
Dec 18, 2019
Hello everyone,
So, I got paranoid about the purity of N I got from B and ended up buying Nitrogen equipment also, before I joined this forum (see my post under Chinese N). Couple of Members on this forum have been super helpful in confirming that the N I received is good, which is a relief. Thank you all! Originally I had decided on N, which is why I bought it in 1st place, but now that I have Nitrogen also, I'm wondering if that method is actually superior and whether I should use that instead.

The way I see it, with N I have to stop eating 12 hrs before, take antiemetics for 36 hrs... etc, a tedious prep process. Then having to drink a very bitter substance. I did taste the powder. It is extremely bitter. If you chew a Tylenol tablet, it tastes horrid. N powder is kinda like that, maybe bit stronger on bitterness scale. After I had chewed the Tylenol tablet I ate 2 dates, which is one of highest sugar content foods, and one sticky caramel and I was ok. So I figured I would do the same with N if I can manage to drink 50 ml. Dr. N, Exit International, had said he never saw anyone vomit after taking antiemetics, and that the fear of vomiting was actually worse than reality. But overall the prep and drinking N seems like a tortuous, stressful process.

With Nitrogen: I have all the equipment, and set up is easy. The hardest part will be making sure there are no leaks - I have a wrench to tighten the tank/ regulator nut, a hose clamp and soap and water spray to test, so should have no leaks. Then making sure I'm properly propped up on bed so I don't fall over and that the hose is secure inside the bag and doesn't get dislodged. I plan to secure it directly to my head instead of the bag. But other than that, there is no advance prep in the sense I can enjoy my final day with normal activities, eat dinner and return to hotel room and use Nitrogen. No starving myself 12 hrs or eating tea and toast 1 hr before, nothing bitter to swallow.

The only disadvantage I see with Nitrogen method is aesthetics which might be distressing to the cleaning ladies who find me in the hotel. Otherwise I will be unconscious in 2-3 breaths which is seconds, avg time indicated is 30 sec- 60 sec for Nitrogen vs. N can take 5-7 mins. Time to death with Nitrogen will be 10 mins vs 1 hr avg indicated for N. I saw that video of the guy who took 7.5 hrs with N and I freaked out! With Nitrogen 10 mins to death, and 20 mins is 100% guaranteed. With N, 88% cases it said 1 hr, with some taking 7- 24 hrs, which means one has to book hotel for at least 2 nights to be safe vs 1 night to use Nitrogen.

So now I am hesitating and wondering if Nitrogen is a better way and whether I should use that instead of N? And why aren't more people on this site pro this method vs everyone frantically trying to buy illegal, expensive and hard to get N? Nitrogen was pretty easy for me to get, and way cheaper, after I panicked about the quality of Chinese N (you can see my post under that thread). Am I missing something about why everyone prefers N over Nitrogen?
Thank you.
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Dec 17, 2019
I have nitro ready but I would rather N. Drinking a substance is not an unusual experience but the nitrogen method is far from normal.

I wish I could get N. I'm in uk and seems impossible.

I only have a window until first week of Jan

Would like to drink before bed and slip away

Peace love
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Dec 18, 2019
I have nitro ready but I would rather N. Drinking a substance is not an unusual experience but the nitrogen method is far from normal.

I wish I could get N. I'm in uk and seems impossible.

I only have a window until first week of Jan

Would like to drink before bed and slip away

Peace love
I guess drinking something bitter for me seems unusual vs just breathing, which is normal. Nitrogen doesn't smell, there is no discomfort. If anything I have read and seen videos that say one gets euphoric feeling, which would be more desirable than bitter taste in my mouth! E.g. video of hypoxia being tested at high altitudes with low O2. So it seems like all I have to do is follow the procedure to place bag on head and just take 2-3 deep breaths and lights out!
I'm still trying to figure out which I should use. Thanks for your view point. Exactly what I need, to see what others see as favorable about N vs. Nitrogen.


Dec 20, 2019
Hello everyone,
So, I got paranoid about the purity of N I got from B and ended up buying Nitrogen equipment also, before I joined this forum (see my post under Chinese N). Couple of Members on this forum have been super helpful in confirming that the N I received is good, which is a relief. Thank you all! Originally I had decided on N, which is why I bought it in 1st place, but now that I have Nitrogen also, I'm wondering if that method is actually superior and whether I should use that instead.

