
Mar 25, 2021
So I recently discovered this site and have been lurking without an account for about a week now - this morning I got accepted, so I thought I'd share the circumstances that brought me here in the hopes that someone might be able to relate and it'll help them. And for personal catharsis, of course. You all seem like very sweet, caring and centered individuals and I love the mutual respect I've witnessed on this forum.

A little about me - I'm 25 years old (female) and currently in my last year of med school in the UK. I actually absolutely love med school, despite the stress and pressure. But that's because I'm someone who has always flourished in an academic environment and that's my biggest virtue. I break my back to consistently do well and pour all of my energy into school. Indeed, I don't have a particularly low opinion of myself, which makes me doubt that I'm depressed. I'm more of a realist. I could tell you plenty of good qualities I have - I'm curious, kind when I want to be, and I actually love my personality. Of course I'm deeply flawed but we all are; I wouldn't want to be anyone else. Yet I still want out and I have wanted out since I was 12, despite my best efforts.

Everywhere else but academia I've repeatedly fallen on my face. Friendship, romance, self care, hobbies, the ever elusive concept of "self improvement." I don't care about the things other people seem to obsess about. I don't care about material goods, I don't care about people in my personal life enough to pour the required energy into maintaining the friendships so they just fizzle out. And in general, I genuinely don't get much pleasure out of anything. I feel like I've had anhedonia since puberty, I can count the number of instances I've felt anything other than flat or worse on one hand with a few fingers missing. And on top of that I'm miserably ugly. Thankfully I'm a woman though, right, so at least I can still get laid? No, because I'm a lesbian, and being an ugly lesbian is a double edged sword. Men don't approach me but neither do women.

I don't say that in a low self esteem kind of way, I say it objectively. I'm a healthy weight and in great physical shape so it isn't that. It's literally just my features. I have a very very large forehead that kind of protrudes outwards with my hairline beginning in a straight line behind each ear. My hair is also incredibly fine and delicate and falls out regularly. It grows very slowly too, so even though I've been "growing it out" for years with only occasional trims it's only to my shoulders. Ironically I'm as hairy as a man elsewhere, just not from neck up. Almost no eyebrows or eyelashes either. I have small, thin lips, with my lower lip being the same size as my upper lip and I also have no jawline whatsoever and a very weak chin.

Let me tell you, being ugly really sucks. I've watched my entire life people being treated differently because they're beautiful. Career-wise, I've always worried about my looks hindering me. I wouldn't want to be looking into my face as I received heartbreaking news. I'm not just regular average or even regular ugly, I'm the kind of person others stare at on the street. More than once I've had little kids exclaim "Mommy, look at that girls forehead! It's huuuuuge!" on the street. Not that I mind little kids saying such things because they don't do it with a drop of malicious intent, but little kids are honest. They say what they see. I'm sure other people can understand what a disadvantage not having looks in life can be, though, because we do all form unconscious biases when we look at someone. It doesn't matter how amazing of a person you are because people see your exterior first not what's inside.

I used to fantasise about life being like a Roald Dahl book. I loved this quote as a kid:

"A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely."

And if only it was true, and inner beauty shone out of you like that. We'd all know exactly who to avoid and looks would actually mean something instead of just being your lot in a random genetic lottery. I hate how much society values beauty. This body often feels like a prison, nowhere near free or big enough to contain me. I don't believe in an afterlife, but eternal sleep is better than being forced to inhibit a body.

I've never had a girlfriend, never been kissed, never had anyone have a crush on me. I understand that's not unusual from lesbians at my age because of the shallow dating pool but it still really sucks. I weep for all the pain in the world. I have seen too much, read too much, looked into too much, become too aware. They say ignorance is bliss. Ignorance is ignorance and bliss is bliss, I don't think they're related for me. I've felt like something was very deeply wrong about this world from a young age, I just couldn't put a finger on what and why. Now I can and at least it makes sense. But it doesn't help to know. I don't want to be here.

