I had it badly for a long time. Loops that would go half the night till 3am, with a split second of satisfaction, only for the thoughts to start all over again I would sit and cry and look up vids on YT how to stop. Got addicted for 2 of those years to Xanax, then had to wean. Not fun. Affected relationships, everything. One of the reasons I'm here is because I have so much regret that I can't get over.
Best thing I can tell you is OCD has to be quit cold turkey. Seriously. It's not easy I know firsthand. But seriously next thought say, "Fuck you OCD!" Keep saying it. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. It persists, "I said fuck off!" Refuse to give into it. It will be HARD but not impossible because when you stop giving in, it WILL let up. Not right away but it will, a little at a time. One day, you will look back at the loops, trances and rituals and think WTF I was diagnosed with severe OCD, so for me to be able to write this now is a miracle. But really, OCD exists only in your mind. Your mind becomes your worst enemy. Put a rubber band around your wrist. Snap it hard every time there's a thought and say "Fuck you OCD!" preferably out loud. You will be snapping and cursing A LOT at first. It will ease up and you won't believe it and you will think wow I can't believe I was a prisoner to this and let it affect my relationships and my life. I have too many regrets to forgive myself, so start trying real hard to kick it now before the regrets make it too much to go on. Good luck! You got this!