The way I see it, with N I have to stop eating 12 hrs before, take antiemetics for 36 hrs... etc, a tedious prep process. Then having to drink a very bitter substance. I did taste the powder. It is extremely bitter. If you chew a Tylenol tablet, it tastes horrid. N powder is kinda like that, maybe bit stronger on bitterness scale. After I had chewed the Tylenol tablet I ate 2 dates, which is one of highest sugar content foods, and one sticky caramel and I was ok. So I figured I would do the same with N if I can manage to drink 50 ml. Dr. N, Exit International, had said he never saw anyone vomit after taking antiemetics, and that the fear of vomiting was actually worse than reality. But overall the prep and drinking N seems like a tortuous, stressful process.

With Nitrogen: I have all the equipment, and set up is easy. The hardest part will be making sure there are no leaks - I have a wrench to tighten the tank/ regulator nut, a hose clamp and soap and water spray to test, so should have no leaks. Then making sure I'm properly propped up on bed so I don't fall over and that the hose is secure inside the bag and doesn't get dislodged. I plan to secure it directly to my head instead of the bag. But other than that, there is no advance prep in the sense I can enjoy my final day with normal activities, eat dinner and return to hotel room and use Nitrogen. No starving myself 12 hrs or eating tea and toast 1 hr before, nothing bitter to swallow.

The only disadvantage I see with Nitrogen method is aesthetics which might be distressing to the cleaning ladies who find me in the hotel. Otherwise I will be unconscious in 2-3 breaths which is seconds, avg time indicated is 30 sec- 60 sec for Nitrogen vs. N can take 5-7 mins. Time to death with Nitrogen will be 10 mins vs 1 hr avg indicated for N. I saw that video of the guy who took 7.5 hrs with N and I freaked out! With Nitrogen 10 mins to death, and 20 mins is 100% guaranteed. With N, 88% cases it said 1 hr, with some taking 7- 24 hrs, which means one has to book hotel for at least 2 nights to be safe vs 1 night to use Nitrogen.

So now I am hesitating and wondering if Nitrogen is a better way and whether I should use that instead of N? And why aren't more people on this site pro this method vs everyone frantically trying to buy illegal, expensive and hard to get N? Nitrogen was pretty easy for me to get, and way cheaper, after I panicked about the quality of Chinese N (you can see my post under that thread). Am I missing something about why everyone prefers N over Nitrogen?
Thank you.
Great to hear your thinking, I went through exactly the same dilemma after reading the PPH and collecting all the info I could find. With N there is no heavy equipment just a drink , but the possibility of a long time to death is a worry- unlike Nitrogen. After procrastinating I just decided to order N
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Aug 10, 2019
Have you read the inert gas megathread that @TiredHorse put together? His experience and the experiences of others there may help you decide. Start from the top for the details in that thread. It seems that 2 to 3 breaths to unconsciousness was not the experience of those on that thread. It was longer in cases there.

I too have everything for inert gas but decided drinking something is easier for me. I could not pull the bag over my face. I was too scared it would not work and I'd wake up later with damage.
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Jul 16, 2019
Both are reliable and peaceful methods. I think N bitterness wouldn't really be a big problem in your case since you have the powdered form. You just mix it with 50/100 ml of water and gulp it down. Have you ever seen Dignitas videos ? It doesn't seem to be that much of a problem, 1-2 gulps and that's it. You don't have to fast for so long either, if you eat a light meal 6-8 h are enough. As for the anti emetics just go with the stat dose, again you have the powdered form so no need to do the 36h regimen, dignitas and every swiss AS orgs uses the stat dose.
On the other hand Nitro seems a good way to go too, 2-3 big breaths and bye bye. I think people dislike the Exit bag principally because it's a bit complicated to set up and they don't want to be discovered with a bag on their head.

Anyway you are lucky to have such a choice of methods :)
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Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
I think it's unlikely that you will be unconscious with 2-3 breaths in an inert gas method. Oxygen saturation does not decrease in a very short time. An apnea lasting for 1 minute reduces oxygen saturation from 100% to 75%. I got this information from an anesthesiologist. I'm curious about the level of oxygen saturation where the loss of consciousness occurs. I'm guessing it'il take more than a minute. I don't know about the symptoms that may occur during this time, but I don't think it's uncomfortable.

If I have to choose between two methods, I will choose nitrogen. No anti emetic, no regime, no bad taste, no worrying about vomiting. Although there are much more peaceful and quick methods that are not discussed at this forum, I think inert gas is the most peaceful method.

