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Bleak Stoic

Bleak Stoic

Goodbye, Cruel World.
Dec 22, 2019
Most of you know that shooting yourself isn't exactly rocket science. But unfortunately even this method is not fool proof and if done improperly can leave you much worse off than before.

So I'm going to show you all the no bullshit methods to shoot yourself so none of you wind up effectively lobotomized or with half your face blown off, as well as give a brief scientific rundown on why that is so you know I'm not bullshitting you.

To keep this thing short, sweet, and to the point this manual will be divided up in 2 segments: What Works, and What Doesn't.

Here we go:


What Works:

When you shoot yourself, your goal is always to hit the brainstem. Here are the reasons:

1. It is the most essential part of the brain and controls nearly all functions necessary for survival. Your breathing, heartrate, autonomic functions, and even consciousness itself through the Reticular Activating System.

Screenshot 20201006 221140 Samsung Internet

2. The brain stem is surrounded by the largest and main arteries that supply blood to your brain like the Posterior Cerebral Artery. If the bullet or the tremendous kinetic energy pings these arteries open you are 100% done for.

29556 0550x0475
4 9 5

Now that we established that your brainstem is the goal, let me tell you how to do it:

1. The most reliable way by far, is through the roof of the mouth. Put the barrel of your gun into your mouth directly parallel to the floor, now tilt it back at roughly a 45° angle. Steady it in your hands and squeeze the trigger. BANG! Lights out.

I created some diagrams to show the angle you are going for:

20201006 214831
20201006 223839

2. Though the parietal bone. This is more tricky to do with more room for error, so I don't recommend it. But you can shoot yourself from the side of your head and humanely kill yourself. I will go into how its possible to mess this up in the next section. Here is the area you're going for:

20201006 214850
20201006 214530

As you can see, the easiest way to achieve this angle is to place the barrel of the handgun directly above your ear, at roughly eye level. If done correctly this will also accomplish the goal of hitting the brainstem.

In conclusion for this section:

The brainstem is obviously the best way to do it. Any reasonably powerful handgun round, rifle round, or shotgun load will accomplish this feat. But by far I reccomend you use a 12 or 10 gauge shotgun with a .00 buckshot load. If you do choose a handgun round, I highly recommend using hollowpoint +p bullets to maximize energy transfer and tissue damage, and no less than the 9mm cartridge. As for rifle rounds, there aren't many hollowpoint bullets in standard rifle calibers. But pretty much any big game hunting cartridge will do it.


What Doesn't Work:

1. Shooting yourself under the chin. Just don't do it. Please. To be honest I'm not even sure how this method became so popularly depicted as a humane way to kill yourself, seeing how many people have blown half thier face off and wound up with a life much more worse then the life they tried to end.

Here is why you should NEVER EVER shoot yourself under the chin. To fully impress upon you just how badly you can fuck this up, I feel that showing you some NSFW imagery is necessary:

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Useless piece of trash
Dec 5, 2019
Holy ****, those images made me sick. Perhaps you put them in a spoiler with a warning? There are others that may view it as excessive gory.

Thanks for putting this together for the community though! Very useful information, really!
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Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
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Bleak Stoic

Bleak Stoic

Goodbye, Cruel World.
Dec 22, 2019
2. Shooting yourself in the temple:

More people survive this then you'd like to think. The frontal lobes of the brain are the least essential to survival and in some cases (like that of Phineas Gage) you can blow out basically your entire frontal lobe and survive for literally decades afterwards.

Take this case for example:

20201006 232235

He looks pretty dead, right? WRONG. Here is a case of a man who lost most of his frontal cortex during an accidental firearm discharge and lived:

Screenshot 20201006 220355 Samsung Internet Screenshot 20201006 220307 Samsung Internet

This is the explanation I wanted to elaborate on in the previous section as to why shooting yourself in the side of the head is achievable, but not recommended. Remember, if you want to shoot yourself from the side of the head do so from the parietal bone, just above your ear at eye level.

Shooting yourself in the temple like you see in movies is bad, and doesn't always end in death.

