Even your basic needs are not fulfilled today
Many copers would tell you that you are privileged to live in modern society and that at least your basic needs are met while kids in Africa starve, but let's analyze this load of bullshit.
Here is the chart of hierarchy of needs and I do not fully agree with it, I think that the average human naturally only cares about first few levels and indeed only fulfilling your basic needs is 90% of your happiness, anything above that is modern brainwashing but let's just look at it:
Let's analyze some of them:
Air - you breathe in polluted air so you are instantly not living in optimal state
Water - you drink cooked sewage water and it is very hard to get truly hydrating drinks such as good fruit juice, raw milk or blood
Food - you eat dogshit processed food and you can never be biochemically healthy and happy from this garbage modern diet
Shelter - many people are renting out places to live so they don't even have a home, but eve if you do have your place you are still not living in natural environment, you are living in a prison box in big city where police knows where you live and can get to you in a matter of minutes
Reproduction - this is the absolute strongest instinct that every creature on Earth has imprinted in itself genetically. If you are a below average male, there are high chances that you are going to be an incel which essentially renders your entire life pointless and there is no way that you can be happy if you don't have sex.
I don't want to even get started on needs such as intimacy, sense of connection, etc. I think that they are even more important for human than food so if you lack them, it's over.
In the end you can just safely piss and shit away your modern garbage diet.
So most of us are already failing at the first step and it is simply impossible for us to have any happiness.