
Jul 13, 2019
Of course we all want to leave when we're at peace. This can be very hard to attain, but I always wanted to somehow prepare for my exit and never wanted to leave when I'm a mess. I just want to go through some type of cleansing and leave in peace. When I was younger it was harder for me attain a peace of mind, but I seem to have found my peace. Not only found it in death, but in my spirit. There are times I'm such a wreck and get so desperate to leave, but I know the sensible thing to do is to leave when I'm at peace. There are times I have so much peace inside of me and I feel it's perfect timing to exit, but unfortunately my CTB methods never seem to be available.
I don't want to die when I'm angry and I never want to make that decision based on another person, it's has to be all for my own peace and 100% my choice.

Does anyone feel this way?
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Still searching
Jun 18, 2019
I agree with this. I'm planning my CTB to be an act of self love, not an act of hate, fear, or anger.

For what it's worth I feel that if my soul is at peace when I cross over that whatever afterlife there may be will be a little easier to adapt to. And if there isn't anything else, then my final moments will at least give me a smile.

Painless methods, peaceful surroundings, and good personal reasons. Maybe even try meditating at the end, get into that nice quiet mind state and just let it slip away in that moment.

Still trying to find the method that looks like an accident, but is still quick and painless. Haven't settled on one yet.
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
I see it more and more as something to look forward to. It will likely be another few months, and I'm slowly getting into the mood.
I have the little room prepared, the lethal setup is ready and I'm beginning to make it as comfortable as a small spaceship.
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Jul 2, 2019
Funny, I always say my CTB is done out of self-love and a way to preserve my dignity. Honestly, because of free will, I know regardless of my state of mind when I leave, I can truly decide where I want to go. I don't know exactly where home is, but I will find it and it will find me, too. I refuse to play by the rules in this world. No such thing as destiny, I will do whatever I want to do and I will go to my true HOME once I exit for good.

I know everyone has to experience things on their own in order to believe something, but an afterlife definitively exists, but it can be just as tricky and manipulative as this this world I have discovered through my own spiritual discoveries( more like re-discoveries,I should say). One just has to be strongminded and call for their true home, instead of believing anyone/anything that you come across after passing over. I'm not gonna die for nothing. I have nothing to lose, I will go all the way, by keeping focus on finding HOME and not let whoever meets me mislead me, so they can try to manipulate me. I know it sounds cryptic, but the rabbit hole goes so deep, it's hard to explain. Reincarnation is real and we must make sure this is our LAST life and not be mislead by the same tricks that led us into this hellhole again. Don't be fearful, the forces that recycle human souls are parasites that need harvest OUR energy. What does that tell you? They're nothing but parasitic leeches that need OUR suffering that creates their life energy/fuel to exist. If the whole of humanity knew this, this world would no longer exist.

I know this will fly over many people's heads, but for those who had inklings it and for those that are open, I hope this will reach you. Those that seek truth always tends to find it.

Did you take a drug to reach these conclusions?
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Exit Strategist
Mar 29, 2019
Funny, I always say my CTB is done out of self-love and a way to preserve my dignity. Honestly, because of free will, I know regardless of my state of mind when I leave, I can truly decide where I want to go. I don't know exactly where home is, but I will find it and it will find me, too. I refuse to play by the rules in this world. No such thing as destiny, I will do whatever I want to do and I will go to my true HOME once I exit for good.

I know everyone has to experience things on their own in order to believe something, but an afterlife definitively exists, but it can be just as tricky and manipulative as this this world I have discovered through my own spiritual discoveries( more like re-discoveries,I should say). One just has to be strongminded and call for their true home, instead of believing anyone/anything that you come across after passing over. I'm not gonna die for nothing. I have nothing to lose, I will go all the way, by keeping focus on finding HOME and not let whoever meets me mislead me, so they can try to manipulate me. I know it sounds cryptic, but the rabbit hole goes so deep, it's hard to explain. Reincarnation is real and we must make sure this is our LAST life and not be mislead by the same tricks that led us into this hellhole again. Don't be fearful, the forces that recycle human souls are parasites that need harvest OUR energy. What does that tell you? They're nothing but parasitic leeches that need OUR suffering that creates their life energy/fuel to exist. If the whole of humanity knew this, this world would no longer exist.

I know this will fly over many people's heads, but for those who had inklings it and for those that are open, I hope this will reach you. Those that seek truth always tends to find it.
…. so you say. what are you? I have to wonder if you are intentionally fucking with peoples' heads here. this post should be deleted.
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
Did you take a drug to reach these conclusions?

