
Sep 1, 2020
Will there never again e a source for N. Has that ship completely sailed? I should have bought when I could have. 99% of people can't go searching around another country for N.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I think so the evil monsters basically almost have completely eliminated nembutal from the world . Why because it's the best guaranteed diy suicide method. Take a drink in 5 minutes fall asleep. No pain. In large amounts N Nembutal becomes an anesthetic.

They arrested D ( N from D) . Arrested Kenneth Law, Dr Kevorkian etc . Now in the evil U.S. they are to about even ban SN too like they banned Nembutal made buying or selling nembutal a crime

nembutal would have and should be available for purchase with no prescription no questions asked to anyone at least to anyone over age 18

They have everyone believing all of this garbage matters and that no one is ever going to die

The truth is nothing matters except avoiding extreme pain and everyone is going to die anyway

The evil monsters in the U.S. are about to ban SN like they made Nembutal a crime. It's a complete ban to everyone i read the bill and the text of the evil bill is easy to find. The U.S. is the worst country i hate living here and now they will ban SN soon here in this evil suicide prohibition prison evil state

That 's another clue that SN is effective and painless .they aren't banning knives or bleach YET because that is very painful. they are banning SN in the evil U.S. because it's effective and painless. i haven't seen any medically confirmed cases of SN permanent damage either. and you know they would have found any case and blasted it everwhere to scare people like they do for the shotgun which is 99.5% imo deep inside the mouth but they have everyone believing you'll shoot your face off not true. screw anything a few if any anyone typed here if that. anyone can type anything : i have an outer space alien here with me and a unicorn prove i don't : see how easy it is to type a lie. i saw 100's of SN reports here to me they said painless , PPH says painless. . that's why they are banning it.

Video shows that N Nembutal is painless, take a drink and in a few minutes fall asleep.

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Sep 1, 2020
It's so unfair! People are so evil! If people want to die, it's their choice!! It's our bodies! This gatekeeping and the fkn do gooders and Inforcemet. I hope have the worse pain imaginable, then, then they will see. I don't wish any suffering on anyone, but these people are evil! It's so horrible how we lost a painless way to go.
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Apr 9, 2024
Sn, and people better move fast, that's not going to be available either. Keep in mind that the peaceful pill handbook clearly states that SN is considered a peaceful way to go. People should get it now because things are changing fast.
Don't waste time trying to get it anymore, move as quickly as possible on SN.
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May 8, 2024
SN is NOT a "peaceful" way to go for many. PPH says"relative". There's many accounts on here showing it's not and if it was, many people wouldn't call for help. N is a peaceful way to go but everyone's right. That ship has sailed. We all want it but can't get it.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Probably. Laws around the world are getting more strict about how they sell pentobarbital, and the last guy who was selling to people here is now facing decades in prison.
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Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

May 9, 2024
Even in South America, people are having trouble buying N.

