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Been a guest viewer on here for years
Jul 7, 2020
I have not got long to write this but when this has been posted can @Marquis or a different moderator please ban this account straight away, if @Marquis can e-mail me and i will send him the account name and all the screen shots i have taken of the conversation.

Long story cut short because i don't have much time to type this, this morning i was sectioned at my home address, i am in a local psychiatric hospital on a section 2 (I have been on this before but many years ago including a section 3)

I am in my 20s and i am on antipsychotics for a few different mental health conditions, i regularly have community mental health nurses visit my flat but i was doing fine, my mental health had been stable and i was taking my medication but trying to source SN because i wanted to go before the end of the year.

I posted on here a few days ago about sourcing SN and was contacted by someone on here, who i got into a deep conversation with who i thought 'cared', He asked what area i was from and we exchanged first names, he said he was from the same town as me, which i found strange because it is a small place but i thought nothing more about it, then this morning shockingly i was arrested under the mental health act in the UK, and was taken to hospital.

I have then had a meeting with a few different people at the psych ward to explain why i was being sectioned this morning, i was presented with a number of screenshots of the conversation with this 'person' and posts made by myself on this website some dating back a few months. I am uncertain how long they have been watching me or how. I'm sorry i cannot be of any more help.

A few things to point out:
- I have never disclosed my second name, only my first name.
- I have never disclosed my home address, only the town i live in.
- Never told any one my date of birth.

I'm so fucking unhappy & sad right now, this website was my only way of coping with life and they have just took that human right from me, i wouldn't be surprised if this post is presented to me at a different meeting in the future and affects how long my stay is but i have to warn you all the NHS is well aware of this website, please use fake names, locations etc etc

Take care love you all x
  • Aww..
  • Wow
  • Hmph!
Reactions: Gnip, x~Sophia~x, Hyperbunny and 75 others


24/7 sylvia plath
Sep 3, 2020
Wow that is really, really scary.

With me preparing to CTB here in Australia, using SN, that's really unsettling.

Hope you're okay :heart:
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Aug 22, 2020
I'm so sorry passerby!
That's a terrible thing to have happened.
Horrible interfering busybodies!
I hope your hospitalisation isn't too terrible.
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Jul 19, 2020
We know we've been under attack for quite some time. No one understands us. Everyone thinks that if we believe we want to die, something must be psychologically wrong with us. They're blind. They just don't understand, nor do they want to.
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May 15, 2019
I have not got long to write this but when this has been posted can @Marquis or a different moderator please ban this account straight away, if @Marquis can e-mail me and i will send him the account name and all the screen shots i have taken of the conversation.

Long story cut short because i don't have much time to type this, this morning i was sectioned at my home address, i am in a local psychiatric hospital on a section 2 (I have been on this before but many years ago including a section 3)

I am in my 20s and i am on antipsychotics for a few different mental health conditions, i regularly have community mental health nurses visit my flat but i was doing fine, my mental health had been stable and i was taking my medication but trying to source SN because i wanted to go before the end of the year.

I posted on here a few days ago about sourcing SN and was contacted by someone on here, who i got into a deep conversation with who i thought 'cared', He asked what area i was from and we exchanged first names, he said he was from the same town as me, which i found strange because it is a small place but i thought nothing more about it, then this morning shockingly i was arrested under the mental health act in the UK, and was taken to hospital.

I have then had a meeting with a few different people at the psych ward to explain why i was being sectioned this morning, i was presented with a number of screenshots of the conversation with this 'person' and posts made by myself on this website some dating back a few months. I am uncertain how long they have been watching me or how. I'm sorry i cannot be of any more help.

A few things to point out:
- I have never disclosed my second name, only my first name.
- I have never disclosed my home address, only the town i live in.
- Never told any one my date of birth.

I'm so fucking unhappy & sad right now, this website was my only way of coping with life and they have just took that human right from me, i wouldn't be surprised if this post is presented to me at a different meeting in the future and affects how long my stay is but i have to warn you all the NHS is well aware of this website, please use fake names, locations etc etc

Take care love you all x
I wouldn't have thought they woukd have the resources to work pro actively like this.
Unless you have disclosed an immediate threat to your life im not sure how they can section. Being on here and discussing ctb shouldnt be enough to section.
If they have gone off your first name and town maybe they know you in mh services.
Id certainly challenge any section if that happened to me.
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Aug 17, 2020
I was private chatting with someone - and I'm not saying they were doing anything wrong or were suspicious, but this is just an example of why you need to be careful - like really careful - they wanted to chat or video stream to see if we got on for partnering purposes.