20201006 214938
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Sep 21, 2019
That's a good manual, but Jesus Christ! Hide those gory images please! :ohhhh:
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Tired of being lonely
Sep 3, 2020
Guns are mankind's best invention, if only I could get one...
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Mar 22, 2019
My only fear is that I miss the brain stem :/ If I had a gun I would do it.
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May 8, 2020
Post is informative. but why such scary images? without that it wuda been great post. Logically shot under chin is a stupidity guess no images needed to prove it.


Dec 6, 2019
My only fear is that I miss the brain stem :/ If I had a gun I would do it.
You can shoot yourself by placing the gun above Adam's apple under correct angle.
You can't really fuck up suicide by a gun unless you want to end up like one of those silly fuckers.


Jul 23, 2020
Great guide, but yeah, the images should totally be put under a spoiler tag, just so people aren't caught off-guard.

A gauge 12 is the toy of my dreams.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Excellent resource and lots of good information on shot placement as well as diagrams and drawings. One thing to add is that for people who may reposition the barrel or flinch when pulling the trigger, do not try to anticipate the shot as even moving a few inches could result in a greater margin of error. Most likely, once the bullet leaves the barrel, one would already be gone before they could even feel the recoil of the gun.
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Bleak Stoic

Bleak Stoic

Goodbye, Cruel World.
Dec 22, 2019
Excellent resource and lots of good information on shot placement as well as diagrams and drawings. One thing to add is that for people who may reposition the barrel or flinch when pulling the trigger, do not try to anticipate the shot as even moving a few inches could result in a greater margin of error. Most likely, once the bullet leaves the barrel, one would already be gone before they could even feel the recoil of the gun.
In addition to that, people often forget about the tremendous energy of the gas expelled directly out of the barrel. Even if you ever so slightly miss, the energy from the expelled gasses will almost certainly ping the brainstem and destroy it.

This is yet another reason that shooting yourself through the roof of your mouth is objectively the best option. Once the bullet breaks the base of your skull, the enormous energy from the expelled gases will pretty much obliterate your brainstem. If the bullet hasn't already. The more powerful the round used, the greater this effect will be.

Here's what a blank load with no bullet will do to a watermelon at point blank range:

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Jan 20, 2020
Awesome guide. I love all the visuals, even the pictures. This was a pleasurable read. Too bad guns aren't really an option to me since who in their right mind would sell a gun to a half blind person. Regardless, thank you for the resource.
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why keep existing when you´re no living?
Sep 9, 2020
2. Shooting yourself in the temple:

More people survive this then you'd like to think. The frontal lobes of the brain are the least essential to survival and in some cases (like that of Phineas Gage) you can blow out basically your entire frontal lobe and survive for literally decades afterwards.

Take this case for example:

View attachment 46791

He looks pretty dead, right? WRONG. Here is a case of a man who lost most of his frontal cortex during an accidental firearm discharge and lived:

View attachment 46788View attachment 46789

This is the explanation I wanted to elaborate on in the previous section as to why shooting yourself in the side of the head is achievable, but not recommended. Remember, if you want to shoot yourself from the side of the head do so from the parietal bone, just above your ear at eye level.

Shooting yourself in the temple like you see in movies is bad, and doesn't always end in death.

View attachment 46792
Wouldnt be better to shoot behind the ear rather than above the ear?


  • HeadShot.jpg
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Bleak Stoic

Bleak Stoic

Goodbye, Cruel World.
Dec 22, 2019
Wouldnt be better to shoot behind the ear rather than above the ear?
To hit the lower part of the brainstem, yes. That would also work. These diagrams aren't always 100% accurate.

But your goal to induce instant unconsciousness is achieved by hitting the upper part of the brainstem just under the thalamus. That's where the most activity is in the Reticular Activating System. Destroying this part will render you pretty much instantly unaware, and death will very soon follow.
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Don't you dare go hollow...
Nov 25, 2019
Thanks, great guide. Just wanted so say I do appreciate the photos. I think anyone seriously considering this method is prepared for such fallout and if it scares just one person off from doing another Hollywood chin style or temple shot it has served it's purpose.
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Bleak Stoic

Bleak Stoic

Goodbye, Cruel World.
Dec 22, 2019
Thanks, great guide. Just wanted so say I do appreciate the photos. I think anyone seriously considering this method is prepared for such fallout and if it scares just one person off from doing another Hollywood chin style or temple shot it has served it's purpose.
That's precisely why I thought the NSFW images are necessary.

