-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
I feel I would be very tempted to pick 2nd option but I would still be indecisive.

What about you guys?
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Hanging in there
Aug 29, 2023
Oh I'd LOVE the second option. As much as being alive sucks, the idea of infinite nonexistence terrifies me since it's beyond my comprehension.
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Mar 9, 2022
I'd go with the second option. Most nights, I'm a lucid dreamer and wouldn't mind that forever lol.

I'd just want to 'live' out my afterlife on a nice island, with my cat and everything we need.
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
I'd go with the second option. Most nights, I'm a lucid dreamer and wouldn't mind that forever lol.

I'd just want to 'live' out my afterlife on a nice island, with my cat and everything we need.
What if your cat wanted to be an astronaut?
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Mar 9, 2022
What if your cat wanted to be an astronaut?
That'd honestly be even better! A fancy spaceship to travel, stopping by spaceports for some socialization and resources when we need to. I might have to dream about that tonight now :haha:
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Mar 12, 2023
god mode with guidance from the prime source, i imagine the decision making would be paralyzing without it.
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Oct 22, 2023
As edgy and cringe as it sounds I think I'd genuinely love just nothingness. Sleeping without dreaming is just such bliss tbh. Just like being in a coma forever would be nice
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february in alaska

february in alaska

wandering aimlessly
Sep 13, 2023
I would like a nice/comforting/interesting afterlife but I would also like the option to go into nonexistence when I wanted to LOL. Even in afterlife, the idea of existing forever sounds so exhausting
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
As edgy and cringe as it sounds I think I'd genuinely love just nothingness. Sleeping without dreaming is just such bliss tbh. Just like being in a coma forever would be nice
I don't think it is cringe or edgy. It is just how you feel about it.

I would like a nice/comforting/interesting afterlife but I would also like the option to go into nonexistence when I wanted to LOL. Even in afterlife, the idea of existing forever sounds so exhausting
Exactly. Eternity scares me but having some fun, I wouldn't mind that honestly.

The issue is even if we go into non existence, life goes on for others which scares me. Especially when I don't know anything besides my life on earth as a human.
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february in alaska

february in alaska

wandering aimlessly
Sep 13, 2023
Exactly. Eternity scares me but having some fun, I wouldn't mind that honestly.

The issue is even if we go into non existence, life goes on for others which scares me. Especially when I don't know anything besides my life on earth as a human.
Oof, felt. I'm still struggling to wrap my mind around all my existential thoughts as my date gets closer. I've never been religious or believed in an afterlife to begin with, but even the concept of absolute nothing is so unknown it terrifies me. That my tiny fragile little consciousness within my brain is the only connection I have to anything, and when it's gone, I can't understand where I will be.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I just want to permanently cease existing for all eternity, to me existence will always be unnecessary and undesirable, only the absence of everything is perfection. I see it as for the best that existence is erased and forgotten about.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Non existence for me. WAY too much responsibility as a creator. Imagine all the complaints you'd get? Unless you didn't create anything sentient- in which case, it would be so lonely. Or managed to create a world with free choice and no suffering. Kind of hard to imagine given our origin.
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call me prince
Sep 26, 2023
second option for me! id turn my favourite books into reality^-^
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finger on the eject button
Oct 4, 2022
Well, god mode would mean I can end it all painlessly whenever I want, so sure! Sounds wonderful.
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。°✩ the zeitgeist ✩°。
Feb 22, 2023
it would be wonderful if i could go in god mode and just.. create my own void of how i imagine it.
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Life's not fair, is it?
Mar 2, 2023
Of course the second one lol
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weeb & neet ♡
Oct 8, 2023
2 sounds really fun.. i could change everything that makes life unbearable for me here. my mental illnesses, my body, my lack of friends, my emotional distance from my family, my inability to create what i want to, my lack of talent, etc. i could go on for ages, i wish so many things were different and i wouldn't hesitate at the chance to be able to make a world that's happier not only for myself but for everyone else.
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Apr 9, 2023
Do you have any ties with mormonism by chance? Option two is preached if someone lives a perfect life on earth as a reward for being pious and giving the church a lot of money.
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
Do you have any ties with mormonism by chance? Option two is preached if someone lives a perfect life on earth as a reward for being pious and giving the church a lot of money.
Nope. I was muslim as a kid but became atheist after 19.

