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No use to know one
Feb 15, 2019
I have posted this sum were else on here but thought i put it its own post . Ican no longer feel anything. I no longer think of myself as human i just exist as sum thing i don't know what but sum thing . I no longer feel anything sadness happiness hope despair love hate all gone they seem to have gone a few weeks ago just got up one morning and all gone. I look at the world around me and it seems all the colour has gone out the world all the warmth and coldness is no longer they . I look at people going about their daily lives on they phones take about they telly shows and other things . I use to fell sad for them how they were blinded to the world but now nothing i just look at them and feel nothing. Even food doesn't taste the same anymore just no taste at tall every thing gone i think not to shore but my memory mite be going to . I can seem the remember what i did at school it was 30 years ago but i could remember most of it but now its gone i think other memories have gone to . I think i was in love with sum one but its just half of an idea its just a image of sum one dont know who thought. It all most feel like this person is at the middle of all this like are hell i dont know i say feeling but think that just a memory to . Its like i am already dead but my body is still going its was to say feel weird but it's just not they . Well dont know what to do may for the best i dont know well best be getting up today but dont know why as they no feeling left well see what happens by all . Here an update its bin a wired day to day dont what the hell happened to me . I still feel nothing but had to go out that were it started i had to get on the bus . The bus driver look at me odd but that normal for me any way was in town and they was a group of people in my way . I would normally walk round them being nice and but instead i just walk rite through not caring. As i did i up set one of them they started to mouth off at me i just look at him and the look on his face was of shock then he back of thort odd but hay . Then i had to go to appointment it normally takes half an hour with her but this time she look at me and shr could not get over the appointment quickly enough. Ones more odd by now i was thinking they sum thing up here could they tell i had no feeling waht so ever ? . Any way did not hang around town came straight home and that when i saw what they have bin seen in me . I look in the mirror and i saw sum thing i nere seen before my eye had changed my iris are normal brown but they have seem to gone black . I dont know what to think any more but the odd thing is when i look in the mirror the reflection dont seem like me its like i am looking a complete stranger i no longer know my self . I think more memory's are going to i found sum pics did not who they were had to rely think they were my parents dont what the hell going on . Beginning to think i am all ready dead and this my larst dream before I fade away???? I dont know but only thing that fits HAHA mind you i dont know how to lafe now well best be of mite be back see you all .
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Reactions: marcusuk63, Alan James, Youthanasia and 1 other person


Apr 18, 2019
I still feel most things, even hope. For me I think that i jus't really don't care. I'm literally feeling like whatever to pretty much anything. Have always been a bit like this tbh.

Alan James

Apr 11, 2019
I have posted this sum were else on here but thought i put it its own post . Ican no longer feel anything. I no longer think of myself as human i just exist as sum thing i don't know what but sum thing . I no longer feel anything sadness happiness hope despair love hate all gone they seem to have gone a few weeks ago just got up one morning and all gone. I look at the world around me and it seems all the colour has gone out the world all the warmth and coldness is no longer they . I look at people going about their daily lives on they phones take about they telly shows and other things . I use to fell sad for them how they were blinded to the world but now nothing i just look at them and feel nothing. Even food doesn't taste the same anymore just no taste at tall every thing gone i think not to shore but my memory mite be going to . I can seem the remember what i did at school it was 30 years ago but i could remember most of it but now its gone i think other memories have gone to .

I feel exactly the same. I feel already dead. It feels like we saw this world as it really is, like Neo in the Matrix movie or something, and there is no way back. These are symptoms of the same types of depression likely.


