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Apr 26, 2020
Both can be true. Like any bureaucracy, it can be ineffective but have some go getters. UK has clamped down on SN quite a bit, and it would not be the first person sectioned because of it.
Since it is a small town, there may not be many people in OPs age range with the same name who have been sectioned previously, especially if they were elevated to some watch list. Of course, it could have been someone close to OP who was shadowing them here due to a browser or phone left carelessly open.
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Apr 1, 2020
I'm sorry that you've been sectioned, especially in such a shady way. I didn't even realise something like that could be legal. Are you relatively well known to MH services? As others have said above I've never known the NHS to be so bloody proactive, or even give enough of a shit to bother.
Yeah, what is this sectioning thing? Is it even legal? I mean unless you walk into their office and say hey I want to do it, what proof do they have? Couldn't OP have said that their identity had been stolen or something? Like deny deny deny

Edit: Not blaming OP, but as a general rule peeps, deny deny deny

Don't you think it's kind of hypocritical when people all preach freedom of action for your own life but when it comes to ending it they basically "arrest" you and put you in ward. Why can't they get that not everyone wants to be """saved""" !?
I feel like it's a twisted universe in which they load you up with meds until they "take the suicidal out of you" and make you say "I love life."
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Aug 22, 2020
Another question: can somebody somehow derive your IP address from your posts on this forum?

I don't know but would recommend using a VPN to protect yourself just in case.
there are free vpn services such as ProtonVPN
Yeah, what is this sectioning thing? Is it even legal?

Yes unfortunately it is legal. It is when you are hospitalised against your will. They have screenshots of the conversation & older posts etc so they can deny all they like but that won't help them get out of there.
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Aug 22, 2020
Well there's no conspiracy here and no reason to panic.
I do not think that the government employs staff in the health service to monitor this website.
More likely that somebody simply acted to prevent his suicide.
Yes I agree, people in the UK don't get sectioned for small stuff, you have to be a real danger to yourself and/or society to be sectioned, not just posting on an open forum. Even if you begged to be sectioned, it wouldn't happen, they just haven't got enough resources here in the UK
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Aug 6, 2020
Yes I agree, people in the UK don't get sectioned for small stuff, you have to be a real danger to yourself and/or society to be sectioned, not just posting on an open forum. Even if you begged to be sectioned, it wouldn't happen, they just haven't got enough resources here in the UK
Oh, don't assume that's always the case.
I once had a consultant psychologist who I had never met before tell me that if I make another formal complaint, she would have me hospitalised.
No I am not exaggerating, and I am certainly not joking.
Luckily, I'm not easily intimidated and a complaint was made against her :)
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May 15, 2019
I was trying to maintain anonymity for both of us. I understand them wanting to talk to someone first, but I'm not giving them my name and address and phone number, nor do I want theirs.
Sharing is caring brother...
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Sep 12, 2020
I don't know but would recommend using a VPN to protect yourself just in case.
there are free vpn services such as ProtonVPN

Even a VPN or Tor will be useless if you share too much personal information (no offense to OP).

VPN are also just a matter of trust, especially I'd be careful with free ones. I'd recommend Tor, don't trust anyone, don't share personal information like names, numbers, etc.
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Apr 2, 2020
And Do you happen to hapoen to know the ladies full name also?
I was referring to myself. :tongue: I know my full name.
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May 15, 2019
I was referring to myself. :tongue: I know my full name.
That was kind of the joke tbh.
But well done, you passed the security test. Proud of you x
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Jan 20, 2020
I hope op will be ok....

People really need to stop giving name and city to ANYONE.
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Apr 2, 2020
I hope op will be ok....

People really need to stop giving name and city to ANYONE.
Or telling people about their plans to ctb. When I decide to do it, I probably won't tell anyone up until the last minute.
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Aug 2, 2020
On the one hand we have this thread, but on the other we had this one too:

NHS is being portrayed as a super stealthy org that spies on people online and sections them based on their posts, and simultaneously as an org that doesn't give a damn about people claiming they want to die (their crisis team told this person to watch mindfulness videos on YouTube when they were feeling suicidal). What to believe?
I think more the fact that NHS fail to provide competent, adequate mental health is really gaining traction with the media. So they're on the lookout for anything or anyone to blame, especially since a couple of high profile users from the UK died. I don't imagine they'll ever improve their services, but they are willing to look at the website so they can attribute it to patient deaths and not their own incompetence.
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Apr 2, 2020
Many years ago, I was having a heated argument with my partner at the time. After he left, I called him and said I'll kill myself. He called the cops on me and when they came I was so pissed off that I started hitting a wall with my foot (I was drunk and on benzos) and told them (screamed actually) that he was lying. They just took my info from my ID and left. They did not get me hospitalized or forced me to see a doctor. The system in my country works in such a way that even if someone reported me, especially from a foreign country, I doubt that I would face any consequences.
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Aug 29, 2020
They tracked you down and arrested you with such little information? The NHS must have a better intel network than the KGB...
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Aug 2, 2020
They tracked you down and arrested you with such little information? The NHS must have a better intel network than the KGB...
ISPs in the UK seem to track user activity more than other countries. But that's just my uninformed opinion.
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Apr 2, 2020
I hope op will be ok....

