
Sep 16, 2018
Duloxetine - Worst withdrawal ever. I lived on a diet of water and bread because of the had nausea and migraines. Was told symptoms would disappear after 2 weeks, took 45 days.

Quetiapine - made me a zombie. I was so sedated I could only sit there.

Citalopram - brought on manic episodes

Fluoxetine - caused severe spams.

Those are the ones I remember.
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blood orange

blood orange

Sep 14, 2018
Escitalopram - zombie during daylight, having vivid and daily nightmares that result in physical pain and screaming.

Sertraline - the worst, cartoon-like all over body tremors. Teeth chattering. The feeling of downing 3 cans of energy drink and having my heart seized.

Bupropion - appetite is gone. Unable to keep food down and unreasonably short tempered. Unmotivated and emotionally dense. Hard to focus.

Aripiprazole - blurry vision, could not read for the longest time. Inability to sleep due to involuntary muscle movement. Took months for vision to return to normal.
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Aug 21, 2018
Aripiprazole - this med made me feel like a zombie, fatigued, and winded after walking short distsnces. Unable to do my job while on this med

Lamotrigine - excessive and forceful blinking (not sure if due solely to medication or exacerbation of already-present yet unnoticed condition)

Buspirone - severe nausea

Sertraline - brought on manic-like episode
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⋔⊬ ☌⍜⎅, ⟟⏁´⌇ ⎎⎍⌰⌰ ⍜⎎ ⌿⍜⌰⟟☊⟒
Aug 17, 2018
Olanzapine: +40kg... also tired and kind of a zombie

worst depression i can imagine when I stopped to take it for 3 days and then i got really painfull headache, whining, crying, suicidal... worst day ever in my life. Had to call my mom and asked for help. They had to come and get me out of my flat

But it helped a lot with paranoia...
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Sep 19, 2018
Prozac and then Ritalin at age 7 - messed me up for an entire year

Clonodine from ages 8 to 11 for Tourette's - didn't stop my symptoms and made me tired all the time and caused my heart to race! I reported the symptoms and the doctor didn't listen.
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Not 2B
Aug 22, 2018
Love the idea xx

Clonazepam - Probably ruined my life, still can't withdraw, I wanted to go off it but no doctor wanted to deal with it so that's on them too. Withdrawing feels like burning alive out of nowhere, also I lose my capacity for higher reason. Hypertension and heart issues too. Used to make me functional at least

Amitriptyline - Lost a semester to these withdrawals, mixed with clonazepam so I don't remember you.

Levitiracetam - Panic attacks followed by delusional psychosis. Probably ended a relationship (but a bad one). Ons of the only drugs that reduced my seizures so at first I got my hopes up. Awful

Quetiapine - Good sleep but always drowsy and can't eat because of fear of weight gain

Haloperidol - Like plaster behind my eyes. Felt like I was mummified

Fluoxetine - Worsens mania but makes me a bit more muted so I seem more agreeable, so then everyone pretends I'm fine while I'm developing a shopping addiction or whatever

Topiramate - Reduced seizures but had me in hospital repeatedly with obscure musculoskeletal chest pain. The doctors thought I had pericarditis. At this point I wondered if I was psychosomatising symptoms but apparently not

Carbemazepine - Diplopia. I thought my glasses were made up wrong and wandered around unable to see anything until I looked it up

Sodium valproate - Increase in seizures and weight gain over time. Fuck you fuck you fuck you.

Lamotrigine - At higher doses the jitters were so bad I had to hold my leg still. Sleep disturbances

Phenytoin - Nothing but praise here! Did nothing except make me sleep an absurd amount until I unexpectedly passed out for sixteen hours and had to be woken up forcibly

Zonisamide - Just extreme appetite loss, was all good until I didn't wanna drink water either. Minor complaint tbh

Diazepam - Makes me vomit??

Metropolol - Auditory hallucinations
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Crazy Cat Lady
Sep 5, 2018
Citalopram (took it for about a year) brought on chronic restless leg syndrome, problems with sexual function, a super dry mouth and bad breath, raised pulse and worst of all, made my depression worse. I'm now taking Sertraline instead and don't experience any side-effects.

