Suicide: permanent solution to permanent problems
- Feb 4, 2024
- 163
Notes on Ligature Strangulation Method
- This post will contain all the information without anything unsaid. It is also as clear as possible. It is exhaustive and detailed.
- If it means anything, this is what I've compiled and collected after a year of thinking of this stuff and going in circles. I've thought of nearly everything. It's a synthesis of all the literature I read and my personal experience. I hope you find it useful.
- Give it a couple of reads to internalize the info. A good way to solidify your knowledge is to also teach others. I wrote this thread as if I was telling my clueless younger self everything he needed to know without letting him struggle to find this all out by himself
- Inspired by @Prime (RIP)
- I won't be able to answer questions because this thread was scheduled posted and it would've posted if I was successful in my method. The video is located in the videos subfolder of my dropbox zip file.
- Night night just needs a lot of material most people don't have access to. This only requires a long enough ligature material and optional padding.
- In the literature, there are many cases of successful suicidal ligature strangulation and they are all done generally using the same method of sustaining pressure on the carotids as if being blood choked. I explain and elaborate on this later. Even a man in a wheelchair killed himself with this general method and also many teens (usually in psych wards). It can be understood and done by anyone. Because of its lethality, psych wards usually take away items such as shoelaces, hoodie strings etc as do many other places like prisons.
- This method uses two knots. One knot to apply most of the pressure against the front of the neck to the carotids and the second knot is also at the front and secures the pressure made by the first knot. It can add extra pressure but the first knot must apply most of the pressure needed.
- The method of tying knots is designed to not come loose and to sustain even against potential body convulsions. It is foolproof because I have tied it against my leg according to the method and nothing has come loose, only tight, sustained pressure. Try on your leg too.
- This method compared to other methods? Better than getting hit by a train. Better than falling off a height and then spending several minutes in agony. It's better than slicing your wrists to bleed out. This method and its variations are relatively painless and if there is pain, it's short lived.
- The advantage of hanging is that it applies pressure vertically and thus targets the sides of the neck better but it requires an anchor. With ligature strangulation, pressure is applied horizontally yet the same effect is achieved as adequate pressure is applied to carotids either way. They are both equally lethal. This method practically imitates hanging and blood choke holds.
1. Grab a thin ligature material such as a shoelace. The width of the lace should be roughly the width of your fingertips. Get comfortable with handling it well so you can tie knots quickly. You can trim the material if too long. The rough length for the cord/lace/whatever material you use is so that it wraps around the neck 3-5 times its diameter. To check the length, wrap the ligature around the neck 3-5 times. If it goes from back to front vice versa 3-5 times, it is enough length.
2. Let the lace rest against the back of your neck while both sides are evenly extended in front of you while in your hands.
3. Tie a half knot starting with the right side of the lace. This is a rightwards half knot. Tie this so the lace tightens against the upper part of your neck right under the jawbone. The half knot must land on the middle of your neck. Make sure this is tight and pressure is applied quickly. Use padding if this feels uncomfortable against your neck.
4. Cross over the remaining lace around the back of your neck and then bring the lace back to the front. Wrap it tightly and hold pressure. This helps to sustain pressure. Effort needed to sustain pressure.
5. Now tie a reef knot starting from the left side of the lace. Left-right, right-left. Maintain pressure and tie well.
6. If done right, the knots will hold in place and pressure will be sustained. You will pass out and die.
In the words of another user, @Seekingawayout, he says:
"I decided to see if a thinner string would work for ligature strangulation. And… it does! I'm using a shoestring. It was an old thread here that gave me the idea. I can hit carotids easily and fast. I have a bandana around my neck for comfort, shoestring on my sweet spot. I cross the ends of the string in the front of my neck like you are getting ready to tie your shoes. Then pull as hard as I can, as fast as I can. I'll loop the string around the back of my neck pulling as tight as I can, then tie it off in front keeping as much tension of the string as I can."
- I recommend you watch the video demonstration if this is confusing. The text instructions will make more sense.
- Pressure must be applied quickly. Don't be afraid to apply very firm pressure. Knots must be tied quickly too because unconsciousness is quick. Strong, sustained pressure to the upper FRONT of the neck is what makes this method work. The first knot is most important. The second knot helps sustain pressure.