People really need to stop giving name and city to ANYONE.
I gave my first name and city to two people from this site who have done the same with me. I would not report them and I trust them that they would not report me.
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May 15, 2019
That was kind of the joke tbh.
But well done, you passed the security test. Proud of you x

Many years ago, I was having a heated argument with my partner at the time. After he left, I called him and said I'll kill myself. He called the cops on me and when they came I was so pissed off that I started hitting a wall with my foot (I was drunk and on benzos) and told them (screamed actually) that he was lying. They just took my info from my ID and left. They did not get me hospitalized or forced me to see a doctor. The system in my country works in such a way that even if someone reported me, especially from a foreign country, I doubt that I would face any consequences.
A pro choice healthcare system. Im moving to Croatia!
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Sep 26, 2020
This site must not fall down. If the site collapses it makes lives of many people a living prisons.
Right to choose= freedom to decide about your future. otherwise there is none.
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Awkward & weird
Jul 5, 2020
Oh my god, it's more than horrible what happened... This is the most bitchy thing pro-lifers can do. To deprive people of the only people who understand. Well the only thing I can do is to hope UK mental hospitals aren't as bad as Polish ones. Polish mental hospitals are the worst places on the whole earth. If only you saw how they treat these poor depressed people. They're like a f*****g death camps. I hope UK hospitals are the places where you can function normally at least. Please don't trust anyone. Never share your personal information.
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Apr 2, 2020
One think i would like to add is this.
A lot of people are very guarded abiut revealing anything about themselves on here for obvious reasons.
That should be respected of course.
But some of us are

A pro choice healthcare system. Im moving to Croatia!

Once I attempted suicide by overdosing on pills and I hurt the back of my head somehow (I don't remember how), it was bleeding. I called the ambulance when I woke up and saw blood on my pillow. I got 3 stitches and spent the night at the psych ward. In the morning, I told a psychiatrist that I did it on impulse and that I regret it, and they have let me go home. So generally I am not scared of those people. I can talk my way out of anything.
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fat cringey shut-in
Jun 19, 2019
The thought of a mental health professional like actively looking for my username and the most incriminating posts is ... *shudder* Like this is my private, personal life.
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May 15, 2019
Once I attempted suicide by overdosing on pills and I hurt the back of my head somehow (I don't remember how), it was bleeding. I called the ambulance when I woke up and saw blood on my pillow. I got 3 stitches and spent the night at the psych ward. In the morning, I told a psychiatrist that I did it on impulse and that I regret it, and they have let me go home. So generally I am not scared of those people. I can talk my way out of anything.
In Croatian


Jan 20, 2020
I have to assume I'm higher profile if someone is trying to identify us due to children involved, but I'm also not going to live in fear. It's not too hard to avoid trouble.
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Sep 21, 2020
Friend, I'm so sorry.

I've explicitly told my MH team in person how I'm feeling and they couldn't give a flying fuck about me.
Worsening self harm + intrusive suicidal thoughts = discharged back to GP.;-;

The NHS is definitely a postcode lottery.

Praying for a speedy journey back to your home!

- Acopia:kiss:
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May 15, 2019
Both can be true. Like any bureaucracy, it can be ineffective but have some go getters. UK has clamped down on SN quite a bit, and it would not be the first person sectioned because of it.
Since it is a small town, there may not be many people in OPs age range with the same name who have been sectioned previously, especially if they were elevated to some watch list. Of course, it could have been someone close to OP who was shadowing them here due to a browser or phone left carelessly open.
Yeah I remember op saying its a really small village where everyone knows each other. Its not inbred though
The village psychiatrist drinks in the only pub in the village and is married to the local vicar. It was probably inevitable tbh
I have to assume I'm higher profile if someone is trying to identify us due to children involved, but I'm also not going to live in fear. It's not too hard to avoid trouble.
They go after people by their ranking on here rosey. Higher the rank, more attention is given.
Its a little similar to when the police go after the big time drug dealers rather than someone like yourself who just smokes a bit of dope for medical reasons.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I'm announcing I'm not actively trying to commit suicide. Just in case anyone is watching me. I'm engaging in simple release of some negative emotions on this site.
I was well aware of the types of people lurking on this site before now. I am certainly not mentally ill nor am I in any position to commit suicide. I work, have interests, and while my life is a struggle due to pain from physical reasons I carry on each day. This is my outlet since I don't have a therapist.

I have decided that I will let nature take it's course.
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Apr 1, 2020
In Croatian
Dude like stop with this, what is your purpose?
To draw attention to the user and who knows who is reading this, or to show that you're in the 'inside circle' and that they're not from Croatia? Like what do you hope to achieve?


May 15, 2019
Dude like stop with this, what is your purpose?
To draw attention to the user and who knows who is reading this, or to show that you're in the 'inside circle' and that they're not from Croatia? Like what do you hope to achieve?
The inside circle bit
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