Risperidone (currently taking) makes me so so tired. I'm sleeping 11-12 hours per night (which is alright because being awake is shit) but then when I am awake I feel constantly 'foggy' and can't think straight. If I close my eyes for more than 5 seconds, I WILL fall asleep.
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Jul 27, 2018
ziprasidone - wtf wtf, can't think or move very well, numb in unpleasant ways, also tardive dyskinesia and akathesia and nms are bitches.

sertraline - unpleasant and icky, kind of manic or distractible or adhd, downing too many energy drinks is a reasonable comparison, feeling of being healthy or happy but fake or off somehow, if you are sick, it tells you you are not but you can still feel you are, want to do all the things but too dizzy to do anything all the time.

withdrawal from both sucks hard.

vistaril - not that bad actually, least bad on the list and most likely to do again, slightly calming but has a stage where there's the slight feeling of being the opposite of drunk. which is unpleasant.
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Sep 17, 2018
Topiramate-nearly ruined my kidney
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Aug 4, 2018
Venlafaxine - gave me insomnia and awful anxiety. Think it made me nauseous too.
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Caustic Cardinals

Caustic Cardinals

Sep 1, 2018
Duloxetine - Worst withdrawal ever. I lived on a diet of water and bread because of the had nausea and migraines. Was told symptoms would disappear after 2 weeks, took 45 days.

Quetiapine - made me a zombie. I was so sedated I could only sit there.

Citalopram - brought on manic episodes

Fluoxetine - caused severe spams.

Those are the ones I remember.
This Thread subject leaves room for a significant amount of caustic replies
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Sep 19, 2018
I been taking Paxil since 2000 and Xanax since 2014. Psychiatrists always want me to "try new medications". I'm not a lab rat. Reality doesn't work like a god damn Zoloft commercial. Medications don't "cure" mental illnesses. They work to take the edge off. The meds I'm on keeps me from having panic attacks and helps with my depression somewhat. That is the best I'm gonna get.

EDIT: I forgot to mention Propanolol. I take it for hypertension and anxiety.
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Arriving somewhere but not here...
Apr 8, 2018
Topiramate - Prickling fingers, carbonated beberages taste like shit.
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May 20, 2018
I must be a lucky one. I have tried Risperidone, olanzapine, clozapine, aripiprazole, carbamazepine, lamotrigine, valproic acid, fluoxetine, paroxetine and amitryptiline.
For me the worst was risperidone (rhinitis, hard to sleep at night). Some of them made me sleepy and altered my sexually functioning, others did no effect at all
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not yet
Sep 3, 2018
Escilatopram - It turns out that when all my emotions are muted, I get constantly annoyed and low level angry. Nothing actually happened and people didn't seem to notice, so it was probably mostly in my head. It didn't even help because I was still depressed, just more externalized. I just stopped taking it, had a couple of brainzaps for a week and that was it.

Quetiapine - Didn't do anything but make me tired. Was recommended I take it before sleeping. Made me feel as if I was not getting enough air when trying to fall asleep. Not sure what exactly the reasoning was behind this prescription. Worst thing was there was terrible follow up so I didn't even have someone check on me. Stopped with it because there was no point in me taking it.
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May 20, 2018
Fluoxetine - shitty side effects and nothing but emotional numbness.
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Jan 7, 2019
Lorazepam (Ativan) - pretty much ruined my life. It has helped as an anxiolytic, but it's caused far more problems than it treated. It made me 10,000 times more anxious than I have ever been. It made me suicidal (didn't suffer from that before), and caused a host of body changes/side effects that had made me completely disabled. It's also given me horrible chronic pain and flashbacks in withdrawal.

Metoprolol - helped with awful tachycardia and rebound BP left from Ativan, but caused depression, weight gain, more suicidal thoughts and horific fear of running out of metoprolol, which can now, of course, kill me.