Edit: SpO2 65% - 55% = mental impairment, SpO2 55% = unconsciousness.
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Dec 18, 2019
Have you read the inert gas megathread that @TiredHorse put together? His experience and the experiences of others there may help you decide. Start from the top for the details in that thread. It seems that 2 to 3 breaths to unconsciousness was not the experience of those on that thread. It was longer in cases there.

I too have everything for inert gas but decided drinking something is easier for me. I could not pull the bag over my face. I was too scared it would not work and I'd wake up later with damage.
Yes, have read it. I have no problem with SI. I am at peace with my decision to leave, which was not made impulsively but over years, and I am ready to go. I am aware of what symptoms to expect as brain experiences lack of O2 and am ready for those. Putting bag wouldn't bother me, I did scuba which can feel claustrophobic with mask and all that equipment on. I'm kinda leaning more towards Nitrogen just because of speed and efficacy. Will decide in few more days. My date is shortly after 1st, when people are done with holidays.
I would take a stat dose of anti emetics. Then take the N. Then I'd do the nitrogen method . Why waste N? That's just the way I'd do it not advice. How do I get a nitrogen tank in the USA?
You cannot do Nitrogen after taking N. That method requires a clear head to complete all steps precisely and I will probably get sleepy before I finish it. It has to be one or the other. At this point, one of the methods will end up being waste of money anyways. It is a sunk cost so irrelevant at this point. Thank you.
Both are reliable and peaceful methods. I think N bitterness wouldn't really be a big problem in your case since you have the powdered form. You just mix it with 50/100 ml of water and gulp it down. Have you ever seen Dignitas videos ? It doesn't seem to be that much of a problem, 1-2 gulps and that's it. You don't have to fast for so long either, if you eat a light meal 6-8 h are enough. As for the anti emetics just go with the stat dose, again you have the powdered form so no need to do the 36h regimen, dignitas and every swiss AS orgs uses the stat dose.
On the other hand Nitro seems a good way to go too, 2-3 big breaths and bye bye. I think people dislike the Exit bag principally because it's a bit complicated to set up and they don't want to be discovered with a bag on their head.

Anyway you are lucky to have such a choice of methods :)
Only thing with stat dose is not sure of side effects from 30 mg Meto. I have tested 10 mg and was ok. Yes saw Dignitas videos. The video that freaked me out was where the guy took 7.5 hrs to die! Also, all that snoring from respiratory arrest bothers me, even though one would be unconscious. I keep wondering if deep down one could be aware of that discomfort of going into respiratory arrest.

Yes, seems like aesthetics is an overriding reason for people rejecting this method. I'm still leaning more favorably towards it because of speed and efficacy. I have read threads here about people quitting just as they are about to pass out. I have no issue with SI. I wouldn't be making all this prep if I wasn't truly ready to leave. So I don't see the point of doing all prep and then panicking just when I am about to achieve the result I desired. But that is just me. When I decide to do something I'm going to do it. I just have to decide definitively on one method and stick with it.

In scuba, if you go deep and breathing gets pretty hard with normal O2, one is aware of it, but never felt uncomfortable to me. In fact, once I got mesmerized by a stingray floating by and followed it. Next thing I hear this loud banging and look up to see the divemaster frantically banging on his tank to get my attention and signaling me to come up. I had wandered close to 120 ft and everyone was at 80 ft. It was magical! Why divers get Nitrogen narcosis.
Thank you for your opinion.
I think it's unlikely that you will be unconscious with 2-3 breaths in an inert gas method. Oxygen saturation does not decrease in a very short time. An apnea lasting for 1 minute reduces oxygen saturation from 100% to 75%. I got this information from an anesthesiologist. I'm curious about the level of oxygen saturation where the loss of consciousness occurs. I'm guessing it'il take more than a minute. I don't know about the symptoms that may occur during this time, but I don't think it's uncomfortable.

If I have to choose between two methods, I will choose nitrogen. No anti emetic, no regime, no bad taste, no worrying about vomiting. Although there are much more peaceful and quick methods that are not discussed at this forum, I think inert gas is the most peaceful method.
Yes but in apnea you are still breathing O2. In this method you are flooding everything with Nitrogen so the overload will cause unconsciousness fast. I read, I believe, in Guide to Humane self-chosen death that the research on Helium was 30-60 secs. Avg was 60 secs if I recall correctly. That is not that long. It can seem like eternity but I will just put some music on and close my eyes so I don't see dimming vision and focus on taking deep breaths- IF I decide to do this method. So far it looks appealing because of speed and guaranteed death 20 mins where no one can meddle with my DNR directive. It will be futile even if they try!
Thank you.
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Apr 29, 2019
If I have to choose between two methods, I will choose nitrogen. No anti emetic, no regime, no bad taste, no worrying about vomiting. Although there are much more peaceful and quick methods that are not discussed at this forum, I think inert gas is the most peaceful method.

