pile of skin and bones
- May 18, 2020
- 156
the other day me and my boyfriend were laying in bed. i don't even remember what we were talking about, but he asked me to name 5 hobbies i have and i just absolutely drew a blank. i actually almost started crying. it took me a solid 5 minutes to come up with just 2. it never hit me how little i enjoy anything about life. now that i think about it, i really am not sure what my favorite color even is. it's so exhausting to mask everyday to appear normal. if i could stay inside all day and never go outside or work, i would. yesterday at work my boss asked me if i was okay because my "aura seems off" she said. i told her """i'm okay""" i also almost started crying after that. i'm hoping by next month i'll have my sn kit together. i was able to get an ae yesterday so i'm just waiting for that to be delivered. i have sn, propranolol, street xans, and meto (assuming it arrives). i truly just see nothing for me in this life.