To fully impress upon anyone reading this just how badly you can fuck suicide up, even by shooting yourself in the head. To show that yes, even this method requires careful consideration and is not foolproof.
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Apr 26, 2020
He was actually much closer than you may realize to just losing his face. There absolutely are cases, including those pictured, where a shotgun under the chin is unfortunately not fatal.
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Jan 1, 2020
Tell that to Ronnie McNutt.
It took me by surprise when he aimed it up his chin like that and managed to die. But he had military experience so he must've known what he was doing. Still wouldn't follow suit, not in a million years.
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why keep existing when you´re no living?
Sep 9, 2020
Now tips how to overcome SI and pull the trigger please
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Dec 6, 2019
Now tips how to overcome SI and pull the trigger please
Get intoxicated, master your mind and take control over your body, do high risk activities, od on drugs. Idk
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May 7, 2020
Most of you know that shooting yourself isn't exactly rocket science. But unfortunately even this method is not fool proof and if done improperly can leave you much worse off than before.

So I'm going to show you all the no bullshit methods to shoot yourself so none of you wind up effectively lobotomized or with half your face blown off, as well as give a brief scientific rundown on why that is so you know I'm not bullshitting you.

To keep this thing short, sweet, and to the point this manual will be divided up in 2 segments: What Works, and What Doesn't.

Here we go:


What Works:

When you shoot yourself, your goal is always to hit the brainstem. Here are the reasons:

1. It is the most essential part of the brain and controls nearly all functions necessary for survival. Your breathing, heartrate, autonomic functions, and even consciousness itself through the Reticular Activating System.

View attachment 46772
View attachment 46773

2. The brain stem is surrounded by the largest and main arteries that supply blood to your brain like the Posterior Cerebral Artery. If the bullet or the tremendous kinetic energy pings these arteries open you are 100% done for.

View attachment 46775
View attachment 46774

Now that we established that your brainstem is the goal, let me tell you how to do it:

1. The most reliable way by far, is through the roof of the mouth. Put the barrel of your gun into your mouth directly parallel to the floor, now tilt it back at roughly a 45° angle. Steady it in your hands and squeeze the trigger. BANG! Lights out.

I created some diagrams to show the angle you are going for:

View attachment 46776
View attachment 46778

2. Though the parietal bone. This is more tricky to do with more room for error, so I don't recommend it. But you can shoot yourself from the side of your head and humanely kill yourself. I will go into how its possible to mess this up in the next section. Here is the area you're going for:

View attachment 46779
View attachment 46780

As you can see, the easiest way to achieve this angle is to place the barrel of the handgun directly above your ear, at roughly eye level. If done correctly this will also accomplish the goal of hitting the brainstem.

In conclusion for this section:

The brainstem is obviously the best way to do it. Any reasonably powerful handgun round, rifle round, or shotgun load will accomplish this feat. But by far I reccomend you use a 12 or 10 gauge shotgun with a .00 buckshot load. If you do choose a handgun round, I highly recommend using hollowpoint +p bullets to maximize energy transfer and tissue damage, and no less than the 9mm cartridge. As for rifle rounds, there aren't many hollowpoint bullets in standard rifle calibers. But pretty much any big game hunting cartridge will do it.


What Doesn't Work:

1. Shooting yourself under the chin. Just don't do it. Please. To be honest I'm not even sure how this method became so popularly depicted as a humane way to kill yourself, seeing how many people have blown half thier face off and wound up with a life much more worse then the life they tried to end.

Here is why you should NEVER EVER shoot yourself under the chin. To fully impress upon you just how badly you can fuck this up, I feel that showing you some NSFW imagery is necessary:

View attachment 46783View attachment 46784View attachment 46785View attachment 46786
Oh shit, gorey gorey stuff.

Anyway, I wish I had access to a gun.
Profit fo this priviledge guys.
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May 8, 2020
Good guide. I already knew all this stuff, but I'm a guy who likes to have things written down. Thanks.
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Bleak Stoic

Bleak Stoic

Goodbye, Cruel World.
Dec 22, 2019
Oh what? The NSFW images got taken down? Damn...

The reason I included those is to show you just how tremendously you can fuck this up. Even a gunshot to the head can be survivable and leave you much MUCH worse off than before.

