. i think you take it way too hard when someone tells you the risks, the curse of killing yourself is that it's both easy and difficult. i've failed 19 times in total. now that i'm here, more informed, i'm confident my next attempt will be last. people aren't doing it to make your life harder, they mean well and just want you to get to your goal.
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żyję cicho krwawiąc
Aug 28, 2019
Yes I understand you and I totally agree with you! These people forget we are all here for the same freaking reason. I noticed that a lot of people tell others that their method will fail even if its proven that it fatal. I'm not agains't helping by showing the person the cons but you should be sure about your critic not just critic to critic.
i'm not disagreeing with you! but it's very hard to determine what will work for one person, and someone else. i can sit here and say od on cocodamol wont work because ______ but then one of my old friends od'd on 40 and died in his sleep overnight. that's why it's a curse.
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Love is my final option
Aug 25, 2019
Did you even read my freaking post and understand what I meant or did you just like others replied just to reply???
Bro listen.
I read your thread. I'm not just replying. I'm stating a fact. We as a community need to support each other. Wet don't need to plant seeds of doubt in our methods.

I'm one of the kindest, most loving people you'll ever meet. My mission is to let others know they have somebody that loves them. That understands them. That cares for them in their last moments.

If you're gonna come on here and fight with everybody then you probably don't belong here.
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
There is a quote in my country that says '' Anyone who calls themselves good is probably Not''. Now you know this! And the proof is your replies.
I'm free to share my opinion about something I think is an issue. I am not responsible of what you think! And who you are to show me where I belong and where I don't?

Hahaha I really don't need to fight here.. I've been fighting people for years and still doing it in real life. Don't worry about that! My nickname is ' Peaceful '' but I'm actually not.
If you read all my replies you will notice that I either ignore a comment or reply with respect (I'm not responsible of your sensitivity)
explain to me how wanting for someone not to commit a mistake and ensure effeciency in CTBING, and not facing the consequences of a post-aftermath is a bad thing.

everytbing that centerism said is facts. no one heres being cautious on purpose. we dont want people to FURTHER SUFFER; which is why theres an emphasis on detail.

why risk a mistake, even a slim one? when there MIGHT BE A BETTER WAY THAT MINIMIZES RISK AND IS MUCH MORE EFFECIENT. just why?
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Jul 7, 2019
there is a huge difference between complicating methods and trying to warn people about the risk of failing.

specially because failing is one of the most heartbreaking, crippling, punishing and traumatizing experiences. there is so much you can loose by failing. those of us who have experienced it know it better than anyone.

and i disagree with your point about the fragility of the human body, i've seen some horrible shit happen to people and them surviving it, even I with my terribly fragile and ill body managed to survive loosing 4 litters of blood and also an overdose. some people even survive falling from fucking planes!

most of us telling people that their method is not good enough or that they lack preparation are just saying so to spare them from more suffering.
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
there is a huge difference between complicating methods and trying to warn people about the risk of failing.

specially because failing is one of the most heartbreaking, crippling, punishing and traumatizing experiences. there is so much you can loose by failing. those of us who have experienced it know it better than anyone.

and i disagree with your point about the fragility of the human body, i've seen some horrible shit happen to people and them surviving it, even I with my terribly fragile and ill body managed to survive loosing 4 litters of blood and also an overdose. some people even survive falling from fucking planes!

most of us telling people that their method is not good enough or that they lack preparation are just saying so to spare them from more suffering.

failing and the AFTERMATH of a ctb is hell. its worse of a life than actually A LIFE GOING INTO UR CTB METHOD for some.

i never knew it was such a bad thing to actually help someone, with something thats as big as killing yourself lmao.
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Jul 7, 2019

failing and the AFTERMATH of a ctb is hell. its worse of a life than actually A LIFE GOING INTO UR CTB METHOD for some.

i never knew it was such a bad thing to actually help someone, with something thats as big as killing yourself lmao.

right? it is literally THE most important decision in one's life and arguably the one with the most consequences.

helping people and getting help doing it right is the reason why we are all here.
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
My post was to people who confuse others or make them lost by telling them a method doesn't work just because they failed, without giving helpful reasons.
This post just showed me more the reality of people!
I actually made a mistake by wasting my time replying to '' some not all'' of these replies.
how do you confuse others or make them lost, by educating them and helping them? you're helping someone when you're telling them the mistakes of you're own experience. others are helping someone when there telling them there mistakes, what OTHERS also did wrong. its educational. Its informing someone. its wanting someone to 100 percent ctb with minimal risk, because you don't want them to endure the aftermath and consequences of a failed ctb.

define helpful reasons please.

helping someone with past known mistakes, documented from there own and the experience of others, as well as an emphasis on attn to detail based on fact is equivalent to a lack of helpful reasoning.

am i high? wtf am i even reading lmfao.
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
Now I'm 100% sure you didn't read my reply. And that's your fuc*king problem people!! Because If you read it again you will notice that I said '' people who said the method doesn't work without giving helpful reasons''.' 'WITHOUT GIVING FREAKING HELPFUL REASONS.
Now gtfo!
its ironic how you stated i didnt read ur reply, yet i actually noted you're words, "HELPFUL REASONS" in my reply^ and asked you to define in your own words what that means if people replying with their own helpful reasons INCLUDING there own experiences and others werent enough.

but it seems like you went batshit blind and forgot to read what i said, while saying that i didnt read what you said.

pass me what ur smoking, cause ur high out of ur fucking mind lmfaooo.
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
Define HELPFUL REASONS.. Cause this sh*t needs definition.
You know what? Live or die.. Succeed or fail I don't give a freaking damn!!!!

hope you find peace.
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
I think this thread has reached its conclusion. Can't tell you all to stop as you all have the freedom of speech but others including myself might find it a bit distressing now


Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
I think this thread has reached its conclusion. Can't tell you all to stop as you all have the freedom of speech but others including myself might find it a bit distressing now
dont think thats gonna help. this is only from a span of a few hours.

gonna be plenty of more replies to come for sure. Dont really expect anything less from a topic like this.
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Sep 15, 2018
right? it is literally THE most important decision in one's life and arguably the one with the most consequences.

helping people and getting help doing it right is the reason why we are all here.
Be careful of fake advice
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