- I find it works best if I place the ligature and tighten near/on the hyoid bone which is like on the absolute top of the neck also near the jawbone. Experiment with the area above the Adam's apple as highlighted. You will probably find your sweet spot there. Jugulars and carotids more easily targetted in this area because there's less things covering them and they bulge out more
- If you squeeze the pulsing carotid artery close to the centre of the neck while leaning your neck forward, you'll feel what it's like to faint... this will give you a point of reference on what to do. Don't do this too frequently if you don't plan on dying. It may cause issues to your neck or brain. The carotid pulse on the neck must feel strong and big. If it feels weaker, you're probably feeling jugulars instead. It's way easier to feel the carotids with fingertips above Adam's apple. The carotids are closest to windpipe and jugulars are further away. Use your thumb and index finger/middle finger to squeeze.
- padding material can be socks, handkerchiefs, get creative and use what works. Anything to lessen the sensation of ligature digging into your skin and perhaps leaving marks. Tie the padding the same way you'd tie the lace around your neck. It will be sustained. Padding should ideally be around the entire neck. Some say that if you apply padding to the BACK of the neck, it can increase pressure to the sides of the neck and thus the carotids but this is theoretical.
- How to know if you're close to passing out and dying? You lose control of your body, your vision fades to black and gets fuzzy and your body starts to feel numb and tingly. It should be painless. Your hearing will also get muffled and strange. Your hearing will get distorted and will sound like a crowded mall. Visual distortions and even hallucinations. Breathing will get lighter and slowed down. It isn't painful rather it's pleasant. This is why people play the choking game and do autoerotic asphyxia it's to chase this feeling.
- You can improvise this method with any materials similar to the lace which can be tied up around the neck quickly. USB cables, straps, hoodie strings, cable ties, belts etc. Be creative. The same foundational ideas I've said applies to other ways of doing it and different processes but the same goals are met.
- A novel use of this method is to do it lying down in bed preferably at night when everybody is asleep. Be opportunistic. (I wouldn't recommend because the uncertainty of someone checking up on you)
- As with night night method, you can two objects under the area where the carotids are and then pressure would be applied with the rope, therefore applying further pressure to the carotids. It can work this way or without it. Experiment.
- The material ideally needs a bit of friction and stick so it's easier to wrap around and sustain pressure.
- THEORETICAL: I imagine a method variation where one sellotapes the centre of the ligature on the back of the head positioned near the top of it. This creates a vertical angle and practically simulates hanging but without the anchor. This has to be strong sellotape though...
- Death occurs due to direct vagus nerve pressure, carotid sinus reflex and 0 blood to the brain (cerebral hypoxia/anoxia). Choking/Strangling in all forms is lethal. This method is like blood chokes. Blood chokes are painless because it doesn't obstruct breathing by closing your windpipe.
- It puts pressure in the neck yet you can still breathe because there is less pressure on the windpipe due to the upwards placement of ligature on the neck. This prevents the SI panic response from not being able to breathe. This makes the method less painful. If done right, you will only feel momentary mild discomfort.
- This method is best done sitting down or in a lying down position. You probably shouldn't do this standing up because you will fall heavily and make a loud noise which could alert bystanders. This is up to preference. Choose which position makes you pass out the fastest. For me, it's lying down or sitting. Lying down makes me pass out quicker because of different blood flow. If you do this lying down, obviously you should be lying on your back.
- A thin ligature is used because it selectively targets the carotids and jugulars while putting pressure on the vagus nerve and it also puts less pressure on the windpipe so you are able to breathe and not suffocate. These common materials are so lethal that psych wards restrict them by default. With this method, pressure is applied at the FRONT of the neck and pressure is applied evenly.
- Death certainly happens within 15-30 minutes. Death occurs a lot earlier than 15-30 minutes but use this uninterrupted time frame for certainty and having peace of mind that you won't be revived. Brain death aka real death occurs within 6-10 minutes. A bag over your head is unnecessary by the way because death 100% happens with or without it.
- A post vegetative state (PVS) is nearly impossible with this method if done right because sustained carotid occlusion via ligature strangulation destroys the brainstem by brain swelling and herniation. The cases of post vegetative state were mostly observed in victims of manual homicidal strangulation (where the pressure was not sustained). In the literature however, there are no cases of PVS from suicidal strangulation. If you have a 30min-1 hour time frame, death is 100% guaranteed though.