I definitely missed the boat on trying to buy it. I've been lurking on this forum for years before I made an account, and never made a move.
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Mar 23, 2018
SN is NOT a "peaceful" way to go for many. PPH says"relative". There's many accounts on here showing it's not and if it was, many people wouldn't call for help. N is a peaceful way to go but everyone's right. That ship has sailed. We all want it but can't get it.
N was the way to go but since it's gone SN has become the most peaceful option. It's not"perfectly peaceful".
I don't think N was "perfectly peaceful" either.... Just the most peaceful option. 😥 Many have used SN and it worked well. Others have failed. Some because they were found too soon. Some called for help. Some survived because they threw up. I don't remember if anyone has suffered long term effects.
This is what I have seen since I have been here but I could have missed something. 🤗🤗🤗
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May 8, 2024
N was the way to go but since it's gone SN has become the most peaceful option. It's not"perfectly peaceful".
I don't think N was "perfectly peaceful" either.... Just the most peaceful option. 😥 Many have used SN and it worked well. Others have failed. Some because they were found too soon. Some called for help. Some survived because they threw up. I don't remember if anyone has suffered long term effects.
This is what I have seen since I have been here but I could have missed something. 🤗🤗🤗
Yeah, I guess it depends on what "peaceful" is. Tachycardia, headache, severe nausea, severe stomach and throat pain, throwing up, difficulty breathing for some, just depending. After digging, I've seen some long term effects from a handful that have come back to report.... people have mentioned bladder/kidney damage, stomach issues, heart issues, brain/mental issues, fine motor impairment.
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Mar 23, 2018
Yeah, I guess it depends on what "peaceful" is. Tachycardia, headache, severe nausea, severe stomach and throat pain, throwing up, difficulty breathing for some, just depending. After digging, I've seen some long term effects from a handful that have come back to report.... people have mentioned bladder/kidney damage, stomach issues, heart issues, brain/mental issues, fine motor impairment.
Still... Unfortunately the most peaceful method now. 😥
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Sep 1, 2020
Yeah, I guess it depends on what "peaceful" is. Tachycardia, headache, severe nausea, severe stomach and throat pain, throwing up, difficulty breathing for some, just depending. After digging, I've seen some long term effects from a handful that have come back to report.... people have mentioned bladder/kidney damage, stomach issues, heart issues, brain/mental issues, fine motor impairment.
You wouldn't happen to remember where you found this here or a link to that thread would you?
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May 8, 2024
It's from accounts of it that I have read when reading goodbye posts, and threads of people who survived. There is a post that shows the most common side effects and symptoms. It was in a thread with a % that someone put together based on the goodbye posts/survival posts. I don't have the energy to go digging for it. You can use the search function. I have done that a TON.
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Aug 4, 2024
What do people get out of lying about SN being peaceful? Very strange.
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Apr 9, 2024
SN is NOT a "peaceful" way to go for many. PPH says"relative". There's many accounts on here showing it's not and if it was, many people wouldn't call for help. N is a peaceful way to go but everyone's right. That ship has sailed. We all want it but can't get it.
I know you disagree with just about everything I say on this forum. It's more peaceful than shooting yourself in the head or hanging in my opinion but go ahead and keep scaring people off maybe the one thing that they have to end their suffering. Some of us don't have any other choice. I talk to people going through it and who have survived it and they said it wasn't painful. Further, a lot of people post horror stories on here because they're religious nuts, or people with other ridiculous agendas to try to prevent people from committing suicide.

You do you. You'll never take SN so don't worry about it.
SN is NOT a "peaceful" way to go for many. PPH says"relative". There's many accounts on here showing it's not and if it was, many people wouldn't call for help. N is a peaceful way to go but everyone's right. That ship has sailed. We all want it but can't get it.
It says peaceful not relative
What do people get out of lying about SN being peaceful? Very strange.
People are not lying. Please review the below. People with their horror stories trying to scare people I don't have a lot of patience for it. Few methods are even available to any of us. I think it's reprehensible to terrify people off the one thing that they still might have some access to.
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May 8, 2024
I'm entitled to my opinion based on what I have read and researched about all these methods, just as much as you are entitled to yours. People should be informed about the possible consequences of failure and whether they are willing to accept and take those risks. Things CAN get worse and I care about others. I'm not going to just cheer them on to do something that could make their lives infinitely worse.


Apr 9, 2024
I'm entitled to my opinion based on what I have read and researched about all these methods, just as much as you are entitled to yours. People should be informed about the possible consequences of failure and whether they are willing to accept and take those risks. Things CAN get worse and I care about others. I'm not going to just cheer them on to do something that could make their lives infinitely worse.
I trust the PPH data more than people's opinions. I never gave my opinion beyond to say what the PPH stated which you didn't represent accurately by saying it was relative. But like I said, you do you. You won't have to worry about it directly since you're not taking it. Good luck and keep hanging in there.
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May 8, 2024
I trust the PPH data more than people's opinions. I never gave my opinion beyond to say what the PPH stated which you didn't represent accurately by saying it was relative. But like I said, you do you. You won't have to worry about it directly since you're not taking it. Good luck and keep hanging in there.

