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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
Article first, my commentary after.

This story totally infuriated me when it happened, for one reason a lot of people did not see.
Suicide prevention algorithms watch users for speech and behavior that may be suicidal. Most ppl don't know, one of those behaviors is watching/listening to the same things over and over. Doesn't matter the subject, the algorithms scan for repetition.
This is very shitty, because there are many reasons why someone might do that, unrelated to suicide.
I do it for several reasons.
-I use it for comforting background noise to fall asleep or doing other tasks.
-My ptsd and anxiety often causes me to "tune out" my entertainment and think of horrible memories. It's basically a competition in my head all the time between trying to focus on uplifting entertainment or horrible memories. So I often repeat shows because I miss half of it the first few tries due to all the shit happening in my head.
-I am not a typical low-I.Q. viewer, and human drama largely just irritates me, so it is very hard for me to find entertainment that doesn't annoy me with it's stupidity or melodrama. On the rare occasions when I do find something I really love, I cherish it so much that I watch it over and over, until it enters the category of "comforting background noise.

None of those are about my suicidality. They are just self-soothing. But a stupid fucking algorithm doesn't know that.

When the linked article was first published I scanned the comments about it on different sites. There were some, not many but enough, comments on various sites about this story, from people trying to defend netflix monitoring of user habits. Basically,
"I was really depressed and suicidal once so I watched the same movie on repeat because I was too sad to pick a new one, and netflix called to check on me and make sure I was ok, it made me feel so much better to know netflix *really cares*, so I think their surveillance of users is a good thing."

At the time I suspected they were posted by netflix employees, trying to do damage-control for how bad they fucked up with their Twitter bullying of users. But whether they were real comments or not, they only made me even angrier.

If netflix's algorithm thinks people who view movies on repeat are suicidal, THEN WHY DID THEY BULLY PEOPLE ON TWITTER WHO MEET THAT CRITERIA???
And continue being so nasty whenever twitter users called them out for it?

Curious about your thoughts.

BONUS: when this story happened I tried to discuss all this with my cunty shrink, But I couldn't get any further than just show her the article, because she then proceeded to spend the rest of the hour laughing her ass off because she thought it was *so funny* that Netflix bullies it's users. She always thought bullying was hilarious.
This is the kind of feedback I get from every mental-health cunt I speak to. And the stupid nasty cunts wonder why I'm suicidal.
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  • Wow
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  • Hmph!
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Feb 24, 2019
That is nuts
Reality: probably kids who love the movie and wanted to watch it before bed every night to help them sleep?
I'm glad YouTube doesn't do this I always listen to songs on repeat

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Jun 1, 2019
When she was very young, we watched our little one on a daily basis at our home. She liked the same story read every day, watched the same tv programme every afternoon and loved us to play the same songs on CD, she really loved Paolo Ntini, especially one song that her and grandma always danced around the room to every time it came on. She loved piglet and pooh and took them into every room she went into. The pooh books were looked at every day, morning, noon and evening. She just loved the pictures. So does all this repetition mean she was actually suicidal from a very young age? I hope not.

I never gave a second thought that Netflix would be too bothered about what I watch and when, shows how wrong a person can be.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
That is nuts
Reality: probably kids who love the movie and wanted to watch it before bed every night to help them sleep?
I'm glad YouTube doesn't do this I always listen to songs on repeat

They definitely do something similar. Xmas before last I was very close to ctb. My phone was off for a month so I had had no entertainment, none of my usual self-comforting things.
I would occasionally walk by public wifis and download a youtube song and it would stay in my cache, so I would keep listening to whatever song it was over and over, because it was all that was on my phone for music.
One day I did that with Heads Will Roll, just kept repeating it because I hadn't heard any music I liked in forever. (and the video is trippy).
Also any algorithm monitoring my phone (like my phone company? Google?) would have seen that I was trying to ctb with tylenol at the time, I was emailing a friend in China about everything happening to me.
The day after the Heads Will Roll night, my phone company gave me a free month of service, my whole plan, highspeed data, everything. I called them to see if it was a mistake but I knew it wasn't.
It was harder to monitor me with the data off. Phone companies will give free service to people who have gotten on a government or corporate watch-list for potentially aberrant behavior. I knew immediately when the phone service spontaneously returned that was what they were doing, I just called in to see what they'd say.
They went "your service
went off awhile back and... it's back on now.".
I go "why? was a payment
made? "
They said "no... but it's on, with your regular plan for the next month.".
I go "ok... but why?"
She goes "You are someone...whose service has been turned back on."

I wanted to press more but I knew they wouldn't tell me anything, and I already knew the answer. To monitor me.
But yeah, youtube has shit too.
  • Wow
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019

Thank You for sharing
I also had that same phone company for 15 yrs now. They NEVER give free service if it goes off. Never.
This time, they had a reason to.