- Speed (tying the knots fast before quickly going unconscious) (Don't apply pressure slowly, be instant. 0-100)
- Placement on neck (high up on neck) (pressure applied horizontally or vertically as seen in hanging?) (does it put good pressure on the carotids?)
- Pressure (not too much but not too little. Too much makes it harder to breathe. Find a sweet spot that works. DON'T BE AFRAID TO ADD LOTS OF PRESSURE.) (pressure must be applied evenly on the neck and must target the front of the neck)
- Sustain of pressure (nothing should come loose even during potential convulsions. In test run, to simulate convulsion, just shake ur leg around a bit.)
- Material used (must be thin yet strong. Shoelaces are a good example) (the lace must be long enough to wrap around your neck from back to front)
- Overcoming SI
- Safe area with no possibility of interruption.
- Painlessness and peaceful (being able to breathe, ligature not digging into your skin)
- Losing consciousness quickly (and then dying) (you lose consciousness within 9-12 seconds if you're doing it right)
- neck posture (tucked in or leaned forward? Which targets carotids better?)
- These success factors and principles are transferable between all similar or related methods.
- Even Chinese factory child workers figure this general method out and die but it also happens accidentally. Many teens and children have also died from the choking game.
- Here's the link to the Dropbox and MEGA folders containing all the research and PDFs.
- It's a plethora of information that you'll find interesting if you're looking into the proofs behind this method. It covers everything. From autopsy reports, diagrams, sansui threads and pictures of individuals after they've been found dead from this method or similar. The literature is there.
- This method is convenient because it is inexpensive and can be done with common materials. It is very accessible and adaptable. Technique is important though.
- The same ideas that make this method work can be seen in other variations of it. Shallow water blackout, Choking game, judo chokeholds, sexual asphyxia, autoerotic asphyxiation deaths, partial hanging, tourniquet, night-night, full suspension, ratchet strap, cable ties, helium/nitrogen gas tanks etc. It's all related to the same mechanism. Brain oxygen deprivation
- Once you know the ideas of this method, you'll see similarities everywhere.
- People of all ages die from this method and cases of this are seen across the world. Young and old.
- This method allows for suicide to theoretically happen anywhere.
- If you get a head swelling sensation when doing this, stop immediately because it's being done incorrectly and death won't be peaceful. If only the jugulars are closed and not the carotids, this will happen. Either pressure isn't applied fast enough or the pressure isn't enough. Maybe the positioning of the ligature against the neck is wrong. If this happens, troubleshoot the method by referring to the success factors I outlined
- Carotids require more pressure to compress than jugulars because the carotids are buried deeper in the neck than the jugulars. Don't be afraid to apply lots of pressure.
- Beware that if you don't complete an attempt, there may be ligature marks on your neck.
- Don't expect to get it right the first time. Keep trying because it is possible.
- Don't listen to FUDers who try to psyop you out of suicide saying that the method doesn't work and is painful. Try it for yourself and see. Verify and cross reference. These type of people can be recognised everywhere. I've noticed a lot of people like to spread fear porn over methods.
- You should either bookmark this thread, save it as a PDF, save the infographic image or save an extended screenshot so you can use it as reference.
- If survival instinct bothers you, take drugs such as benzos, SSRIs or alcohol or anything else that disinhibits the mind. Even meditation could be helpful. It's hard to commit suicide in the SI mindset. You also have to be sane and fast enough to carry this out properly too.
- Do anything to clear the mind and emotions. Thoughts, doubts and emotions should not interfere with an attempt that is why good planning and preparation is necessary alongside understanding and experience.
- Believe it or not, it's mainly your own mind that scares you away from suicide. The mind can have suicidal thoughts but for the mind, death is just an abstract concept. The lived experience of death is what the mind fears the most in its default state. The mind is just a survival script. Anything it does is like a desperate clinging to life.
- Bring a pair of scissors to cut off the lace if you have second thoughts. You should be 100% certain about dying in the first place though. Make peace with the idea of dying as a lived experience and not as a fantasy...
- Don't overthink it. Don't be anxious either. The extra blood pumping and the higher heart rate will actually make this method harder because carotids are working harder and more blood is pumped in and out of the brain.
- Tying the last few knots is the hardest because you know it will kill you. It's better to get familiar with this part. There will be a lot of resistance and you'll have to work through it. Use the 5 second rule. On the count to 5, pull and tie the ligature no matter what.
- If you plan to leave a suicide note, using delayed sent messages is best. Never alert people you're attempting in real time because you will be saved. It's probably a good idea to leave your phone on silent too.