I'm not worried about it directly. If people know the possibilities of symptoms and outcomes and want to still do it, then so be it. I'm just giving my own opinion after researching a ton on here. There's nothing wrong with having information and data...the pph data is quite limited and includes only old people, many whom are already ill. I do hope it's "peaceful" for you as I know you are suffering.


Apr 9, 2024
I'm not worried about it directly. If people know the possibilities of symptoms and outcomes and want to still do it, then so be it. I'm just giving my own opinion after researching a ton on here. There's nothing wrong with having information and data...the pph data is quite limited and includes only old people, many whom are already ill. I do hope it's "peaceful" for you as I know you are suffering.
It's a crap shoot but I do trust PPH label of peaceful, and the people that I talked to inre SN who were not old. We all deserve N or similar. I hope you get better. I will always believe you can. Keep hanging in there.


Mar 23, 2018
What do people get out of lying about SN being peaceful? Very strange.
I haven't seen everything posted about SN but I think it's the preferred method now that N is gone.
It's considered more peaceful than most other methods. Like shooting yourself in the head or jumping in front of a train.
I know you disagree with just about everything I say on this forum. It's more peaceful than shooting yourself in the head or hanging in my opinion but go ahead and keep scaring people off maybe the one thing that they have to end their suffering. Some of us don't have any other choice. I talk to people going through it and who have survived it and they said it wasn't painful. Further, a lot of people post horror stories on here because they're religious nuts, or people with other ridiculous agendas to try to prevent people from committing suicide.

You do you. You'll never take SN so don't worry about it.

It says peaceful not relative

People are not lying. Please review the below. People with their horror stories trying to scare people I don't have a lot of patience for it. Few methods are even available to any of us. I think it's reprehensible to terrify people off the one thing that they still might have some access to.
View attachment 148188
I should have read everything first before I mentioned shooting in the head. Honestly we list all of the methods an SN would still be the best option. 🤗
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May 8, 2024
I haven't seen everything posted about SN but I think it's the preferred method now that N is gone.
It's considered more peaceful than most other methods. Like shooting yourself in the head or jumping in front of a train.

I should have read everything first before I mentioned shooting in the head. Honestly we list all of the methods an SN would still be the best option. 🤗
Generally speaking, you are right that it's peaceful compared to hanging, jumping, drowning, going in front of a train. Is it more peaceful than nitrogen? Might be debatable...we don't really know because not many have went with that method and it seems the exit bag, people struggle on here to get it to work well. A gun in the head is less painful, even if violent. And of course , consequences of failure with that one are pretty severe. If one has gastric issues, such as ulcers, gastritis, or esophagitis, then SN is likely going to hurt.... probably pretty badly. Think about salt on a wound. I'm only trying to give people things to think about and research.
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Apr 9, 2024
I talked to someone while they were using sn, they had stomach ulcers and diverticulitis, they took three doses of liquid Pepto bismol then drank SN and it didn't hurt according to them before they died.
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May 8, 2024
I talked to someone while they were using sn, they had stomach ulcers and diverticulitis, they took three doses of liquid Pepto bismol then drank SN and it didn't hurt according to them before they died.
You were in the phone with someone who took SN with these conditions, before they passed away? Care to share the username on here? It could help us all.


Apr 9, 2024
You were in the phone with someone who took SN with these conditions, before they passed away? Care to share the username on here? It could help us all.
I'm not in the practice of putting usernames on public blast, no. If they wanted their conditions and passing associated with their account for the forum to know, they would have done it. Maybe they did talk about their situation at some point on here, I'm not sure. For some people their suicide is personal, private and that's their choice.
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May 8, 2024
I'm not in the practice of putting usernames on public blast, no. If they wanted their conditions and passing associated with their account for the forum to know, they would have done it. Maybe they did talk about their situation at some point on here, I'm not sure. For some people their suicide is personal, private and that's their choice.

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