

Si hablas español mándame un MP
Oct 27, 2018
For years I have problems with both hands (especially the right), they hurt, they become inflamed and, above all, I find it difficult to move my fingers, I also feel them deformed.

I have gone to the doctor and they have not known how to diagnose me, it costs me horrors to type on the keyboard and I have had to leave my job for a while, it is horrible, the only thing that kept me busy.
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May 1, 2020
damn sorry about that, sounds like it sucks.

also your like to post ratio is absolutely epic.
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Apr 28, 2020
I have similar problems, but my cause might be different than yours. Nevertheless I've been reading a lot about such symptoms.
Did you consider autoimmune diseases? This happens when your immune system goes crazy (usually because a genetic disorder + a trigger) and it starts attacking tissues of your body. Often this causes inflammations to articulations (which makes them get swollen and painful) and inflammations of the skin.

I'm sorry that you are going through this, I know it's terrible.
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Aug 27, 2018
Physical illnesses are so horrible especially if you got mental problems too because it´s impossible to work on your mental problems when all your mental strenghts is focused on your physical illnesses all the time.

Even physical healthy people have a hard battle with mental illnesses and still they seem to lose the battle so how could we ever have a chance to fix ours. It goes like this you have to fix the physical problems first before being able to focus on the mental ones but for some of us who are so unlucky to have chronical physical illnesses it´s over, I hope it made some kind of sense.
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Apr 25, 2020
If I could I would genuinely give you my hands as I don't use them a lot.
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Nov 7, 2019
I have chronic pain in my left upper part of the body and it makes my day-to-day work difficult and it's one of the reasons I want to kill myself. It sucks. Going to work and knowing that you won't enjoy what you do because of the chronic pain. It makes me feel useless. I feel like a piece of shit.
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Si hablas español mándame un MP
Oct 27, 2018
Physical illnesses are so horrible especially if you got mental problems too because it´s impossible to work on your mental problems when all your mental strenghts is focused on your physical illnesses all the time.

Even physical healthy people have a hard battle with mental illnesses and still they seem to lose the battle so how could we ever have a chance to fix ours. It goes like this you have to fix the physical problems first before being able to focus on the mental ones but for some of us who are so unlucky to have chronical physical illnesses it´s over, I hope it made some kind of sense.

Exactly, I'm at that point, and I'm only 25 years old, I really don't want to live anymore. I also have severe insomnia problems, which is torture.
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Aug 27, 2018
Exactly, I'm at that point, and I'm only 25 years old, I really don't want to live anymore. I also have severe insomnia problems, which is torture.
I´m 26 and same for me I also got a back injury in the middle of my spine when I was "only" 21 so I can never bodybuild or workout ever again and I also struggle with insomnia just lying in bed for hours not being able to fall asleep is torture.
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Apr 28, 2020
you are very young. and probably it's very hard for you to deal with doctors to find a way to make your life more tolerable. Is someone helping you to find the right specialist?

Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
For years I have problems with both hands (especially the right), they hurt, they become inflamed and, above all, I find it difficult to move my fingers, I also feel them deformed.

I have gone to the doctor and they have not known how to diagnose me, it costs me horrors to type on the keyboard and I have had to leave my job for a while, it is horrible, the only thing that kept me busy.
Kind of sounds like rheumatoid arthritis. My mum had that. Very painful and deformed hands. But they would be able to easily diagnose that, so I'm guessing it can't be.:notsure:
And the insomnia is awful, so sorry you have to suffer that. Been there. Less than an hour a night for many months. Chronic insomnia is indeed torture, literally. You have my heartfelt sympathy. :hug:
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
It can indeed. I think the current treatment is a steroid, Prednisolone. It worked well for my mum. Diet also worked very well for her at one stage though is very hard to keep up.
Edit: I assumed it was easy to diagnose. You are correct, apparently it isn't. It's an inflammatory disease so will give off similar markers to other diseases of that ilk.
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ill / failure
Mar 20, 2020
Physical illness has kept me out of work too. I made the mistake of logging into facebook and seeing some posts of people posting their recent career accomplishments and awards. Now I want to die even more. I hate being an invalid and rendered useless. This isn't who I am inside nor what I wanted for my life. In any case, I'm sorry you're enduring this too.
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Apr 28, 2020
It's an inflammatory disease so will give off similar markers to other diseases of that ilk.
Yes. Usually they seach for antibodies like HLA, which causes the immune system to recognize tissues as a pathogen and attack it. Or they analyze the liquid in articulations that get swollen. Or if they think it's something related to autoimmune problems, they will try anti-inflammatories or steroids and see the outcome.
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Si hablas español mándame un MP
Oct 27, 2018
I´m 26 and same for me I also got a back injury in the middle of my spine when I was "only" 21 so I can never bodybuild or workout ever again and I also struggle with insomnia just lying in bed for hours not being able to fall asleep is torture.

Sorry it sounds horrible.
Kind of sounds like rheumatoid arthritis. My mum had that. Very painful and deformed hands. But they would be able to easily diagnose that, so I'm guessing it can't be.:notsure:
And the insomnia is awful, so sorry you have to suffer that. Been there. Less than an hour a night for many months. Chronic insomnia is indeed torture, literally. You have my heartfelt sympathy. :hug:

The specialist (rheumatology) told me that I could not diagnose anything, they have done tests, even an MRI, they have found nothing.

When I tell someone that I have a deformity in the hands they do not take me seriously, they look at me strangely, including the doctors themselves, I remember that the specialist saw my history and when he saw that I have OCD, he told me not to obsess, that I could be an obsession, wtf?