- If you want to make your death appear accidental, simply pull down your pants in the attempt or do it naked. It will be seen as a case of autoerotic asphyxiation gone wrong.
- Before doing this, you can hyperventilate before applying pressure on the neck. This lowers oxygen to the brain and makes it easier to pass out and die. You'll have less of an urge to breathe too.
- Don't eat much and drink a very small amount of water on the day before you attempt. This will make sure the salivary glands don't produce lots of saliva and thus you won't have that strong urge to swallow which is an issue involving carotid compression.
- If you can pass out by just applying the pressure and not even tying extra knots to keep everything in place, this method will be sure to kill you.
- Don't try this method if you're not totally certain to die. If you continually try it, you'll probably start getting neck issues and maybe even problems like sleep apnoea. Do at your own risk. If you're old, experimenting with this method is likely to cause sudden death too. Oxygen deprivation of the brain is no joke.
- The sweet spot to tie the ligature against is usually anywhere above the Adam's apple. For me, this is close to the jawbone. For some people it may be somewhere a bit below the Adam's apple though.
- The three steps to a good death: visualise it, see it in your mind's eye and the feeling of having everything in order. Focus on the end goal. Think of nothing else but death while you work out the details. Do the method tests without a shadow of a doubt that you are completely capable and confident. Be persistent. Work out the details in practice as well as in your mind's eye. Revise continually.
- Obviously you'd need to hide your ligature material. I keep mines in my underwear as gross at it sounds because it means it can't really slip out and nobody can ask for it because it'll violate your dignity.
- You'll need to wear loose, comfortable clothes that are easy to move around in if you're attempting because knots must be tied fast.
"Do you see that precipice? That river? That well? Liberty sits at the bottom of them. Do you see that tree? Liberty hangs from its branches. Do you see your own throat, your own neck, your heart? They are so many ways of escape from slavery."
- Seneca
"To think so many have succeeded in dying!"
- Emil Cioran
"No autocrat wields a power comparable to that enjoyed by a poor devil planning to kill himself"
- Emil Cioran
"Say what we will, death is the best thing nature has found to please everyone."
- Emil Cioran
"When people come to me saying they want to kill themselves, I tell them, "What's your rush? You can kill yourself any time you like. So calm down. Suicide is a positive act." And they do calm down."
- Emil Cioran
"This too, shall pass"
"I envy those who are dead and gone; they are better off than those who are still alive. But better off than either are those who have never been born, who have never seen the injustice that goes on in this world."
- Ecclesiastes 4:2-3
"The thought of suicide is a powerful comfort: it helps one through many a dreadful night."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
"To be, or not to be? That is the question."
- William Shakespeare
"We thank with brief thanksgiving / Whatever gods may be / That no life lives forever / That the dead rise up never; / That even the weariest river / Winds somewhere safe to sea."
- Algernon Charles Swinburne
"A first sign of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die."
- Franz Kafka
"Sadness and depression are very different things. Sadness is something happens and you temporarily become sad. Depression is a condition where you see things for what they are."
- Drew Michael
"Humankind cannot bear very much reality."
- T.S. Elliot
"The long sleep of death closes our scars, and the short sleep of life our wounds."
- Jean Paul
"Almost anything that consoles us is fake."
- Iris Murdoch
"I remember the Indian proverb: "Better to be seated than standing, better to be lying than seated, but better than all else to be dead "
- Nicolas Chamfort
"A hundred times I wanted to kill myself, but I still loved life. That ridiculous weakness is perhaps one of our most baneful inclinations: for is there anything more foolish than to wish to carry continually a burden that one can always throw down? To abhor one's existence, and yet to cling to that existence?"
- The Old Woman, in Voltaire's Candide
"A grave is still the best fortification against the storms of destiny."
- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
- This post will contain all the information without anything unsaid. It is also as clear as possible. It is exhaustive and detailed.
- If it means anything, this is what I've compiled and collected after a year of thinking of this stuff and going in circles. I've thought of nearly everything. It's a synthesis of all the literature I read and my personal experience. I hope you find it useful.
- Give it a couple of reads to internalize the info. A good way to solidify your knowledge is to also teach others. I wrote this thread as if I was telling my clueless younger self everything he needed to know without letting him struggle to find this all out by himself
- Inspired by @Prime (RIP)
- I won't be able to answer questions because this thread was scheduled posted and it would've posted if I was successful in my method. The video is located in the videos subfolder of my dropbox zip file.
