

Dec 26, 2020
Be it on SS, FB, even in person, I find myself getting into arguments. I lash out, say mean things, or get overly sensitive and leave in a huff. This is to do with my behaviors and response to things I cannot change. I let myself melt down and I either get punished for it or hurt back in return. Maybe my BPD makes me a monster. Maybe it makes me unstable. I am sorry if I can't change myself. I am who I am. If you don't like it, then fuck off
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Feb 11, 2021
Everyone hates me
  • Aww..
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Nov 15, 2020
Hi friend. It must be very frustrating lashing out, getting in arguments, saying mean things.

I'm really curious about your experience. Do you lash out and say mean things to feel better? Does it work?

can I ask what kinda things you like that are more pro social?
The reason I ask is I figure if you made this post your behavior causes you problems and I'd like you to have the experience ms you want.


Feb 27, 2021
I stopped trying to make friends years ago. I have BPD as well and it makes it impossible to trust anyone. I'm kind of contempt with being alone but I still need to learn how to act around people in a social environment since I do plan on going back to work. I still believe one single good friend>100 fake friends no matter what social media thinks. How many times have you heard about someone who is perceived as popular saying that they feel completely alone and can't talk to nobody about their inner problems. Or when someone who has it all one day offs themselves and their friends are left stunned saying they didn't know anything was going on with them. Really makes you think.
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Dec 26, 2020
Hi friend. It must be very frustrating lashing out, getting in arguments, saying mean things.

I'm really curious about your experience. Do you lash out and say mean things to feel better? Does it work?

can I ask what kinda things you like that are more pro social?
The reason I ask is I figure if you made this post your behavior causes you problems and I'd like you to have the experience ms you want.
I think I lash out because I am in pain. It is not an excuse and it's something I want to stop doing. There are many layers to this behavior. I constantly feel angry. I approach life as if I am constantly victim to everything around me. I feel I have to be on "attack mode" all the time. If I feel wronged in some way I react. Often in a form of revenge to "get back" at them and make me feel powerful. However, I then realize that once the feelings subside/the person reacts I feel even worse.
I stopped trying to make friends years ago. I have BPD as well and it makes it impossible to trust anyone. I'm kind of contempt with being alone but I still need to learn how to act around people in a social environment since I do plan on going back to work. I still believe one single good friend>100 fake friends no matter what social media thinks. How many times have you heard about someone who is perceived as popular saying that they feel completely alone and can't talk to nobody about their inner problems. Or when someone who has it all one day offs themselves and their friends are left stunned saying they didn't know anything was going on with them. Really makes you think.
This is very true. Its interesting isn't it? That people we perceive to "have it all" are suffering on a level most cannot comprehend. In my case I fortunately have one friend I have known for a bout 5+ years who I remain fairly close to. We talk often adn hang out when possible. However I have been feeling sour as of late. I know I need to take a break from how I interact on the internet, more specifically SS. My emotions are become very unstable and I feel I am causing a lot of pain.
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● I do not live ● ● I exist ●
Mar 6, 2021
The Internet and (a)social networks make it even harder to find friends. Everything is digital now., everyone just types. People hardly speak anymore. Everything is becoming more anonymous and impersonal.


Jun 14, 2020
The Internet and (a)social networks make it even harder to find friends. Everything is digital now., everyone just types. People hardly speak anymore. Everything is becoming more anonymous and
The Internet and (a)social networks make it even harder to find friends. Everything is digital now., everyone just types. People hardly speak anymore. Everything is becoming more anonymous and impersonal.
I remember the carefree times of my childhood when there was still internet but not big as it was today.
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New Member
Nov 20, 2020
Be it on SS, FB, even in person, I find myself getting into arguments. I lash out, say mean things, or get overly sensitive and leave in a huff. This is to do with my behaviors and response to things I cannot change. I let myself melt down and I either get punished for it or hurt back in return. Maybe my BPD makes me a monster. Maybe it makes me unstable. I am sorry if I can't change myself. I am who I am. If you don't like it, then fuck off
I'm sorry for you, I know what it feels like.


Aug 12, 2018
Human communication is just a game of egos.
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Be it on SS, FB, even in person, I find myself getting into arguments. I lash out, say mean things, or get overly sensitive and leave in a huff. This is to do with my behaviors and response to things I cannot change. I let myself melt down
I haven't noticed that about you, but what you describe sounds like BPD.


Mar 22, 2021
I think it's common with BPD, you're not a monster, BPD is so misunderstood and despite the stigma there are good traits in people with BPD (empathy, introspective and self-awareness). I hope you can find people who understand you, don't change yourself to fit in with others!
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soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
most of the people who have a lot of friends are hypocritical and false people.

I have the same problem as you since I was little, maybe it's because I say all the time what I think is bothering, rather than saying things that people might like, so other people hate me.

it is only the fake people who will manage to integrate well into this society to shine and attract other fake people around them.
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