That's all I feel like writing because this is getting too long. I plan to catch the bus, as it seems to be referred as on here, the moment I've figured out partial hanging and my mother's birthday has passed since I'm going home for it. I plan to do it deep in a local woods, so maybe my body won't be found for a long time and I can melt back into the earth. I'm happy enough to be eaten by woodland critters - it's a form of giving back.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Partial in the woods is my current go-to as well. Shit can be tricky, to say the least. Also no love, anhedonia and so on, so I can relate to this. :heart:


Mar 25, 2021
Partial in the woods is my current go-to as well. Shit can be tricky, to say the least. Also no love, anhedonia and so on, so I can relate to this. :heart:
Sorry you can relate. If you don't mind me asking, are you thinking day or night? I'm stuck in between. I kind of want to do it on a full moon so I can see better if I do it at night since it'll be difficult to set up even with a flashlight in the dark. And if I do it in the day and come back, some animal might have gotten to it. But it reduces the chances of being encountered by anyone going on a walk and I love the night so it's tricky. Any thoughts?


Nov 4, 2020
@ValarMorghulis if you are unhappy with your appearance, what about cosmetic surgery? If you plan on ctb, you really have nothing to lose by trying, right? You can get a loan for the surgery. If things go good, and you are happy with the outcome, you can easily pay it back when you become a doctor. If you're still unhappy, and ctb, the debt dies with you.
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Mar 25, 2021
@ValarMorghulis if you are unhappy with your appearance, what about cosmetic surgery? If you plan on ctb, you really have nothing to lose by trying, right? You can get a loan for the surgery. If things go good, and you are happy with the outcome, you can easily pay it back when you become a doctor. If you're still unhappy, and ctb, the debt dies with you.
I've been personally acquainted with so many nightmare scenarios when it comes to cosmetic surgery that it's kind of scared me off. I know exactly what can go wrong, all of the risks, all of the statistics, and I'd rather not go through more potential pain. I can tell you now that even if I could snap my fingers and make myself look beautiful I'd still want to ctb because while everyone treats me a certain way because of my appearance and it sucks, it isn't my only reason and if it was I don't think I'd be in this position.

I just want peace. The one thing I really don't experience at all is FOMO. It's good enough for me that others have done incredible things, I don't need to do them myself. I am good enough already and you can't regret anything once you're dead. Millions of other people have climbed mountains and travelled the world and done all those wonderful things already and nothing drives me to recreate that. The pain, frustration, existentialism, dread, boredom and human condition in general isn't worth it to me to endure. Death visits us all in the end.
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Nov 4, 2020
@ValarMorghulis Wish you all the best. I always give this advice when people are planning partial - make sure you have a turtleneck and makeup. It almost never works, because you simply need to stand up, which you can do fully unconscious. The turtleneck and makeup will cover up the bruising and redness on your neck and prevent people from asking questions.


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Sorry you can relate. If you don't mind me asking, are you thinking day or night? I'm stuck in between. I kind of want to do it on a full moon so I can see better if I do it at night since it'll be difficult to set up even with a flashlight in the dark. And if I do it in the day and come back, some animal might have gotten to it. But it reduces the chances of being encountered by anyone going on a walk and I love the night so it's tricky. Any thoughts?
Funny, I also prefer a full moon. If I had to do it within a short time period I would probably just go in broad daylight and make sure I was deep enough into the forest or go in the evening, set it up and then wait for nightfall. The fact that I'm doing partial in the first place rather than setting up a full suspension means that I'm really fed up and want to leave ASAP.
@ValarMorghulis Wish you all the best. I always give this advice when people are planning partial - make sure you have a turtleneck and makeup.
Yeah, full suspension is way better but it might require work. For partial you can just take the rope and go, the simplicity of the set-up is very enticing.
It almost never works, because you simply need to stand up, which you can do fully unconscious.
It almost never works since people do it incorrectly or willingly abort it most of the time, no? The odds of your lizard brain shooting out just the right signals to get someone from having their legs out in front of them and the knees straight to getting into a squatting position and standing up seem very low.


Mar 25, 2021
@ValarMorghulis Wish you all the best. I always give this advice when people are planning partial - make sure you have a turtleneck and makeup. It almost never works, because you simply need to stand up, which you can do fully unconscious. The turtleneck and makeup will cover up the bruising and redness on your neck and prevent people from asking questions.
I've been practising and if you do it right, it feels so good you don't even want to stand up... I know exactly where to put the rope, anatomically. Still, even if it fails, I'll bring a scalpel. Nick an artery. The reason the bleeding out method doesn't work for most people is because they go for wrists but if you know exactly where to cut it isn't that difficult.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I've been practising and if you do it right, it feels so good you don't even want to stand up... I know exactly where to put the rope, anatomically. Still, even if it fails, I'll bring a scalpel. Nick an artery. The reason the bleeding out method doesn't work for most people is because they go for wrists but if you know exactly where to cut it isn't that difficult.