- This method is like tourniquet method and night night but actually more reliable, accessible, doable and lethal. Unlike tourniquet method and hanging methods, this just requires one material at minimum whereas the tourniquet requires a stick (which could easily slip and undo the pressure) and hanging requires an anchor (which could break and also not be available in your situation).- Night night just needs a lot of material most people don't have access to. This only requires a long enough ligature material and optional padding.
- In the literature, there are many cases of successful suicidal ligature strangulation and they are all done generally using the same method of sustaining pressure on the carotids as if being blood choked. I explain and elaborate on this later. Even a man in a wheelchair killed himself with this general method and also many teens (usually in psych wards). It can be understood and done by anyone. Because of its lethality, psych wards usually take away items such as shoelaces, hoodie strings etc as do many other places like prisons.
- This method uses two knots. One knot to apply most of the pressure against the front of the neck to the carotids and the second knot is also at the front and secures the pressure made by the first knot. It can add extra pressure but the first knot must apply most of the pressure needed.
- The method of tying knots is designed to not come loose and to sustain even against potential body convulsions. It is foolproof because I have tied it against my leg according to the method and nothing has come loose, only tight, sustained pressure. Try on your leg too.
- This method compared to other methods? Better than getting hit by a train. Better than falling off a height and then spending several minutes in agony. It's better than slicing your wrists to bleed out. This method and its variations are relatively painless and if there is pain, it's short lived.
- The advantage of hanging is that it applies pressure vertically and thus targets the sides of the neck better but it requires an anchor. With ligature strangulation, pressure is applied horizontally yet the same effect is achieved as adequate pressure is applied to carotids either way. They are both equally lethal. This method practically imitates hanging and blood choke holds.
Step by Step Process
1. Grab a thin ligature material such as a shoelace. The width of the lace should be roughly the width of your fingertips. Get comfortable with handling it well so you can tie knots quickly. You can trim the material if too long. The rough length for the cord/lace/whatever material you use is so that it wraps around the neck 3-5 times its diameter. To check the length, wrap the ligature around the neck 3-5 times. If it goes from back to front vice versa 3-5 times, it is enough length.
2. Let the lace rest against the back of your neck while both sides are evenly extended in front of you while in your hands.
3. Tie a half knot starting with the right side of the lace. This is a rightwards half knot. Tie this so the lace tightens against the upper part of your neck right under the jawbone. The half knot must land on the middle of your neck. Make sure this is tight and pressure is applied quickly. Use padding if this feels uncomfortable against your neck.
4. Cross over the remaining lace around the back of your neck and then bring the lace back to the front. Wrap it tightly and hold pressure. This helps to sustain pressure. Effort needed to sustain pressure.
5. Now tie a reef knot starting from the left side of the lace. Left-right, right-left. Maintain pressure and tie well.
6. If done right, the knots will hold in place and pressure will be sustained. You will pass out and die.
In the words of another user, @Seekingawayout, he says:
"I decided to see if a thinner string would work for ligature strangulation. And… it does! I'm using a shoestring. It was an old thread here that gave me the idea. I can hit carotids easily and fast. I have a bandana around my neck for comfort, shoestring on my sweet spot. I cross the ends of the string in the front of my neck like you are getting ready to tie your shoes. Then pull as hard as I can, as fast as I can. I'll loop the string around the back of my neck pulling as tight as I can, then tie it off in front keeping as much tension of the string as I can."
- I recommend you watch the video demonstration if this is confusing. The text instructions will make more sense.
- Pressure must be applied quickly. Don't be afraid to apply very firm pressure. Knots must be tied quickly too because unconsciousness is quick. Strong, sustained pressure to the upper FRONT of the neck is what makes this method work. The first knot is most important. The second knot helps sustain pressure.

- I find it works best if I place the ligature and tighten near/on the hyoid bone which is like on the absolute top of the neck also near the jawbone. Experiment with the area above the Adam's apple as highlighted. You will probably find your sweet spot there. Jugulars and carotids more easily targetted in this area because there's less things covering them and they bulge out more
- If you squeeze the pulsing carotid artery close to the centre of the neck while leaning your neck forward, you'll feel what it's like to faint... this will give you a point of reference on what to do. Don't do this too frequently if you don't plan on dying. It may cause issues to your neck or brain. The carotid pulse on the neck must feel strong and big. If it feels weaker, you're probably feeling jugulars instead. It's way easier to feel the carotids with fingertips above Adam's apple. The carotids are closest to windpipe and jugulars are further away. Use your thumb and index finger/middle finger to squeeze.
