Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
So I've posted my story before but a quick rundown. I've been seperated from my family for a month now with zero contact under a RO. Me and the wife had a yelling match basically and now I can't return home by order of law.

I've been doing everything I'm supposed to before our hearing to either extend or dissolve this order. Counseling, no alcohol, no contacting even my kids, no fun at all.

But it's been a month and I'm already going absolutely fucking insane here. I've tried to reach out to her which she could've had me locked up for but hasnt. I honestly don't care if she does have me locked up again, 13 years of marriage and she can't even give me an answer of what the hell is going on.

I'm basically just waiting to see if she extends this order and tries to file for divorce. At which point I kill the fuck out of myself anyways. I'm getting tired of waiting and trying to better myself for something that's probably inevitable anyways.

So today I went to a really nice restaurant for breakfast and I'm going to drown myself in copious amounts of alcohol, smoke some weed, blast some killer music, and just say fuck it. I'm probably just waiting to die anyways.
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The Temporary Problem is Life
Oct 24, 2019
That's rough. I hate how the family courts work. Kinda fucked my friend over when got divorced. He actually made out well even though it still sucks.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
That's rough. I hate how the family courts work. Kinda fucked my friend over when got divorced. He actually made out well even though it still sucks.

It's totally fucked, they treat you like an animal even though I wear tailored suits and she shows up in home clothing. I carry myself way better but they always favor the woman.

I just wish she would tell me if it's over or not so I can end this shit already if it is. Why waste my time going to counseling and all this trying to make it work if it's already over. I'm dead and I probably don't even know it yet.
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
Personally I would give it time. If trust has broken down between you and your wife, then it needs to be rebuilt. The fact she didn't report you breaking the order could be seen as a good sign. Trust takes time to rebuilt. It's your actions now rather than words that would be the foundation for this. Maybe through the right channels reach out to her and tell her you want to rebuild this trust. Ask how this can be achieved, ask what evidence would she need to see you have put all your effort into this for the sake of the family. Falling off the wagon now I don't think will be a long term win for you. You need to learn how to get through these days without the crutch of drink and drugs.

I have had a similar experience being separated from the family. So I can say with my hand on my heart, it does not really help.
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The Temporary Problem is Life
Oct 24, 2019
Oh, yes they do. If my friend's ex cried, every service was available. If he tried to get assistance from the same placed it was, nope.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Personally I would give it time. If trust has broken down between you and your wife, then it needs to be rebuilt. The fact she didn't report you breaking the order could be seen as a good sign. Trust takes time to rebuilt. It's your actions now rather than words that would be the foundation for this. Maybe through the right channels reach out to her and tell her you want to rebuild this trust. Ask how this can be achieved, ask what evidence would she need to see you have put all your effort into this for the sake of the family. Falling off the wagon now I don't think will be a long term win for you. You need to learn how to get through these days without the crutch of drink and drugs.

I have had a similar experience being separated from the family. So I can say with my hand on my heart, it does not really help.

Thank you brother, I'm not off the wagon since there's no way anyone will know anyways. I'm not an alcoholic and if she does take me back I'm done for good.

Pre trial supervision saw me show up in a 1,000$ suit and hasn't even considered testing me honestly. Two meetings and they never even tested me once although they were supposed to. People are so fake, you dress nice and they treat you so nice and smile. Except for the court and judge, they just see a man vs a woman.

I'm generally a well centered individual. With morals, integrity, consciousness, thoughtfulness, all that shit. But eventually life will push you but so far. I'm not gona do anything too crazy or drastic, not in this frame of mind. But damn man one person can only take so much.

I just need to vent this out...
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
Sadly this story comes up more and more in this world, regardless of what country you live in. The weaponizing of children should be against the law. It's disgusting. If the children were given some say in the matter, this would not happen. I feel for you my friend with every fibre of my being. I truly hope your story goes forward in a different direction to how mine did. Even though for me this is only one of the three reasons I have reached this point, i can't help feeling that their presence in my life would have made things different, given me more motivation perhaps to overcome the other two big things. But I will never know now.
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Nov 1, 2019
Just to say I feel your pain brother. Enjoy the weed and music. That situation is fucked up. You have every right to say fuck it.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Sadly this story comes up more and more in this world, regardless of what country you live in. The weaponizing of children should be against the law. It's disgusting. If the children were given some say in the matter, this would not happen. I feel for you my friend with every fibre of my being. I truly hope your story goes forward in a different direction to how mine did. Even though for me this is only one of the three reasons I have reached this point, i can't help feeling that their presence in my life would have made things different, given me more motivation perhaps to overcome the other two big things. But I will never know now.

I've seen it myself a bunch of times, I talked to one of my only best friends lastnight and he's about to face the same damn thing. I couldn't make this up if I tried. I'm not sexist but stuff like this #metoo crap is killing families and relationships. Woman wonder why men never want to marry or settle down anymore and it's because of crap like this.

Everyone wants equal rights until the equal rights take something from them.

Just to say I feel your pain brother. Enjoy the weed and music. That situation is fucked up. You have every right to say fuck it.

Thank you brother I will, again I just need this day to vent some of it off. I'm tired of being treated like the criminal in this situation. Locked up, charged a bunch of money, lose every possession I have, lose my family by court order. When she knows damn well too that she was drinking and yelling just as much as I was.

I didn't even bother to hire a lawyer for this because the courts are gona steamroller me if I even try. It would just waste more money. So I basically have to play ball with a smile on my face. "Yes your honor, fuck me harder please!"

Driving 100+mph down the wrong side of the interstate with a bottle of jack daniels between my legs and a trunk full of cocaine. That's how my life feels right now.
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