Mar 25, 2021
That would be quickest and easiest, or the femoral artery. The difference is that most people would cut in the wrong place or not deeply enough so they wouldn't die, just hurt themselves. But with a sharp tool, precision and a diagonal cut its very effective. You'll lose consciousness within 30 seconds on the femoral artery, faster with the carotid.
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Oct 13, 2020
I love that Roald Dahl quote too and i always really believed it till I just read your post. Thank you so much for sharing your story, I wish we were friends irl and I could give you the biggest hug xx
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
I love that Roald Dahl quote too and i always really believed it till I just read your post. Thank you so much for sharing your story, I wish we were friends irl and I could give you the biggest hug xx
It's normal, we all believe it until we're confronted with the same situation as OP, and I had been. Hugs @TessB and OP.
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Mar 25, 2021
You mean severing the artery, right? Not creating a long opening along with it? Is it necessary to get both carotids?
Yes, I mean severing it diagonally. Doesn't matter which way you do it when it comes to the carotids because the pressure is so intense, you'll bleed out and die within 10-15 seconds. Faster than anyone could even go about shouting for help let alone getting a trauma surgeon to you, if you cut in the right place you're basically screwed. Just one being severed is more than good enough.

But when it comes to the femoral artery if you cut it directly in a transverse manner, it can contract and close off the cut. Arteries and veins are sphincteric muscles or circular muscles which can contract and close off the cut, so when people do the typical "slit wrists" in the bathtub type of suicide they may lose a lot of blood but most of the time it either takes so long you're found or it stops on its own.
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Apr 28, 2020
Hi. I've been in a similar mood as you, at your age.
In my early twenties, I started to be more attentive about how I looked like and how people looked at me.
I have always had a repulsion on my physical aspect and the comments of the wide-mouth people made me very shy and sensitive about opinions from the others. I've always had an obsession on how people saw me.
I started to become very hairy (i'm a man) and this made me afraid to go outside without a shirt or a tanktop.
I was trying everything to be more appealing: gym, sports, I even had a nose surgery.
Eventually when I left my hometown, things got a bit better, but only because I left behind all those people with their bad opinions and judgements. But my psychological weakness followed me and eventually my new colleagues started to make jokes, which hurt me badly.

In m private time I was staying by myself, so that I could avoid the interaction with others, which would have triggered again my lack of self confidence. Being in a remote location surrounded by nature helped; nature doesn't judge.
But a person can live in loneliness only for a while. So after some years I tried again to get in touch with people (I'm gay).
I started again with sports, I trimmed my body and shaved my head.
I got the courage to wear a tank top or to go out without a shirt.
That's when I started to discover the bad side of men.
I got abused and my health has been ruined for life.
In the years after this, I tried again to approach men slowly and cautiously. But only to discover that there are so many around us with diseases, which won't tell and will try to get what they want.

Maybe you can try to change your mindset. Don't give a shit about the opinion of other people, because most of them don't give a shit about how you feel. And it's far better to have a healthy unappealing body than a sick one. You are able to enjoy your life as you want.

It's sunny here today, children are playing outside. And I'm at home, trapped in this body that won't let me enjoy a sunny day again.


Jan 17, 2021
I'm familiar with anhedonia and have some ways of dealing with it, some of which I wanted to share.

The first way is to turn curiosity (which you've mentioned) into a drive, or even a lust. Inspiration is not necessary. Obsession is much stronger and more reliable than inspiration. It's not a matter of recreating other people's experiences. I don't really care about other people's experiences. I am my own world and I want to fill it with my own adventures.

The second way is giving money a chance. It's not simply for buying consumer goods. First and foremost it's a portal to new experiences, environments and people. It has helped me discover things I didn't imagine existed. Curiosity, outside of reading books, costs a lot of money.

The third way, and the most important one for me, is imagination. I don't know how relevant this is to you since you didn't mention it, but dreaming both during the day and during the night is more stimulating to me than real-life experiences, and the real-life experiences are not so much a goal in themselves as a way of fueling my fantasy.
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