No use to know one
Feb 15, 2019
I have posted this sum were else on here but thought i put it its own post . Ican no longer feel anything. I no longer think of myself as human i just exist as sum thing i don't know what but sum thing . I no longer feel anything sadness happiness hope despair love hate all gone they seem to have gone a few weeks ago just got up one morning and all gone. I look at the world around me and it seems all the colour has gone out the world all the warmth and coldness is no longer they . I look at people going about their daily lives on they phones take about they telly shows and other things . I use to fell sad for them how they were blinded to the world but now nothing i just look at them and feel nothing. Even food doesn't taste the same anymore just no taste at tall every thing gone i think not to shore but my memory mite be going to . I can seem the remember what i did at school it was 30 years ago but i could remember most of it but now its gone i think other memories have gone to . I think i was in love with sum one but its just half of an idea its just a image of sum one dont know who thought. It all most feel like this person is at the middle of all this like are hell i dont know i say feeling but think that just a memory to . Its like i am already dead but my body is still going its was to say feel weird but it's just not they . Well dont know what to do may for the best i dont know well best be getting up today but dont know why as they no feeling left well see what happens by all . Here an update its bin a wired day to day dont what the hell happened to me . I still feel nothing but had to go out that were it started i had to get on the bus . The bus driver look at me odd but that normal for me any way was in town and they was a group of people in my way . I would normally walk round them being nice and but instead i just walk rite through not caring. As i did i up set one of them they started to mouth off at me i just look at him and the look on his face was of shock then he back of thort odd but hay . Then i had to go to appointment it normally takes half an hour with her but this time she look at me and shr could not get over the appointment quickly enough. Ones more odd by now i was thinking they sum thing up here could they tell i had no feeling waht so ever ? . Any way did not hang around town came straight home and that when i saw what they have bin seen in me . I look in the mirror and i saw sum thing i nere seen before my eye had changed my iris are normal brown but they have seem to gone black . I dont know what to think any more but the odd thing is when i look in the mirror the reflection dont seem like me its like i am looking a complete stranger i no longer know my self . I think more memory's are going to i found sum pics did not who they were had to rely think they were my parents dont what the hell going on . Beginning to think i am all ready dead and this my larst dream before I fade away???? I dont know but only thing that fits HAHA mind you i dont know how to lafe now well best be of mite be back see you all .
Well still here but things getting odder got up this morning and well i dont think i can see colours any more every thing seems to be black and white odd . All so i am starting to hear sounds and noises voices to just on the edge of my hearing . And seeing things that aren't they i see sum thing or sum one out the corner of my eye i turn to look and they not they or i look straight at them and when I blink they gone . Its all like i am seeing another wold under or over this one dam like sum one sed bit like the matrix odd very odd still cant feel anything think that might be for the best or i be gome mad by now or am i mad already?????? Well lets see what the rest of the day brings tata for now.


Life Eternal
Jul 24, 2018
Well still here but things getting odder got up this morning and well i dont think i can see colours any more every thing seems to be black and white odd . All so i am starting to hear sounds and noises voices to just on the edge of my hearing . And seeing things that aren't they i see sum thing or sum one out the corner of my eye i turn to look and they not they or i look straight at them and when I blink they gone . Its all like i am seeing another wold under or over this one dam like sum one sed bit like the matrix odd very odd still cant feel anything think that might be for the best or i be gome mad by now or am i mad already?????? Well lets see what the rest of the day brings tata for now.
I've experienced this too. It's like living in a parallel universe.


No use to know one
Feb 15, 2019
Things are getting worse its hard to remember any thing i even all most forgotten my name. I look at things and its just all blank cant put a name to any thing i keep seeing people who not they its getting worse to . Hearing is bad now i hear voices now like people having a chat to one ang other its all like seeing another wold. And i can onley see in black and white now still no feelings even pain seems to be getting duller just wondering if its permanent or i am dieing who knows. All i no longer feel hot or cold ever my hunger seem to be fading wrll say tata for now


Mar 16, 2019
Reminds me of Osamu Dazai's book No Longer Human. Interesting read for anyone feeling similar.


No use to know one
Feb 15, 2019
Reminds me of Osamu Dazai's book No Longer Human. Interesting read for anyone feeling similar.
Thats something worth looking up thanks i do like to read a lot but for sum reason its all most inposerbull to do that now . Its like all that i have learned or the past 45 year's is just slipping away good job they a spell checker on here or i would not be able to do this . It's all took me half an hour to rite this and odd thing i can still read but if i try write was i just read it be inposerbull to do. Were my mind going and will my body ever catch up???


No use to know one
Feb 15, 2019
Here another up date i think I lost most of my hearing and every seems to be getting darker the thing its very sunny out. When I touched things can hardly feel it i burnt my hand and did not feel that it's like i am dieing but still a live in the process all very odd well of out this going to be fun TATAfor now

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