Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Man you know I am drunk today but what occurs to me is awesome is that I never had kids. I've been downing vodka and watching Maury because I am deeply refined, but I've also been getting a secret kick out of all this "you are the father" stuff and knowing that I never have to grow up/man up/think of anyone but myself. Don't get me wrong, I've had doubts and feelings like I wanted to have kids in the past, but nowadays I'm just glad I don't owe anyone an explanation for anything and that I only need to sort myself out. Granted I get sick of my own problems from time to time, but I highly doubt I need my own issues on top of caring for another life.

Let's face it, if you ARE the father, you have to step up and devote all your time and resources to the kid. But for today at least I am glad that I can just watch films and documentaries, binge on nostalgic music, and be sloppy to where I can pass out in a sea of beer bottles and liquor. Oh, and watch the world's classiest people be at each other's throats.

Love you all.

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Alive and kicking btw
Feb 6, 2024
Totally agree. As someone who used to have no time for so long, I appreciate it's huge value. No bigger treasure in life than being able to dedicate to myself and all the freedom it implies.

I thought it'd turn into routine, but it just gets better and better the more time and saved hard-earned resources you have.
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Aug 13, 2024
I feel the exact same way! I felt like a pos for still living with my parents, even at 18, when I turned 20 and finally planned my ctb date, I suddenly don't care anymore! I watch my sister struggle with college and while I have a job, I don't have to talk to anybody and on weekends, I do whatever I want. It's great. I wouldn't do this if I planned on living but since I don't...I may as well go do literally whatever I feel like.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
It's a fair point. Me and the Mrs. are currently leaning no kids pretty heavily for a lot of those reasons. I really like mentoring people, and I'm generally good with kids. . . but if you're a parent, that is every single day for 18 years (unless your kid never grows up and stays at home forever without getting a job or contributing at all . . . then you have to consider kicking them out which would feel terrible and you'd feel like a failure for it. I mean, not right away, of course, and not if they are trying to contribute. But if they aren't trying and you're supporting them as much as possible, how long do you keep providing? 21, 25? idk. I don't want to think about it.) No break. No escape. And no going back.

To be a parent is to accept responsibility for that child. I just . . . I can't stay at a job more than a year without it feeling way too repetitive and boring for my brain. What if the kid isn't all that interesting to me? What if I get bored with being a parent? Back to suicidal thoughts? Nope, now you're really stuck. So what happens to the kid? If I get depressed and despondent and lose my job and have a breakdown that kid is now damaged.

I don't need all that. I don't think I'm built for it.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
It's a fair point. Me and the Mrs. are currently leaning no kids pretty heavily for a lot of those reasons. I really like mentoring people, and I'm generally good with kids. . . but if you're a parent that, is every single day for 18 years (unless your kid never grows up and stays at home forever without getting a job or contributing at all . . . then you have to consider kicking them out which would feel terrible and you'd feel like a failure for it. I mean, not right away, of course, and not if they are trying to contribute. But if they aren't trying and you're supporting them as much as possible, how long do you keep providing? 21, 25? idk. I don't want to think about it.) No break. No escape. And no going back.

To be a parent is to accept responsibility for that child. I just . . . I can't stay at a job more than a year without it feeling way too repetitive and boring for my brain. What if the kid isn't all that interesting to me? What if I get bored with being a parent? Back to suicidal thoughts? Nope, now you're really stuck. So what happens to the kid? If I get depressed and despondent and lose my job and have a breakdown that kid is now damaged.

I don't need all that. I don't think I'm built for it.

That's totally valid, and if you factor in that life is becoming increasingly unaffordable for the masses and people are having to club together just to survive, you're never going to be rid of the kid either. It's bad now but will only get worse in the coming years. Not to mention what uni will cost. Fuck all that noise.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Definitely. It's funny really. I had a friend who desperately wanted children. When it finally happened, she said she was grateful every day. I feel grateful every day for the exact opposite reasons! I'm certain any child of mine would be unhappy and it would break my heart to witness that. I feel like I've spared them and me all that.

To be honest, it extends further than that though too. If I do feel sad for not having a partner even, I remind myself how nice it is to be able to do exactly what I want, when I want. I'm hugely self centred. It was actually really nice when things started to shift for me. When being single started to bother me less and I started to genuinely enjoy the positives.
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Love is a toothache in the heart. H.Heine
Dec 12, 2020
Sure, I'm of the same opinion as everyone here. I have 1000 reasons for not having children, and the smallest is just that I can't imagine living and having to constantly communicate and entertain someone I didn't carefully choose... And children are a total lottery with lots of possible bad surprises.
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
Will And Grace Thumbs Up GIF by HULU

@derpyderpins Your (ellipses') reply was so long winded💨🤣 and perfectly hilarious for the target audience and the nontargeted alike.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
Will And Grace Thumbs Up GIF by HULU

@derpyderpins Your (ellipses') reply was so long winded💨🤣 and perfectly hilarious for the target audience and the nontargeted alike.
Happy to entertain, though I wasn't joking -_-. That's the rambling thought process my brain goes through.
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
Happy to entertain, though I wasn't joking -_-. That's the rambling thought process my brain goes through.
That's a big reason it was so funny, because it was so innocent and truthful😂
Then again I laugh at people's stuff on here all the time, and I don't think that was their intention *shrug
(I have the same thought processes... A lot of my life was spent talking very fast lol.)
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Why is this so hard?
Aug 31, 2024
I had an epiphany when I was about 15 and realized I never want children. It's rare in my generation and I feel like a freak for it, but I'm slightly comforted to see that younger people today are deciding not to. if I am really honest, I would say that I'm also just plainly too selfish. I can't imagine putting another's needs first. I have my own stupid problems. I can't deal with anyone else's.
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Boss of the Lupertazzi crime family.
Sep 17, 2024
having no kids is fun, but bills are hell :'(
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
It really is cool but I have an all or nothing mentality where I want to have no responsibilities at all. Sure, it's nice that you have less responsibilities by not having kids but I still think that it's fucked up that I am forced to do other responsibilities such as work and chores. I wish that I could have no responsibilities but, since I can't, the next best alternative is death as those who are dead don't have to do anything at all
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