
May 24, 2018
When we look at the thread on why suicides fail something that keeps coming up is survival instict.

That is, these people decided CTB was in their best interest, even so, they couldn't go through with it. Following that simplistic description a lot of other irrational apprehensions have failed my attempts before they even started in a similar manner,
that is, by preventing me from going through with things I've already decided are in my best interest,
that is, not by changing my mind about CTB but just holding me back, EVEN IF I STILL THINK IM BETTER OF DEAD.

You've probably faced similar "instincts" holding you back from even initiating your attempts, lets talk about how to overcome these.
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May 24, 2018
Ill start.

General tip 1: Alcohol helps a shit ton because it helps you go through with general tip 2:
General tip 2: Once youve made up your mind dont keep doubting yourself, I've tried to stop obsessing over whether its the right call and its made me more confident. Drawback is that being impulsive might lead to you making the wrong call, but survival instincts are so strong that I dont aee a choice.

Specific tip: Guilt, I've been an atheist for a while and dont believe in the soul or anything of the sort. Even so ive had a kind of moral apprehension about killing myself because of its effect on my family (mom will be sad as the meme goes). The best way to overcome this for me has been
1. Stop subscribing to a moral system that always holds you accountable for other peoples happiness. Ive convinced myself I have first right over my life and even if giving away what belongs to me causes despair i need not feel any obligation over the suffering i cause my parents.

Id find living for others commendable but wont let myself agree to the notion that living (or not) for yourself, without DIRECTLY harming others is wrong.

practically, something that helps me internalize this view is reinforcing the fact, to myself, that i wont be around for the despair they pace. it. Is. Not. My. Concern.
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Jul 9, 2018
3. Get yourself convicted of a crime, it's like being banished from society while being forced to live within it.
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Aug 26, 2018
Going full suspension this time with loads of vodka, not partial. Just going for it and pray that it's my time..
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Seul contre tous
Jul 23, 2018
Ill start.

Stop subscribing to a moral system that always holds you accountable for other peoples happiness. Ive convinced myself I have first right over my life and even if giving away what belongs to me causes despair i need not feel any obligation over the suffering i cause my parents.. Is. Not. My. Concern.

Best notion EVER!
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
drugs and alcohol!
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Mar 17, 2018
Every time a thought is born you are born. When the thought is gone, you are gone
But the 'you' does not let the thought go, and what gives continuity to this 'you' is the thinking

Thought is your enemy. When thought is finished, you die
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Nov 6, 2018
Uncertainty. You want to ctb, but worry that you're making a mistake: worried (a) that if you just soldiered for a while longer, it will get better, (b) even if it doesn't get better, it really still isn't bad enough to justify ctb, (c) fear of afterlife, (d) guilt about parents, etc..
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sassy and sarcastic-y
Dec 10, 2018
Look at it as just another task. Like a homework assignment or preparing food. Disassociate. Don't think too much (I know I know, easier said than done). Zen it out and think of the relief to you. With everything there will be some pain. Momentary. Don't dissuade yourself.

Reiterating that what others feel or think, how your body looks after is not your concern. One, you'll be gone and we all look like shit dead. Two, the story will always twist and someone will use it. Feelings will be hurt. You aren't around so don't give a fuck. Think of you and only you.
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Aug 14, 2018
It's strange because what stops me is this feeling it needs to get worse..like it not justifiable at the moment because things aren't that bad. I took a overdose when I was 16 of about 100 paracetamol...it was so easy because like SiArc said I just made it part of my routine..I had my first day at new shit job and got home and thought I can't do this anymore so I took a bottle of Malibu (so 16 ) and took the pills and then said good night to my parents and went to my friends house and watched a movie..thinking so nievely I would just go to sleep that night and never wake up. I think that's what made the act so easy it was just like ok..I'll take these pills and then carry on- you put too much thinking into it fear will always stop you
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Age 24 My time has come. I'm going to ctb with N
Dec 6, 2018
It's strange because what stops me is this feeling it needs to get worse..like it not justifiable at the moment because things aren't that bad. I took a overdose when I was 16 of about 100 paracetamol...it was so easy because like SiArc said I just made it part of my routine..I had my first day at new shit job and got home and thought I can't do this anymore so I took a bottle of Malibu (so 16 ) and took the pills and then said good night to my parents and went to my friends house and watched a movie..thinking so nievely I would just go to sleep that night and never wake up. I think that's what made the act so easy it was just like ok..I'll take these pills and then carry on- you put too much thinking into it fear will always stop you
I agree.
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