Would they really preach that tho? My example includes anything even immoral stuff. Like anything imaginable. Which is why I said god mode.
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Silhouettes on the ceiling
Aug 2, 2023
Hard choice for me! As long as the people I create have the option of free will, that would be cool. I could make a neat world with no unnecessary pain or cruelty. But I think being a god and living forever would wear me down after a while.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I'd go with the second option. Most nights, I'm a lucid dreamer and wouldn't mind that forever lol.

I'd just want to 'live' out my afterlife on a nice island, with my cat and everything we need.
How do you lucid dream? Do you have any advice? I've been trying to lucid dream but I've never been able to
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
How do you lucid dream? Do you have any advice? I've been trying to lucid dream but I've never been able to
When I was younger I had a few of them randomly. Not many tho. Best one was where I was just flying and feeling bliss. I still remember it.

Others were meh, kinda like gta lol. I just did mayhem for the fun of it, especially to people that tried to hurt me before I realised I am in a dream and power role flipped.

Later on I read some people practice to induce them but I personally never got into it. Maybe lullaby knows how to do it.
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Mar 9, 2022
How do you lucid dream? Do you have any advice? I've been trying to lucid dream but I've never been able to

God, I've been doing it since I was a kid that I feel like I don't even try anymore. Honestly, I just read, a lot before bed. It could be a book, it could be fan fiction, etc. Just whatever I want to dream about, I make sure I try to fill my head with as much vivid stuff as I can. That's pretty much a must for me. Then I focus on it as I'm falling asleep.

It's gotten so intense over the years that it's kinda expanded into maladaptive daydreaming too; I swear it feels like I'm never present for 90% of my time awake.

I guess it also helps to be more conscious of your dreams too and trying to remember them? Keeping a journal or jotting down notes of what they were help too I think.
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Sep 29, 2023
a god mode would help me get rid of my earthly desires id have everything id ever wanted and even being alone id be able to at least enjoy it myself giving myself the happiness with whatever i can create , i doubt it'd last forever eventually id get tired and id crave the one thing that i wouldnt be able to fix (loneliness)
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oh no :(
Apr 10, 2023
Definitely the second option for me, it would be fascinating to manifest any firearm I want, all the scenarios and characters I created with my maladaptive daydreaming and just about anything. The only problem would probably be is knowing that you exist forever, but I guess that could be dealt with somehow if you have godmode.
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I’m Cold
Sep 9, 2023
Second. I have daydreams about a utopia where my friend and I live in a small cottage in the forest together, doing things like fishing and making delicious pastries. It is not nearly as opulent or magical as some of the dreams that I used to have, but this is the one that makes me happiest by far.
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
Second. I have daydreams about a utopia where my friend and I live in a small cottage in the forest together, doing things like fishing and making delicious pastries. It is not nearly as opulent or magical as some of the dreams that I used to have, but this is the one that makes me happiest by far.
You know when I was younger I always imagined my paradise as a lake with small wooden house and a boat.

Me and my ex gf would also daydream about it. She has a kid now and lives in a city. And I am living in a fantasy world until it is my time to go :D. Life man lmao.


Oct 17, 2023
Second option 100%. Non existence is well, nothing, you can't experience it and the thought of it lasting forever would drive me insane. Even though it is nothing and would probably feel like sleeping forever, it still sounds scary and lonely. Imagine millions or billions years of that, pure nightmare fuel. The second option though? Endless options. And if it ever gets boring, you could always just end it. I feel like lucid dreams show how limited we are limited by our bodies. In lucid dreams, we can do impossible things even without requiring a body, and it's the same for near death experiences and out of body experiences, where people end up in another place. If we consider ourselves as eternal consciousness in a temporary human body/vessel, then anything is possible. I sometimes wonder if something in the universe is associated with it. Like, black holes. What is inside one? Why does the structure of the cosmic web look like brain cells? What about all the other planets, stars, and galaxies that are far away from earth? There are trillions of them out there and there is no way that life only exists on earth.
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