Gabapentin - Another awful drug that was given to me while in Ativan withdrawal. Increased depression/suicidal thoughts. Made my memory more unreliable and contributed to brain fog. Increased depression and suicidality. It helped with the nerve pain Ativan had caused.

Buspar (Buispirone) - a fairly useless anxiolytic that does very few things besides making me dizzy. Yet, it's hard to stop taking because it has its dependence profile, too

Diazepam (Valium) - helpful to me in dropping down lorazepam, but also a miserable drug to withdraw from, although not as nearly horific as Loazepam. It did cause increased apetite/weight gain, more flashbacks and horrific depression and sleepiness throughout the day.

Trintellix (Vortioxetine) - Psychiatrist's favorite, seems like. Had this been the only prescription I'd been given, maybe it would have been more helpful, but it just amplified problems from every other med while agitating me to the point of unbearable

Celexa (Citalopram) - Another psychiatrist's favorite. Maybe it would have been somewhat useful when Prozac started being less useful for me some years back, but the timing is not right now, and all it does is blurs my vision and makes me more agitated and more sick. Perhaps, it would have not been as bad if this were my only psych drug, but I question it's efficacy as a part of the cocktail

Vistaril (Hydroxizine) - A crude anti-histamine used for anxiety/sleep. Does its job, but it also increases my depression to the point of not wanting to be here at all. I rarely ever take it.
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Jun 15, 2018
Only thing that works for me is weed (which is illegal where i am now) It's illegal because it works.
Pharmaceutical companies are not interested in curing people.They just want people on their meds for life and to
make as much profit as they can.
There is no money for them in a plant that anyone can grow in their own home.
Which is what i do so screw you big pharma.
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Predator, criminal, emotional blackmailer
Jan 28, 2019
Remeron for depression - I know it's used as an anti-psychotic in higher doses. It made me sleepy during waking hours and worsened my insomnia at night. Ever since I used it over 10 years ago, I can't nap at all. Once I'm awake in the early morning, that's it until nighttime.

Paxil and Effexor - giant weight gain and didn't care about anything, even things I should have cared about, like having my electricity, water and phone cut off because I didn't bother to pay the bills.
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Jan 25, 2019
Saprhis. Makes me eat like a hog compulsively. Gives me brain fog and make me have nightmares. Insomnia when I go off it cuz of dependence
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flower child
Jan 5, 2019
Only thing that works for me is weed (which is illegal where i am now) It's illegal because it works.
Pharmaceutical companies are not interested in curing people.They just want people on their meds for life and to
make as much profit as they can.
There is no money for them in a plant that anyone can grow in their own home.
Which is what i do so screw you big pharma.
To treat depression or?
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Losing it
Nov 4, 2018
Citalopram insomnia, constant sweating, zero libido
Venlofaxine increased anxiety, sweating,
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Nov 8, 2018
Epileptic here.

Topitrim - extremely vivid real life dreams. Standard work day dreams: wake up, go to work, come home, get in bed, WAKE UP IRL! Every day. I was questioning my sanity. There was also a plethora of out-of-body experiences. Imagine seeing yourself in third person view. Felt like Inception for about a month, untill I shuffled to my neuro and begged for literally anything else.
No seizures, though, but not worth it even without seizures.

Depalept chrono (with topitrim) - Lack of appetite. None what-so-ever. I had to put alarms to remind me to eat. Also, zombiefying drug. No third person view, at least, but still inception-y dreams. At least this time I could tell these are dreams, since rhinos busting out of walls is not a common thing. Usually. But hey, it worked well as an antidepressant! Have you ever seen a depressed zombie?
Some amount of gran mal seizures.

Depalept chrono (with levecirateam) - Zombie mode 24/7 and no sense of time. Time passed in a scary fast blur. More lack of appetite. Lost about 40kg at that point, even WITH the alarms. No dreams to speak of, general weakness, could barely lift 10kg.
Low amount of gran mal seizures.

Levecirateam - Depression, zombieness and rage. We're talking either completely sedated zombie, or I'm reaching for your arteries with great vigor. Apparently, this is common enough to be called "kepprage". Keppra+rage. Ha. Haha. Ha.
Medium amount of gran mal seizures.