For years I kept crunching my fingers very hard ... including my wrists, maybe it has some relation, but in no evidence has it appeared to me that I have a rheumatic disease.

I'm going to go to another medium and a physical therapist.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
Sorry it sounds horrible.

The specialist (rheumatology) told me that I could not diagnose anything, they have done tests, even an MRI, they have found nothing.

When I tell someone that I have a deformity in the hands they do not take me seriously, they look at me strangely, including the doctors themselves, I remember that the specialist saw my history and when he saw that I have OCD, he told me not to obsess, that I could be an obsession, wtf?

For years I kept crunching my fingers very hard ... including my wrists, maybe it has some relation, but in no evidence has it appeared to me that I have a rheumatic disease.

I'm going to go to another medium and a physical therapist.
Damn, sorry. That's the kind of response I get from them for my physical problems. 'We can't find anything that's causing it so it must all be in your mind. Take antidepressants.' I have OCD too but I don't tell them that because they'll just blame everything else on it. It's gas lighting and re-writing your narrative to suit their convenient over-simplification. I'm sure, psych issues DO indeed affect physical issues, but there is usually and underlying cause and a complex relationship between physical and mental/emotional issues. After all, nature doesn't separate physical/mental/emotional stuff like the doctors do. We are integrated complex animals, not conveniently labelled syndromes.
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Aug 27, 2018
Sorry it sounds horrible.
It is and seeing everyone else living healthy happy lives is just rubbing salt in the wound it´s not fair.
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Si hablas español mándame un MP
Oct 27, 2018
It is and seeing everyone else living healthy happy lives is just rubbing salt in the wound it´s not fair.

The same happens to me, but in the social/sexual sphere, I compare myself with others and it frustrates me to be the way I am.
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Apr 25, 2020
The amount of people here with issues in their health really hurts me. :( I'm gonna become a doctor to help people with your problems in the future! I promise!
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Si hablas español mándame un MP
Oct 27, 2018
I have seen a physical therapist, he has told me that my forearms are loaded. Although that doesn't explain my crooked fingers, I haven't told him anything about this due to embarrassment.


Apr 25, 2020
I have seen a physical therapist, he has told me that my forearms are loaded. Although that doesn't explain my crooked fingers, I haven't told him anything about this due to embarrassment.
The crooked fingers might be from you putting too much strain on the nerves in your arm and it might have affected them secondhand? I'm not sure though. (I'm far from a lisensced professional.)


Apr 28, 2020
you shouldn't be embarassed to talk about your problems, especially to a doctor. It will not help you to get a correct diagnosis!
If he thinks that the problem comes from too much tension in your muscles, you can try to see if physical rehab is effective..


Custom title
Mar 16, 2019
Browse on hackstasis and raypeatforum. You may find something that can help.


Si hablas español mándame un MP
Oct 27, 2018
you shouldn't be embarassed to talk about your problems, especially to a doctor. It will not help you to get a correct diagnosis!
If he thinks that the problem comes from too much tension in your muscles, you can try to see if physical rehab is effective..

People look at me strange when I talk about deformed fingers, and it is not so visible. they think i'm crazy


Si hablas español mándame un MP
Oct 27, 2018
I'm still off work because of this, and also my mother thinks I'm making it up so I don't work, instead I hate being bored at home.
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Apr 28, 2020
sorry for that .. :(
you made me remember that my mum suffered for something that seems similar. It was fibromyalgia.
Muscles in certain parts of the body and articulations cause persistent pain. I'm not sure, but i think it is autoimmune and it is kept under control with anti-inflammatory and cortisone. She had also something that could not be seen and most of the doctors told her that it was psychosomatic. She managed to get it under control with a short course of cortisone.
(did you consider it, or did the rheumatologists try any therapy to reduce the inflammation?)
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Si hablas español mándame un MP
Oct 27, 2018
sorry for that .. :(
you made me remember that my mum suffered for something that seems similar. It was fibromyalgia.
Muscles in certain parts of the body and articulations cause persistent pain. I'm not sure, but i think it is autoimmune and it is kept under control with anti-inflammatory and cortisone. She had also something that could not be seen and most of the doctors told her that it was psychosomatic. She managed to get it under control with a short course of cortisone.
(did you consider it, or did the rheumatologists try any therapy to reduce the inflammation?)

the rheumatologist made several tests, found nothing and discharged me, therefore it is not rheumatological


Apr 28, 2020
don't trust doctors blindly, especially for health problems that are difficult to diagnose. I have talked at least with 10 doctors that were denying any health issue, until I have found the diagnosis of one of my problems. And all those times I was giving them clear hints.
If you have some clear symptoms, keep track of those and try to do some research in internet or talk with people in online forums for specific health problems.
It will not lead you to a 100% diagnosis, but it will give you an idea about the possible causes and make you able to ask questions to the doctors or to ask for specific treatments.
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Nov 7, 2019
I'm on the same boat. My chronic pain makes hard to focus on my job and I can't give my 100%. It's like I am wasting my potential and it's the main reason why I want to kill myself. Imagine waking up everyday thinking about how chronic pain will fuck you up at work. Had a surgery that worsen it and started to have suicidal thoughts that took me to this place.
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Si hablas español mándame un MP
Oct 27, 2018
I'm on the same boat. My chronic pain makes hard to focus on my job and I can't give my 100%. It's like I am wasting my potential and it's the main reason why I want to kill myself. Imagine waking up everyday thinking about how chronic pain will fuck you up at work. Had a surgery that worsen it and started to have suicidal thoughts that took me to this place.

I am so sorry.

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