- padding material can be socks, handkerchiefs, get creative and use what works. Anything to lessen the sensation of ligature digging into your skin and perhaps leaving marks. Tie the padding the same way you'd tie the lace around your neck. It will be sustained. Padding should ideally be around the entire neck. Some say that if you apply padding to the BACK of the neck, it can increase pressure to the sides of the neck and thus the carotids but this is theoretical.
- How to know if you're close to passing out and dying? You lose control of your body, your vision fades to black and gets fuzzy and your body starts to feel numb and tingly. It should be painless. Your hearing will also get muffled and strange. Your hearing will get distorted and will sound like a crowded mall. Visual distortions and even hallucinations. Breathing will get lighter and slowed down. It isn't painful rather it's pleasant. This is why people play the choking game and do autoerotic asphyxia it's to chase this feeling.
- You can improvise this method with any materials similar to the lace which can be tied up around the neck quickly. USB cables, straps, hoodie strings, cable ties, belts etc. Be creative. The same foundational ideas I've said applies to other ways of doing it and different processes but the same goals are met.
- A novel use of this method is to do it lying down in bed preferably at night when everybody is asleep. Be opportunistic. (I wouldn't recommend because the uncertainty of someone checking up on you)
- As with night night method, you can two objects under the area where the carotids are and then pressure would be applied with the rope, therefore applying further pressure to the carotids. It can work this way or without it. Experiment.
- The material ideally needs a bit of friction and stick so it's easier to wrap around and sustain pressure.
- THEORETICAL: I imagine a method variation where one sellotapes the centre of the ligature on the back of the head positioned near the top of it. This creates a vertical angle and practically simulates hanging but without the anchor. This has to be strong sellotape though...
How It Works
- This method blocks off the carotids, jugulars and puts pressure on the vagus nerves with a thin ligature shoelace that's tied at the absolute top of the neck near the jawbone. It's tied quickly and with adequate pressure, resulting in unconsciousness within 10-20 seconds and then death. The use of neck padding minimizes ligature marks and potential pain but it is optional.- Death occurs due to direct vagus nerve pressure, carotid sinus reflex and 0 blood to the brain (cerebral hypoxia/anoxia). Choking/Strangling in all forms is lethal. This method is like blood chokes. Blood chokes are painless because it doesn't obstruct breathing by closing your windpipe.
- It puts pressure in the neck yet you can still breathe because there is less pressure on the windpipe due to the upwards placement of ligature on the neck. This prevents the SI panic response from not being able to breathe. This makes the method less painful. If done right, you will only feel momentary mild discomfort.
- This method is best done sitting down or in a lying down position. You probably shouldn't do this standing up because you will fall heavily and make a loud noise which could alert bystanders. This is up to preference. Choose which position makes you pass out the fastest. For me, it's lying down or sitting. Lying down makes me pass out quicker because of different blood flow. If you do this lying down, obviously you should be lying on your back.
- A thin ligature is used because it selectively targets the carotids and jugulars while putting pressure on the vagus nerve and it also puts less pressure on the windpipe so you are able to breathe and not suffocate. These common materials are so lethal that psych wards restrict them by default. With this method, pressure is applied at the FRONT of the neck and pressure is applied evenly.
- Death certainly happens within 15-30 minutes. Death occurs a lot earlier than 15-30 minutes but use this uninterrupted time frame for certainty and having peace of mind that you won't be revived. Brain death aka real death occurs within 6-10 minutes. A bag over your head is unnecessary by the way because death 100% happens with or without it.
- A post vegetative state (PVS) is nearly impossible with this method if done right because sustained carotid occlusion via ligature strangulation destroys the brainstem by brain swelling and herniation. The cases of post vegetative state were mostly observed in victims of manual homicidal strangulation (where the pressure was not sustained). In the literature however, there are no cases of PVS from suicidal strangulation. If you have a 30min-1 hour time frame, death is 100% guaranteed though.