1) Putting yourself on video talking about it would be nuts.
2) Sharing phone numbers would be nuts.
3) I suggested we call from public phone box to public phone box. They said I'll give you the number of the public phone box and you can ring it from your mobile, I won't be able to see your number. Not a good idea either, is it?

I think a lot of people here just come to vent and get the feelings out to others who understand, so sectioning someone seems extreme, unless they'd been actively talking about doing it, in which case....

Just be careful, we all have ups and downs, don't say something rash or do something rash in the heat of the moment.
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May 15, 2019
too late, they already here.
be careful, trust no one
hope your bus arrives on time,
and that it don't rain while you waiting to ctb.
and please don't miss the bus
My experience with the nhs mental health teams was not like this. They were not pro active. Maybe its because of where op lives
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Aug 17, 2020
My experience with the nhs mental health teams was not like this. They were not pro active. Maybe its because of where op lives
Maybe it's because he's already known to them and made an active threat to do it, so they've stepped in because of his history?

Does sound like someone directly reported him though.
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May 15, 2019
I was private chatting with someone - and I'm not saying they were doing anything wrong or were suspicious, but this is just an example of why you need to be careful - like really careful - they wanted to chat or video stream to see if we got on for partnering purposes.

1) Putting yourself on video talking about it would be nuts.
2) Sharing phone numbers would be nuts.
3) I suggested we call from public phone box to public phone box. They said I'll give you the number of the public phone box and you can ring it from your mobile, I won't be able to see your number. Not a good idea either, is it?

I think a lot of people here just come to vent and get the feelings out to others who understand, so sectioning someone seems extreme, unless they'd been actively talking about doing it, in which case....

Just be careful, we all have ups and downs, don't say something rash or do something rash in the heat of the moment.
Why doesnt anything this interesting happen to me lol?
I just have semi normal conversations!
Not once have i been asked to go to a phone box in a long raincoat wearing glasses and a fake moustache!
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Jun 23, 2020
Hooooooly shit. Wow. Now I'm scared. I am so sorry this happened to you, I have experienced violation of trust here too (not as extreme thankfully) and I can imagine how confused you are right now. As a fellow UK citizen, I am terrified. If you want to talk to me, I would be happy to lend an ear, but I can understand how sceptical of conversations you would be right now. I hope things get sorted out, this is incredibly scary
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Aug 17, 2020
Why doesnt anything this interesting happen to me lol?
I just have semi normal conversations!
Not once have i been asked to go to a phone box in a long raincoat wearing glasses and a fake moustache!
I was trying to maintain anonymity for both of us. I understand them wanting to talk to someone first, but I'm not giving them my name and address and phone number, nor do I want theirs.
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May 15, 2019
Why doesnt anything this interesting happen to me lol?
I just have semi normal conversations!
Not once have i been asked to go to a phone box in a long raincoat wearing glasses and a fake moustache!
I mean @mahakali88 when ive spoke you privately all you ever go on about is how clear the seas are in Croatia...
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Apr 2, 2020
I mean @mahakali88 when ive spoke you privately all you ever go on about is how clear the seas are in Croatia...
Boring, I know. Next time we chat, I'll ask to see some ID. :smiling:
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Aug 6, 2020
I'm sorry this has happened to you @Passerby . Thanks for PMing me this morning before you wrote this thread.

I find it unlikely that health service staff are actively spying on this website.
More likely is that somebody who wishes to prevent your suicide reported you to authorities.

I've been invited by two people who I think I can trust to communicate away from this website.
I don't think I'll be taking that risk.

Another question: can somebody somehow derive your IP address from your posts on this forum?
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Apr 2, 2020
On the one hand we have this thread, but on the other we had this one too:

NHS is being portrayed as a super stealthy org that spies on people online and sections them based on their posts, and simultaneously as an org that doesn't give a damn about people claiming they want to die (their crisis team told this person to watch mindfulness videos on YouTube when they were feeling suicidal). What to believe?
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Jul 1, 2020
I have not got long to write this but when this has been posted can @Marquis or a different moderator please ban this account straight away, if @Marquis can e-mail me and i will send him the account name and all the screen shots i have taken of the conversation.

Long story cut short because i don't have much time to type this, this morning i was sectioned at my home address, i am in a local psychiatric hospital on a section 2 (I have been on this before but many years ago including a section 3)

I am in my 20s and i am on antipsychotics for a few different mental health conditions, i regularly have community mental health nurses visit my flat but i was doing fine, my mental health had been stable and i was taking my medication but trying to source SN because i wanted to go before the end of the year.