Could you please identify these methods you referred to? You can't drop a hint like that and not say anything more.
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Dec 18, 2019
Have you read the inert gas megathread that @TiredHorse put together? His experience and the experiences of others there may help you decide. Start from the top for the details in that thread. It seems that 2 to 3 breaths to unconsciousness was not the experience of those on that thread. It was longer in cases there.

I too have everything for inert gas but decided drinking something is easier for me. I could not pull the bag over my face. I was too scared it would not work and I'd wake up later with damage.
Only way it would not work is if there is a leak. If you tighten the nut screw of regulator to tank with a wrench should be fine. Also, using hose clamp to keep hose in place, with a good quality hose made for compressed air so it won't kink, collapse or burst. Keeping bag snug at neck, all things mentioned in PPH if followed should guarantee death. Lot of research exists on Helium method, which is the same, with high success.
Both Nitrogen and N have high success, it is just one is faster than the other by a significant amount (Nitrogen).


Oct 18, 2019
Honestly this comes down to what works best for you. For most people the answer would simply be which is easier to obtain, or use? But, since you have both it really comes down to which is best for you? I would honestly pick either if I had them both as they are both very peaceful and reliable. I would give N a slight advantage personally only because it is a little simpler.

Pick whichever sounds better for you. It is YOUR final act. It is YOUR moment for YOU. Do what you want for your reasons.

If one was more painful or something I would have a different response but, that is not the case here.
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Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
Yes but in apnea you are still breathing O2. In this method you are flooding everything with Nitrogen so the overload will cause unconsciousness fast. I read, I believe, in Guide to Humane self-chosen death that the research on Helium was 30-60 secs. Avg was 60 secs if I recall correctly. That is not that long. It can seem like eternity but I will just put some music on and close my eyes so I don't see dimming vision and focus on taking deep breaths- IF I decide to do this method. So far it looks appealing because of speed and guaranteed death 20 mins where no one can meddle with my DNR directive. It will be futile even if they try!
Thank you.

Absolutely I agree. Even if breathing stops during apnea, oxygen still remains in the lungs. This increases oxygen saturation. If you replace oxygen with nitrogen, you will lose consciousness faster.


Dec 18, 2019
Honestly this comes down to what works best for you. For most people the answer would simply be which is easier to obtain, or use? But, since you have both it really comes down to which is best for you? I would honestly pick either if I had them both as they are both very peaceful and reliable. I would give N a slight advantage personally only because it is a little simpler.

Pick whichever sounds better for you. It is YOUR final act. It is YOUR moment for YOU. Do what you want for your reasons.

If one was more painful or something I would have a different response but, that is not the case here.
Thank you. I know, I couldn't decide that is why I posed the question. I keep going back and forth. My analytical brain favors Nitrogen. But when I think of hotel cleaning ladies finding me with bag on head, I feel guilty. I want to leave causing as little inconvenience to others as possible. So for their sake my heart says just drink the bitter stuff even if that will be extremely hard for me. I don't like bitter things- don't drink bear, alcohol, or eat 60%- 70% dark chocolate. Even coffee I drink lattes, which is really drinking milk with a little coffee. So while everyone is terrified of putting bag on head, I'm afraid of drinking bitter liquid. I'm also terrified of longer coma, although in my case it is highly unlikely. I'm 119 lbs so 15 gms of even 73% N should kill me fast. And you are right, it is simpler if I shorten the prep time as a_strange_day said, and less traumatic for people who will find me.

Sigh! I still am waffling! I'm never this indecisive. I think once I got paranoid about purity of Chinese N, whether the whole bottle was homogeneous powder of 73% pento or not, it screwed up everything, where I started getting anxious about failure with N if this guy didn't fill the entire bottle with pento and had pento on top with crap on bottom. Frankly, if he hadn't disappeared or stopped answering my emails, I wouldn't have worried so much.

Thank you for taking the time to respond, everyone on this site has been great! It is helpful as I sort this out, hopefully soon!
Could you please identify these methods you referred to? You can't drop a hint like that and not say anything more.
I don't know what methods he had in mind, but shotgun is fast and 100% fatal. But it is messy, as it will blow your head off! Handgun is less effective if one doesn't aim properly. With shotgun no prep required, just put it in mouth and pull the trigger. Instantaneous and painless. I don't know how peaceful one can consider it given it is so violent. But in USA, guns are easy to get and it is one of most frequently used methods, especially by men.
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sleepy dog

sleepy dog

Sep 13, 2019
I don't see any choice to be made. If I had both, I would use the N. If I can't drink about 2 ounces of bitter liquid to end my suffering, then I am not trying much am I? If the taste is so much of a bother, then use the idea that I presented to the world in January of this year on the PPH forum. Use a funnel to bypass the tongue.


Dec 18, 2019
I think it's unlikely that you will be unconscious with 2-3 breaths in an inert gas method. Oxygen saturation does not decrease in a very short time. An apnea lasting for 1 minute reduces oxygen saturation from 100% to 75%. I got this information from an anesthesiologist. I'm curious about the level of oxygen saturation where the loss of consciousness occurs. I'm guessing it'il take more than a minute. I don't know about the symptoms that may occur during this time, but I don't think it's uncomfortable.

If I have to choose between two methods, I will choose nitrogen. No anti emetic, no regime, no bad taste, no worrying about vomiting. Although there are much more peaceful and quick methods that are not discussed at this forum, I think inert gas is the most peaceful method.

Edit: SpO2 65% - 55% = mental impairment, SpO2 55% = unconsciousness.
Your edits data, so if apnea reduces O2 saturation to 75% in 1 min, a nitrogen flooded environment should reduce levels to 55% required for unconsciousness in less than a minute. It is in line with all data I read about Nitrogen method, which says 30 secs to 60 secs till unconscious with Nitrogen. That is what appeals to my analytical side, which keeps saying this method makes more sense and is painless. One just has to breathe, which is pretty much an involuntary function.
Thank you.
I don't see any choice to be made. If I had both, I would use the N. If I can't drink about 2 ounces of bitter liquid to end my suffering, then I am not trying much am I? If the taste is so much of a bother, then use the idea that I presented to the world in January of this year on the PPH forum. Use a funnel to bypass the tongue.
While I appreciate your taking the time to respond, your post appears judgmental. Perhaps it is your wording that makes it harsh. You don't know me, so please do not undermine my efforts to exit by saying I'm not trying hard enough. The whole point is to find a "peaceful" method. If one has to torture oneself drinking bitter liquid, when one doesn't even drink bitter things in their entire life, how is it peaceful? Or having to resort to sticking funnel down my throat? If anything it validates the Nitrogen method, which is no torture at all, just regular breathing which one does every nano second!

It is not as clear cut- maybe it is your choice, and if so state it nicely as others did without causing affront and devaluing the effort I am making. I am quite open to suggestions, which is why I posed the question and was thankful for all the other responses. But yours was bit disconcerting to read. Thank you for your opinion, but please be kind and less judgmental of other people.
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sleepy dog

sleepy dog

Sep 13, 2019
While I appreciate your taking the time to respond, your post appears judgmental. Perhaps it is your wording that makes it harsh. You don't know me, so please do not undermine my efforts to exit by saying I'm not trying hard enough. The whole point is to find a "peaceful" method. If one has to torture oneself drinking bitter liquid, when one doesn't even drink bitter things in their entire life, how is it peaceful? Or having to resort to sticking funnel down my throat? If anything it validates the Nitrogen method, which is no torture at all, just regular breathing which one does every nano second!

It is not as clear cut- maybe it is your choice, and if so state it nicely as others did without causing affront and devaluing the effort I am making. I am quite open to suggestions, which is why I posed the question and was thankful for all the other responses. But yours was bit disconcerting to read. Thank you for your opinion, but please be kind and less judgmental of other people.

I gave you helpful feedback. You chose to respond negatively to it.

1- "While I appreciate your taking the time to respond"
Reading your negative response, it seems you are lying about appreciating it.

2- "your post appears judgmental"
Your reply to my post appears judgmental.

3- "do not undermine my efforts to exit"
How did I undermine your efforts to exit?

4- "by saying I'm not trying hard enough"
I never said that. I said "If I can't drink about 2 ounces of bitter liquid to end my suffering, then I am not trying much am I?" I clearly said I, not you.

5- "Or having to resort to sticking funnel down my throat?"
I didn't tell you to stick a funnel down your throat. I said "Use a funnel to bypass the tongue." There is no need to stick it down the throat.

6- "If anything it validates the Nitrogen method"
This proves I gave you feedback and it cleared things up for you. You're welcome.

7- "I am quite open to suggestions"
Based on your reaction to my suggestion of using a funnel, and my post in general, it seems that is a lie.

8- "Thank you for your opinion"
You seem to be lying about being thankful.

9- "please be kind and less judgmental of other people"
You did not do that yourself. Practice what you preach.

I won't be responding anymore to you on this thread. Why? Because simply expressing my opinion or trying to give helpful feedback was met with lies and generally extreme negativity.


Feb 15, 2019
One thing that put me off nitrogen is it just looked more complicated. I could never trust myself to set up that bag. I've always been bad at stuff like that.

Personally i'd go with N. Just because it's what doctors always use for euthanasia where it's legal.
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Dec 18, 2019
One thing that put me off nitrogen is it just looked more complicated. I could never trust myself to set up that bag. I've always been bad at stuff like that.

Personally i'd go with N. Just because it's what doctors always use for euthanasia where it's legal.
Thank you.
Yes most people find setup daunting, Dr. N said that as well. Also, if one is bedridden and very weak then hard to carry tank and execute this method.
I scuba, so tanks don't scare me. I attached the regulator, hose in about 2-3 mins, including hose clamp. The bag is like an arts and crafts project from when I was a young kid. I followed the Betty video and got it done like 10 mins. She is old, if she can do it so can we! In fact, I did 3 bags total just in case one ripped. PPH recommends practice runs with just bag on head to get used to it. It is not bad at all. Feels weird 1st time but not second time when it is less unfamiliar feeling.

Aesthetically it doesn't look good, and as I noted in my earlier post, that is what holds me back because I feel guilty about traumatizing the hotel cleaning ladies. As it is, a dead body is not great to discover. One with bag on head, tank etc might be too much for some. I want to Exit as quietly and with least inconvenience to others. So I wrestle with this. Method wise imho Nitrogen seems superior in terms of speed and efficacy, and LOC in 30-60 secs, death in 10 mins appeals to me.

Re- N being used by docs, you are right. But when docs are there, if something goes wrong they end up finishing it by injecting the person. I saw that mentioned in one of videos, I think where the guy took 7.5 hrs, they said they might have to inject him if he didn't pass soon. So one has that backup with doc assisted suicide.

Dr. N is pursuing Sarco now, which is essentially a chic and expensive Nitrogen method. Aesthetically it is much better. If one could use a mask, instead of a bag, this method would be more popular, imho. Everyone hates that bag on head! Maybe if they made designer bags that looked cool! Lol!
Thank you for sharing your opinion.
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Jul 16, 2019
Dr. N is pursuing Sarco now, which is essentially a chic and expensive Nitrogen method. Aesthetically it is much better. If one could use a mask, instead of a bag, this method would be more popular, imho. Everyone hates that bag on head! Maybe if they made designer bags that looked cool! Lol!
Thank you for sharing your opinion.

Agreed. For 150$ the debreather has the potential to be a game changer. Still waiting for an update from Exit though.

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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Hi, You said that you bought a nitrogen tank in the USA. I'm in the USA and i would like to buy a nitrogen tank. Could you tell me what do i say to a store so they won't get suspicious and sell me one. Could i pm you to ask you about where you bought it and how?
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Oct 6, 2019
I would prefer the N. So much faster and peaceful. Both ways are easy endings anyways.


Oct 22, 2019

You of course remember that we first spoke on the Exit Bag & Inert Gas thread, we were both trying to help someone with the technical details.

You understand everything about this method as well as I do, you have all the right equipment, 100% ready to go. Done correctly, as you know how to do, 100% reliable.

I spoke recently to one of the most knowledgeable people about this method on the Exit International forum. He said a few breaths and then you're out, a couple of minutes until death. People here will Google and nitpick and overthink every damn detail, but I think he's absolutely correct.

But this is really beside the point, you're concerned about the maid (good for you.) My question is, why would she be more shocked finding your body after one method rather than the other? Don't worry so much about that, go with what feels right to you.
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Dec 18, 2019
Hi, You said that you bought a nitrogen tank in the USA. I'm in the USA and i would like to buy a nitrogen tank. Could you tell me what do i say to a store so they won't get suspicious and sell me one. Could i pm you to ask you about where you bought it and how?
I bought it at a gas store. Any gas supply company like Airgas, Matheson etc can supply a tank. You are required to open an account with them. I told them it was for home beer brewing, nitro coffee, packaging etc, I know a little bit about that stuff (I read up about it) so it wasn't a problem for me at all. They didn't quiz me too much.
Good luck.

You of course remember that we first spoke on the Exit Bag & Inert Gas thread, we were both trying to help someone with the technical details.

You understand everything about this method as well as I do, you have all the right equipment, 100% ready to go. Done correctly, as you know how to do, 100% reliable.

I spoke recently to one of the most knowledgeable people about this method on the Exit International forum. He said a few breaths and then you're out, a couple of minutes until death. People here will Google and nitpick and overthink every damn detail, but I think he's absolutely correct.

But this is really beside the point, you're concerned about the maid (good for you.) My question is, why would she be more shocked finding your body after one method rather than the other? Don't worry so much about that, go with what feels right to you.
I agree about the maid. After much thought, as I mentioned to you in our private chat, I will be using Nitrogen because frankly I like the statistics of that method being faster, both in LOC as well as death.

I have prepared as much as I can. Practiced with the bag on head. I hope everything goes well. Too bad no one will be around for me to tell if I am feeling euphoric or not, or to see how fast I lose consciousness! LOL! Maybe the States which are looking into this method for humane executions should come and observe eh?

Thank you for all your input. I appreciate your assurance that this method will be fast and that I have prepped well.

Good luck with your Pegasos. I am jealous! Lol! I know yours will be a peaceful journey- guaranteed!
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Apr 29, 2019
Hi, You said that you bought a nitrogen tank in the USA. I'm in the USA and i would like to buy a nitrogen tank. Could you tell me what do i say to a store so they won't get suspicious and sell me one. Could i pm you to ask you about where you bought it and how?

To offer a suggestion - one that's also been advocated by Fightingsioux with his knowledge of welding - is that you can use argon (another inert gas) as well for the exit bag method. There's nothing inherently special about nitrogen for this purpose.

Previously a number of people here used to recommend a company that would sell pre-filled nitrogen tanks over the internet and delivered to your door with no questions asked. That company no longer offers nitrogen over the 'net because they became aware of what some people were buying it for and discontinued sales of it.

However this company continues to sell pre-filled tanks of argon in sizes of 20-80 cubic feet delivered to your door. Since outright naming and/or linking to sources is prohibited here I'll state that the company is question is named "cyber"......and......"weld".

Put those two words together with ".com" and you'll find their website.

You could also try the Debreather device that A_strange_day mentioned above. It operates on the same principle as the exit bag/inert gas method without any of the technical hassles. You just put the mask on your face, keep breathing normally and the device will do the rest. Evidently it's now available for sale at the following website (again I'm altering the URL because direct linking is not allowed):


Dr. Nitschke from Exit International says he'll have an update about this toward the end of January in their newsletter so if you're interested in the Debreather you may want to wait until then to learn his thoughts about it.
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Oct 22, 2019
To offer a suggestion - one that's also been advocated by Fightingsioux with his knowledge of welding - is that you can use argon (another inert gas) as well for the exit bag method. There's nothing inherently special about nitrogen for this purpose.

Previously a number of people here used to recommend a company that would sell pre-filled nitrogen tanks over the internet and delivered to your door with no questions asked. That company no longer offers nitrogen over the 'net because they became aware of what some people were buying it for and discontinued sales of it.

However this company continues to sell pre-filled tanks of argon in sizes of 20-80 cubic feet delivered to your door. Since outright naming and/or linking to sources is prohibited here I'll state that the company is question is named "cyber"......and......"weld".

Put those two words together with ".com" and you'll find their website.

You could also try the Debreather device that A_strange_day mentioned above. It operates on the same principle as the exit bag/inert gas method without any of the technical hassles. You just put the mask on your face, keep breathing normally and the device will do the rest. Evidently it's now available for sale at the following website (again I'm altering the URL because direct linking is not allowed):


Dr. Nitschke from Exit International says he'll have an update about this toward the end of January in their newsletter so if you're interested in the Debreather you may want to wait until then to learn his thoughts about it.

For this purpose, any pure inert gas does exactly the same thing. The difference would be measured in seconds or studied with academic curiosity by a forensic pathologist, not something anyone here has to worry about.

She's at a hotel at the beach...now...with her stuff, getting herself mentally prepared. Some of the people on this site, those that are serious, will find ourselves in the same place in our lives. Maybe you.

I know that you mean well, my friend, that you're speaking from your heart, from compassion and a wish to help.

But she's not going to start Googling shit! She's not going to start ordering stuff from Amazon! She knows a lot about the exit bag and inert gas method, she knows what she's doing.