Success Factors
The most important factors in the success of this method are:- Speed (tying the knots fast before quickly going unconscious) (Don't apply pressure slowly, be instant. 0-100)
- Placement on neck (high up on neck) (pressure applied horizontally or vertically as seen in hanging?) (does it put good pressure on the carotids?)
- Pressure (not too much but not too little. Too much makes it harder to breathe. Find a sweet spot that works. DON'T BE AFRAID TO ADD LOTS OF PRESSURE.) (pressure must be applied evenly on the neck and must target the front of the neck)
- Sustain of pressure (nothing should come loose even during potential convulsions. In test run, to simulate convulsion, just shake ur leg around a bit.)
- Material used (must be thin yet strong. Shoelaces are a good example) (the lace must be long enough to wrap around your neck from back to front)
- Overcoming SI
- Safe area with no possibility of interruption.
- Painlessness and peaceful (being able to breathe, ligature not digging into your skin)
- Losing consciousness quickly (and then dying) (you lose consciousness within 9-12 seconds if you're doing it right)
- neck posture (tucked in or leaned forward? Which targets carotids better?)
- These success factors and principles are transferable between all similar or related methods.
Does the Method Work?
- This method is successful because there are many documented reports of people who died from it as seen in folder. People especially die from this method (and its variations) even in heavily restricted environments such as psych wards, schools, prisons and hospitals etc. So this method isn't all bark no bite. It's grounded in real world cases and not some fantasy.- Even Chinese factory child workers figure this general method out and die but it also happens accidentally. Many teens and children have also died from the choking game.
- Here's the link to the Dropbox and MEGA folders containing all the research and PDFs.
- It's a plethora of information that you'll find interesting if you're looking into the proofs behind this method. It covers everything. From autopsy reports, diagrams, sansui threads and pictures of individuals after they've been found dead from this method or similar. The literature is there.
- This method is convenient because it is inexpensive and can be done with common materials. It is very accessible and adaptable. Technique is important though.
- The same ideas that make this method work can be seen in other variations of it. Shallow water blackout, Choking game, judo chokeholds, sexual asphyxia, autoerotic asphyxiation deaths, partial hanging, tourniquet, night-night, full suspension, ratchet strap, cable ties, helium/nitrogen gas tanks etc. It's all related to the same mechanism. Brain oxygen deprivation
- Once you know the ideas of this method, you'll see similarities everywhere.
- People of all ages die from this method and cases of this are seen across the world. Young and old.
- This method allows for suicide to theoretically happen anywhere.
Tips and Warnings
- Before you do this method, test it first by tying the ligature tightly around the leg. Test this multiple times and check if anything goes wrong. If it's in line with the success factors, then you can try it on the neck. Test runs are essential.- If you get a head swelling sensation when doing this, stop immediately because it's being done incorrectly and death won't be peaceful. If only the jugulars are closed and not the carotids, this will happen. Either pressure isn't applied fast enough or the pressure isn't enough. Maybe the positioning of the ligature against the neck is wrong. If this happens, troubleshoot the method by referring to the success factors I outlined
- Carotids require more pressure to compress than jugulars because the carotids are buried deeper in the neck than the jugulars. Don't be afraid to apply lots of pressure.
- Beware that if you don't complete an attempt, there may be ligature marks on your neck.
- Don't expect to get it right the first time. Keep trying because it is possible.
- Don't listen to FUDers who try to psyop you out of suicide saying that the method doesn't work and is painful. Try it for yourself and see. Verify and cross reference. These type of people can be recognised everywhere. I've noticed a lot of people like to spread fear porn over methods.
- You should either bookmark this thread, save it as a PDF, save the infographic image or save an extended screenshot so you can use it as reference.
- If survival instinct bothers you, take drugs such as benzos, SSRIs or alcohol or anything else that disinhibits the mind. Even meditation could be helpful. It's hard to commit suicide in the SI mindset. You also have to be sane and fast enough to carry this out properly too.
- Do anything to clear the mind and emotions. Thoughts, doubts and emotions should not interfere with an attempt that is why good planning and preparation is necessary alongside understanding and experience.
- Believe it or not, it's mainly your own mind that scares you away from suicide. The mind can have suicidal thoughts but for the mind, death is just an abstract concept. The lived experience of death is what the mind fears the most in its default state. The mind is just a survival script. Anything it does is like a desperate clinging to life.
- Bring a pair of scissors to cut off the lace if you have second thoughts. You should be 100% certain about dying in the first place though. Make peace with the idea of dying as a lived experience and not as a fantasy...
