

Oct 22, 2019
@fightingsioux Heliox vs O2 hose?
Heliox: received through manufacturer of Nitrogen medical regulator, made to withstand 55 psi output pressure from regulator, braided won't kink or collapse. But is quite stiff. Cannot tape to bag. Have to tape to my neck and secure with my hiking buff head band.

O2 hose: recommended by PPH, assuming can withstand 55 psi output pressure, or else PPH wouldn't reco. Can tape to bag since very thin (is 1/4" only at connector) and flexible (Heliox hose is 1/4" throughout hence looks thicker).. Don't know if O2 hose kinks or collapses. I know on Amazon some hoses get bad reviews saying it collapsed. I got this from local medical supply company so assuming better quality.

O2 would be easier to use, but wondering if Heliox would be safer? Or no difference whatsoever.
Which would you reco? Does your buddy at Exit have any thoughts?
PM'd you in detail about which to use and why, some other details.

For any others interested: as long as you have the correct fitting attaching the hose to the regulator, any size will do. You're not welding in a shipyard or inflating the Goodyear Blimp! A very thin gauge length of plastic tubing at 15-20 LPM flow range will keep a turkey roasting bag inflated long enough to do the job. :heh:

Yes, attaching a heavier and stiffer hose to the inside of the bag is the problem. It can also be taped to your head.
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Dec 18, 2019
Re- hose, the manufacturer of my Nitrogen regulator told me that any hose used with the regulator has to withstand 55 psi output pressure, which is the pressure Nitrogen gas comes out of the regulator. He said using other hoses, for example hose made for water/ plumbing, could cause the hose to collapse or burst. So I wouldn't recommend using just any hose.

You can check with the manufacturer of the regulator you buy. But that is the information given to me by the manufacturer directly. He said most regulators have 55 psi output and he said it doesn't matter what flow rate you use, 5, 15 or 20, the gas coming out of the regulator will be around 55 psi pressure.


Oct 22, 2019
Re- hose, the manufacturer of my Nitrogen regulator told me that any hose used with the regulator has to withstand 55 psi output pressure, which is the pressure Nitrogen gas comes out of the regulator. He said using other hoses, for example hose made for water/ plumbing, could cause the hose to collapse or burst. So I wouldn't recommend using just any hose.

You can check with the manufacturer of the regulator you buy. But that is the information given to me by the manufacturer directly. He said most regulators have 55 psi output and he said it doesn't matter what flow rate you use, 5, 15 or 20, the gas coming out of the regulator will be around 55 psi pressure.
Any plumbing or water hose can stand 55 PSI. I certainly don't want to argue or stress you out at this stage of things. You sound like you're all set, proper equipment and knowledge how to use it.

I was just trying to maybe help some others. I notice from many threads both here and on other forums, people get unduly fixated on tiny, unimportant details. Perhaps understandably so. Hose type and size, flow rate, to name but two.

Pressure, flow rate, aperture size, type of gas and target material form a complicated relationship in actual welding. For the Exit Bag & Inert Gas method of suicide, it is much less complicated and unimportant.

Again, you're a knowledgeable and experienced person, everything about your set-up sounds perfect.
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May 3, 2019
If a person somehow survives nitrogen method, will he or she be left with damaged brain or something?

I'm kinda worried about that. Don't wanna turn into a vegetable...


One step closer
Oct 28, 2020
Hello everyone,
So, I got paranoid about the purity of N I got from B and ended up buying Nitrogen equipment also, before I joined this forum (see my post under Chinese N). Couple of Members on this forum have been super helpful in confirming that the N I received is good, which is a relief. Thank you all! Originally I had decided on N, which is why I bought it in 1st place, but now that I have Nitrogen also, I'm wondering if that method is actually superior and whether I should use that instead.

The way I see it, with N I have to stop eating 12 hrs before, take antiemetics for 36 hrs... etc, a tedious prep process. Then having to drink a very bitter substance. I did taste the powder. It is extremely bitter. If you chew a Tylenol tablet, it tastes horrid. N powder is kinda like that, maybe bit stronger on bitterness scale. After I had chewed the Tylenol tablet I ate 2 dates, which is one of highest sugar content foods, and one sticky caramel and I was ok. So I figured I would do the same with N if I can manage to drink 50 ml. Dr. N, Exit International, had said he never saw anyone vomit after taking antiemetics, and that the fear of vomiting was actually worse than reality. But overall the prep and drinking N seems like a tortuous, stressful process.

With Nitrogen: I have all the equipment, and set up is easy. The hardest part will be making sure there are no leaks - I have a wrench to tighten the tank/ regulator nut, a hose clamp and soap and water spray to test, so should have no leaks. Then making sure I'm properly propped up on bed so I don't fall over and that the hose is secure inside the bag and doesn't get dislodged. I plan to secure it directly to my head instead of the bag. But other than that, there is no advance prep in the sense I can enjoy my final day with normal activities, eat dinner and return to hotel room and use Nitrogen. No starving myself 12 hrs or eating tea and toast 1 hr before, nothing bitter to swallow.

The only disadvantage I see with Nitrogen method is aesthetics which might be distressing to the cleaning ladies who find me in the hotel. Otherwise I will be unconscious in 2-3 breaths which is seconds, avg time indicated is 30 sec- 60 sec for Nitrogen vs. N can take 5-7 mins. Time to death with Nitrogen will be 10 mins vs 1 hr avg indicated for N. I saw that video of the guy who took 7.5 hrs with N and I freaked out! With Nitrogen 10 mins to death, and 20 mins is 100% guaranteed. With N, 88% cases it said 1 hr, with some taking 7- 24 hrs, which means one has to book hotel for at least 2 nights to be safe vs 1 night to use Nitrogen.

So now I am hesitating and wondering if Nitrogen is a better way and whether I should use that instead of N? And why aren't more people on this site pro this method vs everyone frantically trying to buy illegal, expensive and hard to get N? Nitrogen was pretty easy for me to get, and way cheaper, after I panicked about the quality of Chinese N (you can see my post under that thread). Am I missing something about why everyone prefers N over Nitrogen?
Thank you.
I find issues with both. I don't like the idea of antiemetics and other prep and then not to be sure the N you have is even the real deal and what if it didn't work. With Nitrogen there's the bag and the SI that I keep hearing about kicking in and if someone has anxiety that can make it worse. Also the worry that it could go wrong and not work. I don't know how one can be sure what is best. I suppose nitrogen is the better option over SN that's for sure.
I guess drinking something bitter for me seems unusual vs just breathing, which is normal. Nitrogen doesn't smell, there is no discomfort. If anything I have read and seen videos that say one gets euphoric feeling, which would be more desirable than bitter taste in my mouth! E.g. video of hypoxia being tested at high altitudes with low O2. So it seems like all I have to do is follow the procedure to place bag on head and just take 2-3 deep breaths and lights out!
I'm still trying to figure out which I should use. Thanks for your view point. Exactly what I need, to see what others see as favorable about N vs. Nitrogen.
How did you find out the N is really N? How do you check for leaks with the nitrogen and hood? Using Nitrogen can trigger the SI so I've heard where N wouldn't.
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Into The Void

Into The Void

Mar 10, 2021
Hello everyone,
So, I got paranoid about the purity of N I got from B and ended up buying Nitrogen equipment also, before I joined this forum (see my post under Chinese N). Couple of Members on this forum have been super helpful in confirming that the N I received is good, which is a relief. Thank you all! Originally I had decided on N, which is why I bought it in 1st place, but now that I have Nitrogen also, I'm wondering if that method is actually superior and whether I should use that instead.

The way I see it, with N I have to stop eating 12 hrs before, take antiemetics for 36 hrs... etc, a tedious prep process. Then having to drink a very bitter substance. I did taste the powder. It is extremely bitter. If you chew a Tylenol tablet, it tastes horrid. N powder is kinda like that, maybe bit stronger on bitterness scale. After I had chewed the Tylenol tablet I ate 2 dates, which is one of highest sugar content foods, and one sticky caramel and I was ok. So I figured I would do the same with N if I can manage to drink 50 ml. Dr. N, Exit International, had said he never saw anyone vomit after taking antiemetics, and that the fear of vomiting was actually worse than reality. But overall the prep and drinking N seems like a tortuous, stressful process.

With Nitrogen: I have all the equipment, and set up is easy. The hardest part will be making sure there are no leaks - I have a wrench to tighten the tank/ regulator nut, a hose clamp and soap and water spray to test, so should have no leaks. Then making sure I'm properly propped up on bed so I don't fall over and that the hose is secure inside the bag and doesn't get dislodged. I plan to secure it directly to my head instead of the bag. But other than that, there is no advance prep in the sense I can enjoy my final day with normal activities, eat dinner and return to hotel room and use Nitrogen. No starving myself 12 hrs or eating tea and toast 1 hr before, nothing bitter to swallow.

The only disadvantage I see with Nitrogen method is aesthetics which might be distressing to the cleaning ladies who find me in the hotel. Otherwise I will be unconscious in 2-3 breaths which is seconds, avg time indicated is 30 sec- 60 sec for Nitrogen vs. N can take 5-7 mins. Time to death with Nitrogen will be 10 mins vs 1 hr avg indicated for N. I saw that video of the guy who took 7.5 hrs with N and I freaked out! With Nitrogen 10 mins to death, and 20 mins is 100% guaranteed. With N, 88% cases it said 1 hr, with some taking 7- 24 hrs, which means one has to book hotel for at least 2 nights to be safe vs 1 night to use Nitrogen.

So now I am hesitating and wondering if Nitrogen is a better way and whether I should use that instead of N? And why aren't more people on this site pro this method vs everyone frantically trying to buy illegal, expensive and hard to get N? Nitrogen was pretty easy for me to get, and way cheaper, after I panicked about the quality of Chinese N (you can see my post under that thread). Am I missing something about why everyone prefers N over Nitrogen?
Thank you.
IDK if you have seen the video of the pig that died by nitrogen but it doesn't look painless. The pig was squealing and convulsing violently for a while. N seems like a MUCH more peaceful method imo. That is unless you can get some anti-convulsants and muscle relaxers.


One step closer
Oct 28, 2020
IDK if you have seen the video of the pig that died by nitrogen but it doesn't look painless. The pig was squealing and convulsing violently for a while. N seems like a MUCH more peaceful method imo. That is unless you can get some anti-convulsants and muscle relaxers.
I think the pig was acting like that because it was standing up and felt itself passing out and going down and that made it panic.

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