And she's probably scared. Full of resolve and courage, but scared. I know that I will be.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I would go with Nitrogen as that seems to be the easier of the two and also as far as explaining legality and purpose, it's easier to explain with Nitrogen than with Nembutal (I'm sure there are legal purposes for it, but much harder to explain - e.g. being a veterinarian). Nitrogen is also more widely available. I suppose for Nitrogen is that carrying it would be more cumbersome and tedious than having a bottle and some antiemetics. Even in a smaller cylinder, those are heavier and bulkier to carry. Other than that, just make sure people never find out your real reason for lugging a cylinder of compressed Nitrogen and also hide your exit hood/bag because that would be a dead giveaway.


Apr 29, 2019

I appreciate the clarification although obviously she didn't include those background details in her reply that I quoted. Based on her wording she gave the impression that she was looking to buy nitrogen and wanted help as to what to say to a store employee if she were to buy it in person. I offered suggestions to bypass that situation. No argument here...just fleshing out what my intentions were.
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Dec 18, 2019

I appreciate the clarification although obviously she didn't include those background details in her reply that I quoted. Based on her wording she gave the impression that she was looking to buy nitrogen and wanted help as to what to say to a store employee if she were to buy it in person. I offered suggestions to bypass that situation. No argument here...just fleshing out what my intentions were.
I believe there is some confusion here. The question about which store to buy etc. was not posted by me but by @peacefullpainless.

I was quite clear I had everything in my very first post, which started this thread, posing the dilemma.

I posted my answer to @peacefullpainless in post above, #23 on this thread, as to where to get the tank and what I told the sales people to get the tank.

Hope this clarifies for you @pane and @fightingsioux. Thank you both for your input, hopefully it was useful for @peacefullpainless


Dec 18, 2019
Thank you @underthesea . It's weird i pass an airgas store every day here in my city in the USA. Thanks i'm exited about hopefully getting my nitrogen tank! I hope they sell it to me. Is that how you are doing it with a nitrogen tank? can you give more detaiLs? I understand if you are busy focusing on your method and can't respond. Also i had some ideas about a scuba like mask setup i wanted to ask you about but i'm so tired now at night and i can't think straight (yeah I'm done) at night some times. I read you scuba and i don't know if you heard of the slovak guy who used a scuba mask with a nitrogen tank . But i guess it might be too late cause you are focusing on your method and i understand .
I have actually explained in detail in my first post, how I will be doing it.
I have:
1) 20 cu ft Nitrogen tank,
2) a Nitrogen click style medical regulator, which you probably won't be able to get, but any industrial regulator with a flow meter will be fine. Or you can pay twice the price and order a regulator + hose kit from Max Dog on Exit International site.
3) A wrench to tighten the nut of the regulator to the tank.
4) O2 hose you can get in any medical supply store since many people use O2 for breathing ailments. Amazon also has it. O2 hose has a standard 1/4" connector which fits on the shaft of the regulator.
5) I have a hose clamp, although it is not considered necessary by PPH.
6) I have a Phillips screw driver to tighten the clamp.
7) I have prepared 3 Exit bags just in case. You can watch Betty's videos on how to make an Exit Bag and how to put everything together.
8) I have a shopping trolley with bag to transport my Nitrogen tank, which also fits in my backpack.
9) Bungee cord to secure the tank.

Everything is literally outlined in detail in PPH, you just need to take the time to read it and understand it.

I have been practicing with one bag, just putting it on my head, scrunching it, breathing/ exhaling as directed in PPH and pulling it down, just to become comfortable with the motions and so that the bag doesn't feel weird.

Also, read @TiredHorse 's post under Methods. He outlines in detail his experiences.

Good luck.
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Dec 18, 2019
@fightingsioux Heliox vs O2 hose?
Heliox: received through manufacturer of Nitrogen medical regulator, made to withstand 55 psi output pressure from regulator, braided won't kink or collapse. But is quite stiff. Cannot tape to bag. Have to tape to my neck and secure with my hiking buff head band.

O2 hose: recommended by PPH, assuming can withstand 55 psi output pressure, or else PPH wouldn't reco. Can tape to bag since very thin (is 1/4" only at connector) and flexible (Heliox hose is 1/4" throughout hence looks thicker).. Don't know if O2 hose kinks or collapses. I know on Amazon some hoses get bad reviews saying it collapsed. I got this from local medical supply company so assuming better quality.

O2 would be easier to use, but wondering if Heliox would be safer? Or no difference whatsoever.
Which would you reco? Does your buddy at Exit have any thoughts?


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