- Don't overthink it. Don't be anxious either. The extra blood pumping and the higher heart rate will actually make this method harder because carotids are working harder and more blood is pumped in and out of the brain.
- Tying the last few knots is the hardest because you know it will kill you. It's better to get familiar with this part. There will be a lot of resistance and you'll have to work through it. Use the 5 second rule. On the count to 5, pull and tie the ligature no matter what.
- If you plan to leave a suicide note, using delayed sent messages is best. Never alert people you're attempting in real time because you will be saved. It's probably a good idea to leave your phone on silent too.
- If you want to make your death appear accidental, simply pull down your pants in the attempt or do it naked. It will be seen as a case of autoerotic asphyxiation gone wrong.
- Before doing this, you can hyperventilate before applying pressure on the neck. This lowers oxygen to the brain and makes it easier to pass out and die. You'll have less of an urge to breathe too.
- Don't eat much and drink a very small amount of water on the day before you attempt. This will make sure the salivary glands don't produce lots of saliva and thus you won't have that strong urge to swallow which is an issue involving carotid compression.
- If you can pass out by just applying the pressure and not even tying extra knots to keep everything in place, this method will be sure to kill you.
- Don't try this method if you're not totally certain to die. If you continually try it, you'll probably start getting neck issues and maybe even problems like sleep apnoea. Do at your own risk. If you're old, experimenting with this method is likely to cause sudden death too. Oxygen deprivation of the brain is no joke.
- The sweet spot to tie the ligature against is usually anywhere above the Adam's apple. For me, this is close to the jawbone. For some people it may be somewhere a bit below the Adam's apple though.
- The three steps to a good death: visualise it, see it in your mind's eye and the feeling of having everything in order. Focus on the end goal. Think of nothing else but death while you work out the details. Do the method tests without a shadow of a doubt that you are completely capable and confident. Be persistent. Work out the details in practice as well as in your mind's eye. Revise continually.
- Obviously you'd need to hide your ligature material. I keep mines in my underwear as gross at it sounds because it means it can't really slip out and nobody can ask for it because it'll violate your dignity.
- You'll need to wear loose, comfortable clothes that are easy to move around in if you're attempting because knots must be tied fast.
Personal Collection of Quotes
"Do you see that precipice? That river? That well? Liberty sits at the bottom of them. Do you see that tree? Liberty hangs from its branches. Do you see your own throat, your own neck, your heart? They are so many ways of escape from slavery."
- Seneca
"To think so many have succeeded in dying!"
- Emil Cioran
"No autocrat wields a power comparable to that enjoyed by a poor devil planning to kill himself"
- Emil Cioran
"Say what we will, death is the best thing nature has found to please everyone."
- Emil Cioran
"When people come to me saying they want to kill themselves, I tell them, "What's your rush? You can kill yourself any time you like. So calm down. Suicide is a positive act." And they do calm down."
- Emil Cioran
"This too, shall pass"
"I envy those who are dead and gone; they are better off than those who are still alive. But better off than either are those who have never been born, who have never seen the injustice that goes on in this world."
- Ecclesiastes 4:2-3
"The thought of suicide is a powerful comfort: it helps one through many a dreadful night."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
"To be, or not to be? That is the question."
- William Shakespeare
"We thank with brief thanksgiving / Whatever gods may be / That no life lives forever / That the dead rise up never; / That even the weariest river / Winds somewhere safe to sea."
- Algernon Charles Swinburne
"A first sign of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die."
- Franz Kafka
"Sadness and depression are very different things. Sadness is something happens and you temporarily become sad. Depression is a condition where you see things for what they are."
- Drew Michael
"Humankind cannot bear very much reality."
- T.S. Elliot
"The long sleep of death closes our scars, and the short sleep of life our wounds."
- Jean Paul
"Almost anything that consoles us is fake."
- Iris Murdoch
"I remember the Indian proverb: "Better to be seated than standing, better to be lying than seated, but better than all else to be dead "
- Nicolas Chamfort
"A hundred times I wanted to kill myself, but I still loved life. That ridiculous weakness is perhaps one of our most baneful inclinations: for is there anything more foolish than to wish to carry continually a burden that one can always throw down? To abhor one's existence, and yet to cling to that existence?"
- The Old Woman, in Voltaire's Candide
"A grave is still the best fortification against the storms of destiny."
- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg