I live in the US so idk how relevant my answer is to you, but I have the fill nitrogen setup and it's quite costly (~$300). It was relatively easy to acquire though, the tank was just a matter of powering through anxiety and talking to people/entertaining a conversation with the weld supply employees. The 40 cu ft tank is moderately heavy (~25-35 lbs?) and its about 1 m tall. The bag was easy to make and is comfortable. All of the gas equipment was easy to get and operate. Its not very well hidden though, I have it in a big cardboard box in my closet (not safe for the cylinder! It is not secured in a cage! would not recommend storing it this way like I am). I learned this method in the "Inert gas megathread". Please do more research here if considering.
I can't find anything about the "gulps generator" online but I have considered acquiring a "CO generator" as backup. This is done via sulphuric and formic acid, along with a "gas washing bottle" kit and a porous aeration device safe for use with formic acid & sulphuric acid fumes and a diluted base mixture (NaOH + Water); a stainless steel aeration device is safe I think for formic & sulphuric acid fumes, CO, and diluted NaOH. You want this kit because the acid fumes will hurt and burn, the kit will neutralize these fumes and expel the CO gas by itself. Id suggest tying two or three of these kits together to fully neutralize the fumes. The aeration device helps improve surface area contact of the fumes with the base (NaOH). All of these materials should be relatively easy to get and should not be that expensive (~$100-$150). Look at the "CO mega thread" for other people discussing this method. Definitely do your homework if choosing a method like this.