Oh well, if you folks really want to see how badly you can screw this up and that you should take this manual seriously then you should google some suicide by gun survivors. It's not pretty.
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Oct 13, 2019
@Bleak Stoic In the main firearm thread I read people suggesting to aim behind the ear, vertically lined up around the middle of the ear. Do you feel confident that above the ear is better instead?


Apr 26, 2020
No. Roof of mouth or top of nose between the eyes.


Sep 30, 2020
Boy oh boy did ronnie mcnutt prove the chin method wrong. See, most people don't have access to the right rounds, it's not necessarily the angle.
In this case he wasn't even aiming it right and yet it still blew his head apart, his body didn't even spasm.
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Feb 5, 2021
Most of you know that shooting yourself isn't exactly rocket science. But unfortunately even this method is not fool proof and if done improperly can leave you much worse off than before.

So I'm going to show you all the no bullshit methods to shoot yourself so none of you wind up effectively lobotomized or with half your face blown off, as well as give a brief scientific rundown on why that is so you know I'm not bullshitting you.

To keep this thing short, sweet, and to the point this manual will be divided up in 2 segments: What Works, and What Doesn't.

Here we go:


What Works:

When you shoot yourself, your goal is always to hit the brainstem. Here are the reasons:

1. It is the most essential part of the brain and controls nearly all functions necessary for survival. Your breathing, heartrate, autonomic functions, and even consciousness itself through the Reticular Activating System.

View attachment 46772
View attachment 46773

2. The brain stem is surrounded by the largest and main arteries that supply blood to your brain like the Posterior Cerebral Artery. If the bullet or the tremendous kinetic energy pings these arteries open you are 100% done for.

View attachment 46775
View attachment 46774

Now that we established that your brainstem is the goal, let me tell you how to do it:

1. The most reliable way by far, is through the roof of the mouth. Put the barrel of your gun into your mouth directly parallel to the floor, now tilt it back at roughly a 45° angle. Steady it in your hands and squeeze the trigger. BANG! Lights out.

I created some diagrams to show the angle you are going for:

View attachment 46776
View attachment 46778

2. Though the parietal bone. This is more tricky to do with more room for error, so I don't recommend it. But you can shoot yourself from the side of your head and humanely kill yourself. I will go into how its possible to mess this up in the next section. Here is the area you're going for:

View attachment 46779
View attachment 46780

As you can see, the easiest way to achieve this angle is to place the barrel of the handgun directly above your ear, at roughly eye level. If done correctly this will also accomplish the goal of hitting the brainstem.

In conclusion for this section:

The brainstem is obviously the best way to do it. Any reasonably powerful handgun round, rifle round, or shotgun load will accomplish this feat. But by far I reccomend you use a 12 or 10 gauge shotgun with a .00 buckshot load. If you do choose a handgun round, I highly recommend using hollowpoint +p bullets to maximize energy transfer and tissue damage, and no less than the 9mm cartridge. As for rifle rounds, there aren't many hollowpoint bullets in standard rifle calibers. But pretty much any big game hunting cartridge will do it.


What Doesn't Work:

1. Shooting yourself under the chin. Just don't do it. Please. To be honest I'm not even sure how this method became so popularly depicted as a humane way to kill yourself, seeing how many people have blown half thier face off and wound up with a life much more worse then the life they tried to end.

Here is why you should NEVER EVER shoot yourself under the chin. To fully impress upon you just how badly you can fuck this up, I feel that showing you some NSFW imagery is necessary:

View attachment 46783View attachment 46784
So right above the ear not the temple


no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
In the main firearms thread, folks have posted that your chances of success are very, very good if you use a shotgun loaded with 00 buckshot. You don't need to be an ace sniper with one of those. If you manage to point one approximately at your head and pull the trigger, you will hit something, and that "something" will probably kill you.

If you still think you could miss somehow, shorten the barrel to about 18" (which is illegal in the US, precisely because a sawed-off shotgun is so effective at punching holes in human beings and so useless for anything else).

This is my go-to method to ctb, by the way. I live in the US, in a state where 2/3rds of the population goes deer hunting, no less. Getting the right equipment is cheap and easy. I suppose I'd take poison of some kind if I had to, but I'm glad I don't.
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