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Death is vital
Mar 19, 2020
My main method a month ago was sn but unfortunately I recently got diagnosed with acid reflux gerd to the point where i now have laryngopharyngeal reflux. My throat is basically inflamed because I've been throwing up acid for three weeks and it damaged my esophagus so bad its messing up my voice. So now I really dont know if SN will work because idk if ill throw it up thats why I'm debating if i should just drown. Im on the edge I really need to die as soon as possible ive been through so much. Can anyone tell me if sn is possbile with gerd laryngopharyngeal reflux and what to take i was going with meto before but that was before my gerd i have no idea what to take now i havent found anything helpful and i really need help please anyone
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Apr 28, 2020
Both are lethal. Obviously, for drowning.

I'm still green to these things, but as I know,

Both is about enduring pain for a few seconds. They say drowning is very peaceful once you get past the desperation of lacking of oxygen. The only problem is the survival instinct of swimming back to surface, if you can find a way to prevent you to do that.

SN might be my choice one day, I'm still reading about, but it's the same thing, pain first, peace later.

For SN, there are a few medications that help you not throw it up. I don't know if will help you. Good news is, depending on where you are living, it's available anywhere.

Maybe take a few and see you react to it

People here will have better answers.

Wish you the best.
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May 12, 2020
You mention that you were going to go with meto, but cant now. I take it youve tried it? It might be worth trying some Anti-acids to see if they help? People often take them with SN anyway, as it reduces your stomach acid and makes the SN more effective. I would try this along with meto, just to see how it makes you feel and if it helps and then go from there. I would do some searching of the forum and see which anti-acids people commonly use with meto, and which ones you might be able to get as well.
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Death is vital
Mar 19, 2020
yes but the thing is i have gerd idk if my stomach acid is low or high and i have been throwing up everyday thats why idk if this is going to work for me


May 22, 2020
You do have a tricky situation. My first thought would be that sn wouldn't be the best option due to your illness. Do they have you on any medication in an attempt to stop you from throwing up? I had a gastric problem (still do, but not like it was) where almost everything I ate came back up - even the thought of some food could make me gag. I think it might be hard to pull off right now.

I don't know what to say really about intentional drowning, except that it sounds both scary and difficult.

Is your current treatment totally ineffective? I'm very sorry. Throwing up continuously is exhausting and painful. I hope they can find something to help you.


gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
In the forum Resource Compendium there's a link to my friend @Superfluous's detailed drowning experience. I think anyone considering that method needs to read it.


I have EERD along with other fun gastrointestinal problems, and am pretty sure SN will do the job anyway. It'll be more uncomfortable for me, but so it goes.
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Death is vital
Mar 19, 2020
You do have a tricky situation. My first thought would be that sn wouldn't be the best option due to your illness. Do they have you on any medication in an attempt to stop you from throwing up? I had a gastric problem (still do, but not like it was) where almost everything I ate came back up - even the thought of some food could make me gag. I think it might be hard to pull off right now.

I don't know what to say really about intentional drowning, except that it sounds both scary and difficult.

Is your current treatment totally ineffective? I'm very sorry. Throwing up continuously is exhausting and painful. I hope they can find something to help you.
Yes because i think I have low stomach acid they only have me on omezraprozole
You do have a tricky situation. My first thought would be that sn wouldn't be the best option due to your illness. Do they have you on any medication in an attempt to stop you from throwing up? I had a gastric problem (still do, but not like it was) where almost everything I ate came back up - even the thought of some food could make me gag. I think it might be hard to pull off right now.

I don't know what to say really about intentional drowning, except that it sounds both scary and difficult.

Is your current treatment totally ineffective? I'm very sorry. Throwing up continuously is exhausting and painful. I hope they can find something to help you.
this was my fault 6 weeks ago I was having burning in my stomach I didn't know it was just acid reflux and all I had to do were to take tums for it. I also did the dumb mistake and stopped eating because I was scared, but unfortunately this is what might have triggered the nausea, because 3 weeks ago was when I first started throwing up bile everyday, I actually didnt prior and could actually hold at least an apple down, but now not even water. Just yesterday I went to urgent care they started me on omeprazole but its making me worse. I literally just fucked my whole life up like it wasn't horrifying already. I have no idea what will even work for me anymore in regards to the sn since im throwing up bile everyday, (just did now) and have laryngopharygneal reflux. This is a God damn nightmare Im only 24
In the forum Resource Compendium there's a link to my friend @Superfluous's detailed drowning experience. I think anyone considering that method needs to read it.