Jun 1, 2019
Thankfully, slowly but surely I am dropping off the grid. No social media accounts, no mobile phone, VPN at all times. Enemy of the State made me paranoid, this thread just trippled it. Netflix might never be watched again :wink:
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Jun 2, 2019
Wow, ummmm....as an autistic person, fuck. that.
I don't use Netflix currently, mostly Youtube for Tolkien lectures because that's my special interest. Or I like a funny video so I watch is 15 times. Or I just listen to the same songs on repeat for days.
But, as you were saying with not being able to focus/missing half an episode of something because of flashbacks/etc, I feel you 10000%. Like let my suicidal autistic ass repeat the media I want to as much as I want to in peace you toxic positivity Orwellian fucking dictators jfc...
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Jun 4, 2019
I had no idea it was strange or abnormal to watch the same thing over and over again. I fall asleep to the same tv series almost everynight. I start my day to the same couple of songs. Never thought anything of it.

As far as Netflix goes I'm not surprised they are tracking us. I'm convinced my whole life has been hacked. I dont like to talk about it because people think I'm a weirdo but technology has taken away our privacy. It's not even a secret that they sell our information, behavioral and otherwise.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
Thankfully, slowly but surely I am dropping off the grid. No social media accounts, no mobile phone, VPN at all times. Enemy of the State made me paranoid, this thread just trippled it. Netflix might never be watched again :wink:
Sorry. Here's an article that has a bit more detail, looking at it after some sleep it is kind of funny but still crazy. They didn't just do it once, they got all pissy. I see it now as a marketing ploy maybe, lots of free press, but still.
I had no idea it was strange or abnormal to watch the same thing over and over again. I fall asleep to the same tv series almost everynight. I start my day to the same couple of songs. Never thought anything of it.

As far as Netflix goes I'm not surprised they are tracking us. I'm convinced my whole life has been hacked. I dont like to talk about it because people think I'm a weirdo but technology has taken away our privacy. It's not even a secret that they sell our information, behavioral and otherwise.
autistic ppl talk about it a lot in their forums but I think lots of ppl do it. Everybody has a favorite song that they just love more every time they hear it, and music videos are meant to be addictive to the eye with all the jump-cuts.
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Sack of Meat
Sep 3, 2018
They went "your service
went off awhile back and... it's back on now.".
I go "why? was a payment
made? "
They said "no... but it's on, with your regular plan for the next month.".
I go "ok... but why?"
She goes "You are someone...whose service has been turned back on."
That has to be one of the most nonsensical conversations I have ever seen.

Also, I don't think it's just the repeat viewings - it's probably a combination of factors, of which the most low-level one is repeat viewings. This is probably a mistrained deep NN, like that Twitter bot that MS had developed.
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Jun 1, 2019
Article first, my commentary after.

This story totally infuriated me when it happened, for one reason a lot of people did not see.
Suicide prevention algorithms watch users for speech and behavior that may be suicidal. Most ppl don't know, one of those behaviors is watching/listening to the same things over and over. Doesn't matter the subject, the algorithms scan for repetition.
This is very shitty, because there are many reasons why someone might do that, unrelated to suicide.
I do it for several reasons.
-I use it for comforting background noise to fall asleep or doing other tasks.
-My ptsd and anxiety often causes me to "tune out" my entertainment and think of horrible memories. It's basically a competition in my head all the time between trying to focus on uplifting entertainment or horrible memories. So I often repeat shows because I miss half of it the first few tries due to all the shit happening in my head.
-I am not a typical low-I.Q. viewer, and human drama largely just irritates me, so it is very hard for me to find entertainment that doesn't annoy me with it's stupidity or melodrama. On the rare occasions when I do find something I really love, I cherish it so much that I watch it over and over, until it enters the category of "comforting background noise.

None of those are about my suicidality. They are just self-soothing. But a stupid fucking algorithm doesn't know that.

When the linked article was first published I scanned the comments about it on different sites. There were some, not many but enough, comments on various sites about this story, from people trying to defend netflix monitoring of user habits. Basically,
"I was really depressed and suicidal once so I watched the same movie on repeat because I was too sad to pick a new one, and netflix called to check on me and make sure I was ok, it made me feel so much better to know netflix *really cares*, so I think their surveillance of users is a good thing."

At the time I suspected they were posted by netflix employees, trying to do damage-control for how bad they fucked up with their Twitter bullying of users. But whether they were real comments or not, they only made me even angrier.

If netflix's algorithm thinks people who view movies on repeat are suicidal, THEN WHY DID THEY BULLY PEOPLE ON TWITTER WHO MEET THAT CRITERIA???
And continue being so nasty whenever twitter users called them out for it?

Curious about your thoughts.

BONUS: when this story happened I tried to discuss all this with my cunty shrink, But I couldn't get any further than just show her the article, because she then proceeded to spend the rest of the hour laughing her ass off because she thought it was *so funny* that Netflix bullies it's users. She always thought bullying was hilarious.
This is the kind of feedback I get from every mental-health cunt I speak to. And the stupid nasty cunts wonder why I'm suicidal.

I'm livid. I watch the same shit over & over for routine purposes, and to calm down. Why the fuck is this a suicidal behavior whatsoever? I know other, non-suicidal, autistic people who have this behavior. They're fine. They're just autistic.

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