Some people have an ample supply of endorphines, a few choose creative ways to start off careers as prophets.
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Jul 13, 2019
Did you take a drug to reach these conclusions?

No, never done drugs. It was just my spirit, in this human body, re-awakened and RE-discovered what us humans were made to forget. That's how it feels.
All my existence, this life and past lives, I have felt trapped on earth and felt homesick for a place that I didn't know the name of or could quite recall, but I have always known it exists. We're living in a matrix. Watch the Matrix or The Truman Show, that's the only examples that felt exactly like what I felt all my life. I actually cried watching those movies as a kid, because I know earth is not our home and we have to face all this evil in this world and wanting to just go home all the time. Through the internet I have seen people who the same epiphanies and re-awakenings. It's amazing. I felt so alone in the world even when surrounded by people, because they're so deeply programmed in the "matrix" and don't remember who they are.

Don't let the world steal your dreams. A beautiful place filled with love, peace and justice really exists! You just have to seek it.

Don't take anything I say as fact, everyone should do their own research and use their discernment. This theory or belief is the ONLY thing that resonated within deepest part of me and suddenly everything made sense. I have looked into pretty much every faith, religion, theory, because I wanted to know what is the purpose of human existence and why the world is the way it is, I found it. Suddenly, everything within me clicked. This is it. Nothing has ever made more sense or been that clear than this theory/belief.
…. so you say. what are you? I have to wonder if you are intentionally fucking with peoples' heads here. this post should be deleted.

What do you mean "what are you"? I am a spirit in a human body as are you. I'm not fucking with anyone. Why I do that here of all places. Dreamcatcher seemed to be spiritually awake, so I share some of my findings. What about my posts bothers you so much that you feel it needs to be deleted?
Some people have an ample supply of endorphines, a few choose creative ways to start off a career as prophets.

Lol. It's up to people to use their own discernment like I said. This is what resonates with ME and other people. It's not a very popular belief and I never pushed this down anyone's throats. DreamCatcher seemed receptive and maybe she/he had inklings about this before, so I shared what I found out. You have to choose whatever resonates with you.

Seems like I hit a nerve, judging by some of your reactions here. Must be some truth to it ;)
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Coração Vagabundo
Oct 8, 2018
It describes exactly the problem human 'intelligence' has with reality - there is a need to parse it somehow, and reality bites.
It can be depressing and on the whole it's not always fun, so many people, maybe most, sort of constantly distract themselves.
If they're not successful people, it's their only way to be happy or to be even relaxed - humans have it harder than most animals because they are better able to guess at the future, discern several possibilities... and that fills them with constant Angst.
There must be an antidote ? Positive thinking. The mother of positive thinking - delusion.
Organized delusion. A human right, so essential that humans cannot live without.
Religion. A universe of dreams.
Only weirdos would refuse it - let's cut off their heads before they talk us out of it.
Most people don't have the fantasy to create a wonderful delusion, and so they follow those who do. Prophets.
Others are just too based and have actually understood physics, anthropology and neurology, and they will have no chance to take part in these beautiful dreams of an astral soul happy to be home soon - I understand the workings too well to work myself into a delusional feeling of elation.
Then again... wouldn't it be nice ?
All my life I have been a bad sleeper, and all my life I have loved to sleep - but I suffered from the curse of overthinking.
I'm really looking forward to the big indisturbable sleep, as opposed to an eternal human society, exactly like this one, only without hate speech.
What a profoundly stupid and completely horrible concept that is - to be a happy ape, forever on dopamine.
Not having to suffer this alone makes me look forward to The Big Sleep with aching desire...
A state in which the molecules making up these neural circles dissolve and go their different ways.
Ah, entropy - quantum foam, take me home !
Perchance to dream ? No way in heaven ;)
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I would prefer to leave the world when I'm 100% at peace, however, that is simply not always feasible. Sometimes, if I'm too complacent, then I might not have the will to power through and catch the bus. Also, yes my environment and others do have some weight on my life, so by cutting it out completely is just unrealistic. While ultimately, I make the final decision on my life, whether to continue it or not, other things may sway my decision and it is never just one thing but multiple things. So in short, it is still my decision, but others and the environment (as well as circumstances in life) DO play an impact in my decision.


Jul 24, 2019
I agree with you. Previously I was rushing to ctb but I need to slow it down and prepare. I will know when I am ready and I will feel at peace at that time.

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