I have EERD along with other fun gastrointestinal problems, and am pretty sure SN will do the job anyway. It'll be more uncomfortable for me, but so it goes.
What are you taking with sn do you have low stomach acid?
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May 22, 2020
Yes because i think I have low stomach acid they only have me on omezraprozole

this was my fault 6 weeks ago I was having burning in my stomach I didn't know it was just acid reflux and all I had to do were to take tums for it. I also did the dumb mistake and stopped eating because I was scared, but unfortunately this is what might have triggered the nausea, because 3 weeks ago was when I first started throwing up bile everyday, I actually didnt prior and could actually hold at least an apple down, but now not even water. Just yesterday I went to urgent care they started me on omeprazole but its making me worse. I literally just fucked my whole life up like it wasn't horrifying already. I have no idea what will even work for me anymore in regards to the sn since im throwing up bile everyday, (just did now) and have laryngopharygneal reflux. This is a God damn nightmare Im only 24

What are you taking with sn do you have low stomach acid?
If you're throwing up bile, I think they need to take another look about what's going on. I looked up the main cause and it was bile reflux. The med you're taking now is an antacid which you can get OTC. It should help with stomach acid/heartburn, though it doesn't work right away like a tums would. But if you aren't having any relief, I think you need another trip to a doctor. Probably not what you want to hear, huh?
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Death is vital
Mar 19, 2020
Idk i just know it's definitely bile im throwing up which ive been for weeks which is dangerous and i cant believe i waited so long to do anything about it bc now im really fucked but i took mylanta today it helped a little but unfortunately i threw that up i definitely now even feel like i have gastroparesis but at this point its too late to fix anything i just want to know if anyone else has this same problem on here so i can figure out what they are taking with sn bc i want to ctb this week i cant eat sleep theres no way i can live like this any longer
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
Please go to another doctor, @Buffy5120 - even to an emergency room if there's one near you that's not swamped in covid-19. A gastrologist will want un-fun tests like endoscopes, but will be able to offer more effective meds in the meantime. What you're describing is awful but it's treatable, and it's not something anyone should have to die over. (((Hugs)))
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May 22, 2020
I actually do have gastroparesis, but I didn't throw up bile on a continuous basis. I was treated with reglan (meto) and linzess. I thought the meto was for nausea, but was told that it was supposed to help my stomach work. The linzess is supposed to help my intestines work. I also take famotidine for heartburn/GERD. I am not cured. To be diagnosed I had a gastric emptying study. It was suggested if it wasn't my stomach they'd look at my pancreas next. I no longer take meto. Long time usage can result in permanent tics developing. It was not effective. Linzess doesn't quite work how it should, but it helps. I don't have as many attacks when I take it.


Death is vital
Mar 19, 2020
I actually do have gastroparesis, but I didn't throw up bile on a continuous basis. I was treated with reglan (meto) and linzess. I thought the meto was for nausea, but was told that it was supposed to help my stomach work. The linzess is supposed to help my intestines work. I also take famotidine for heartburn/GERD. I am not cured. To be diagnosed I had a gastric emptying study. It was suggested if it wasn't my stomach they'd look at my pancreas next. I no longer take meto. Long time usage can result in permanent tics developing. It was not effective. Linzess doesn't quite work how it should, but it helps. I don't have as many attacks when I take it.
Im sorry i didnt know you had that. This is all knew to me so im just all over the place because im still in shock that i once again have another serious health condition which is why i waited so long to do anything about it because i just couldnt fathom that fact that this is my reality once again. I cried for 5 weeks straight. I have neurological issues/mental issues/ physical issues and on top of all of that now this. i dont want to get into right now because all the symptoms will take up an entire page. My life doesnt even sound realistic with all of the ailments because its so much for one to take on. It doesnt help my dads religious he doesn't understand that im suffering miserably and my life is unbearable. But yes i think i will take soul's advise and go to the hospital. I waited too long. I did want to ask since you do have gastroparesis what method are you doing?
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May 22, 2020
I'd have to say at this very moment, I am methodless. What I'd like to see happen is something sort of natural. I have considered starving. Like you, I have a lot of things that aren't working the way they should. Right now I am content with my body wearing out unless the pain is overwhelming.

Or, I will be impulsive. There have been times when it was good a gun was not handy.
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