Vimpat - I don't know how to describe this. When on vimpat alone, it was... I honestly can't remember those two months or so, and I think it's for the best. No kepprage, but there was something else. Not rage. Also, lots of seizures. Much more than the three above.

Levecirateam (with vimpat) - I'm relatively stable. Relatively being the key word. Still dealing with kepprage here and there, but it's easier to catch. Constipation, kinda. Pooping is not too difficult most of the time, it's just that it happens maybe once a week, and it feels like shooting a cannonball out of my ass. It does not smell, though. VERY increased thirst. I can consume about a quarter of those 9 gallon bottles you see on office water dispensers on my own through the day. I think my kidneys are broken. My urine will be yellow once in the morning, and afterwards it looks like I'm pissing strictly water.
No gran mal seizures (well, after the first two) after my body finished adjusting.

I'm currently on Leve+Vimpat, sitting and waiting for my goddamn surgery. Got a big meeting tomorrow.
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Jun 15, 2018
To treat depression or?
For depression and insomnia (Insomnia was side effect of anti-depressants) I was usually awake for 3 days in a row.(That was fun!)

I tried other anti-depressants but they were worse.So weed helped me sleep at the time.
For a long time i refused to take anti-depressants but in the end
I had to take them,i was at the point where i could not even get out of bed.

I'm off anti-depressants now but I still use weed every evening/night,for fun and to sleep.
For some people it makes things worse.But it works for me.

I grow it myself because it's illegal here and when i buy it i don't know what strain/strenght i'm getting.
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Jan 1, 2019
Wow @Compodulator that sounds grim as :-(
No wonder you could do the buttery tea and not even bat an eyelid
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Yeah, medications can have terrible side effects.

Etizolam and clonazolam- I ordered this off the internet and didn't really know what I was getting into. I took it every day for three weeks and then stopped cold turkey. The withdrawals were horrendous. I couldn't eat or sleep for days. My whole body felt like it was on fire. I had this weird feeling like I was sitting in a rocking boat, even though I was just on the couch. Anxiety was through the roof. This lasted for over a month, I thought it would never end.

RC benzodiazepines are no fucking joke. Use in moderation.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Adderall ruined me the worst. Eventually u lose who u are, lose touch with everything. It's very close to meth. The other ones also pretty much do the same thing in this family of meds. I've also tried Dexedrine and Ritalin.

Zyprexa made me fat and a zombie

Prozac numbed me out, helped at first but then I think I developed tolerance, it had the least terrible side effects.

Wellbutrin made me psycho and had to stop almost immediately same with Paxil lol!

Lamictal helped some I guess but if u run out for any reason and can't get more oh gawd. You're in for a world of hurt within like the next day the withdrawal sets in very quick.

Rexulti is like abilify, it made me actively suicidal within a couple weeks. It's very activating and good luck trying to sleep especially combined with adderall lol! You need a downer to sleep.
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Oct 26, 2018
Celexa/citalopram: horrible for me. Emotional numbing, severe agitation, worse depression, increased racing thoughts, increased suicidal thoughts.

Resperidone is the only thing that seems to have helped so far. Really took the edge of the racing thoughts and agitation. Now its more just the depression leftover. Helps me sleep better.
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Nov 8, 2018
Wow @Compodulator that sounds grim as :-(
No wonder you could do the buttery tea and not even bat an eyelid

Maybe it has something to do with my meds.
I may be sweating butter once a week, but that time is when I'm most calm.
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No Longer Human
Feb 21, 2019
Efexor: Worst withdrawal possible.It makes you sweat like crazy, and makes your heart pound 120-130 times a minute even if you just lay on the bed.It took 4 or 5 month to leave the shit behind completly, from 225 mg a day to 0.
Rexapin: It basicly makes you retarded. You can't think or remember anything. I took 20 mg a day and it is too much of dose (usually they give you 2.5 or 5 mg a day). It gave me mental scars that it is almost impossible to recover.
Lustral: It gave me akathisia after taking Lustral for first time, and the side effects didn't last for weeks.
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