I posted on here a few days ago about sourcing SN and was contacted by someone on here, who i got into a deep conversation with who i thought 'cared', He asked what area i was from and we exchanged first names, he said he was from the same town as me, which i found strange because it is a small place but i thought nothing more about it, then this morning shockingly i was arrested under the mental health act in the UK, and was taken to hospital.

I have then had a meeting with a few different people at the psych ward to explain why i was being sectioned this morning, i was presented with a number of screenshots of the conversation with this 'person' and posts made by myself on this website some dating back a few months. I am uncertain how long they have been watching me or how. I'm sorry i cannot be of any more help.

A few things to point out:
- I have never disclosed my second name, only my first name.
- I have never disclosed my home address, only the town i live in.
- Never told any one my date of birth.

I'm so fucking unhappy & sad right now, this website was my only way of coping with life and they have just took that human right from me, i wouldn't be surprised if this post is presented to me at a different meeting in the future and affects how long my stay is but i have to warn you all the NHS is well aware of this website, please use fake names, locations etc etc

Take care love you all x
I'm sorry that you've been sectioned, especially in such a shady way. I didn't even realise something like that could be legal. Are you relatively well known to MH services? As others have said above I've never known the NHS to be so bloody proactive, or even give enough of a shit to bother.
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Aug 6, 2020
On the one hand we have this thread, but on the other we had this one too:

NHS is being portrayed as a super stealthy org that spies on people online and sections them based on their posts, and simultaneously as an org that doesn't give a damn about people claiming they want to die. What to believe?
Well there's no conspiracy here and no reason to panic.
I do not think that the government employs staff in the health service to monitor this website.
More likely that somebody simply acted to prevent his suicide.
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May 15, 2019
On the one hand we have this thread, but on the other we had this one too:

NHS is being portrayed as a super stealthy org that spies on people online and sections them based on their posts, and simultaneously as an org that doesn't give a damn about people claiming they want to die (their crisis team told this person to watch mindfulness videos on YouTube when they were feeling suicidal). What to believe?
The latter
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The 21st century is when everything changes
Aug 8, 2020
On the one hand we have this thread, but on the other we had this one too:

NHS is being portrayed as a super stealthy org that spies on people online and sections them based on their posts, and simultaneously as an org that doesn't give a damn about people claiming they want to die (their crisis team told this person to watch mindfulness videos on YouTube when they were feeling suicidal). What to believe?

Unfortunately I think both can be true. It depends on who you see, basically.
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Apr 2, 2020
Luckily I am not in the UK, so if somebody wanted to save me, they would have to call Croatian Emergency service, and explain the situation in Croatian. That's why I'm not too paranoid about security. Two people from this site know my name, name of my city and my phone number; and I know they cannot do anything with this info, even if they wanted to.
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May 15, 2019
Unfortunately I think both can be true. It depends on who you see, basically.
I dont think its that they dont care just that they don't have the resources.
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Aug 6, 2020
I dont think its that they dont care just that they don't have the resources.
I'd have more sympathy if billions wasn't wasted throughout the civil service.
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The 21st century is when everything changes
Aug 8, 2020
Luckily I am not in the UK, so if somebody wanted to save me, they would have to call Croatian Emergency service, and explain the situation in Croatian. That's why I'm not too paranoid about security. Two people from this site know my name, name of my city and my phone number; and I know they cannot do anything with this info, even if they wanted to.
you speak good English so why are you assuming your emergency services wouldn't understand it if someone phoned about you?
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Aug 6, 2020
you speak good English so why are you assuming your emergency services wouldn't understand it if someone phoned about you?
I speak a little bit of German, so why assume that the person who picks up the phone at the police station in my country can't speak German too?
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Apr 2, 2020
you speak good English so why are you assuming your emergency services wouldn't understand it if someone phoned about you?
Maybe they would. I have started my English lessons in 3rd grade of primary school, but in some schools around my area children learned German instead. Those people do not understand English all too well.
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Drowning fish

Drowning fish

I want to die
Sep 9, 2020
Don't you think it's kind of hypocritical when people all preach freedom of action for your own life but when it comes to ending it they basically "arrest" you and put you in ward. Why can't they get that not everyone wants to be """saved""" !?
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The 21st century is when everything changes
Aug 8, 2020
@BipolarGuy I meant it as in, she thinks she's safe because EMS wouldn't understand English, but as she can understand English, so might EMS if they received a similar education.
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Apr 2, 2020
@BipolarGuy I meant it as in, he thinks he's safe because EMS wouldn't understand English, but as he can understand English, so might EMS if they received a similar education.
It's a she.
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