

Nov 2, 2018
Hi all,

I am very wary of ruining my N. Due to the fact it is a chemical then I understand it needs to be handled with care.

My question is, does anyone know how fragile/robust N is? Does it degrade in air?

I am asking because I am thinking about opening all the bottles, putting them into a glass and then taking the bottles to dispose of them outside my hotel, then going back in to do the deed. Normally N is extracted from the sealed bottle with a syringe though and then injected into an animal, so it doesn't get much contact with air, but this way I'd have the solution exposed for a fair chunk of time (I have to open 5 of those bottles, then take the time to get rid of them, 30 mins?).

I'm probably worrying about nothing, but it's the only question I have outstanding about my method.


Oh I should probably add that I am ditching the bottles to hopefully confuse the cause of death, it might not work but if I can get a ruling of natural causes that would be easier on my family.
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Jul 13, 2018
Assume that anything exposed to the elements will begin the process of deterioration.

Get a funnel and pour the N into a resealable container (Water bottle) and you should be fine. But 30 minutes outside in the air isn't going to cause any long term problems.
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Oct 1, 2018
I don't think it will be an issue anyway
U taking 5 bottles ??
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Sep 19, 2018
It won't degrade in the amount of time your talking about. 30 minutes shouldn't effect its potency at all.
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Nov 2, 2018
Thank you all, that's what I thought but I had to ask.

U taking 5 bottles ??

Yes I'll be getting the little itsy bitsy 50ml bottles, so 5 x 50ml = approx 15g of N which is the quantity I have seen Dignitas use. The PP handbook says to just use 100ml, but I want to be sure.
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Oct 1, 2018
Where you getting your N from
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Oct 3, 2018
It doesn't degrade that fast. Don't worry.
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Resident Slime
Oct 18, 2018
15g of N is more than enough to kill you, even if it does degrade it will still kill you. I like your idea, I have to admit I am worried about a similar thing and was wondering if I could get rid of the bottles...

How is the hotel case working for you by the way? I was originally planning to ctb in a hotel, I even had one for my SN but failed. I guess I'll have to get another but it is so tempting to just die at home.
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Oct 27, 2018
Where you getting your N from

Since they are 50 ml bottles probably Peru.
N. is sold under the brand name Halatal over there.

Check Google maps (streetview) and search for "Calle Tres Cruces De Oro, Cuzco, Peru."
Then look for No. 410.

There are three vets in a triangle. Two next to each other on one side of the street, and one more on the other side. And it looks like the kind of street where you can make a deal quite easily. One of the vets even has a billboard of a pin-up lady in front of his store...
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Oct 27, 2018
Hi all,

I am very wary of ruining my N. Due to the fact it is a chemical then I understand it needs to be handled with care.

My question is, does anyone know how fragile/robust N is? Does it degrade in air?

I am asking because I am thinking about opening all the bottles, putting them into a glass and then taking the bottles to dispose of them outside my hotel, then going back in to do the deed. Normally N is extracted from the sealed bottle with a syringe though and then injected into an animal, so it doesn't get much contact with air, but this way I'd have the solution exposed for a fair chunk of time (I have to open 5 of those bottles, then take the time to get rid of them, 30 mins?).

I'm probably worrying about nothing, but it's the only question I have outstanding about my method.


Oh I should probably add that I am ditching the bottles to hopefully confuse the cause of death, it might not work but if I can get a ruling of natural causes that would be easier on my family.

Don't worry. N. doesn't lose his potency that fast.

But if you want to be 100% sure, pour the small bottles in one of those plastic bottles that come with a vacuum bottle stopper. Shouldn't be hard to get. Then put that one bottle in a refrigerator while you get rid of the small bottles.
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Nov 2, 2018
Sorry I have been away a while.

@Mud. you are spot on. @Lovemykids I am traveling in person to Peru to secure some Nembutal, I didn't know the source from the PP handbook was reliable as I didn't know about this forum before I left on my journey, otherwise I could have just ordered some for delivery back home!

Yes Mud. is correct on the location in Cusco, and there are also places to try in Lima too, it's all in the PP handbook. It looks like Lima is my worst chance, Cusco seems a safer bet, then if I strike out on ALL of those places, apparently it's super easy to get in Bolivia so I'll just pop across the border and apparently you don't even need a prescription for it in Bolivia so they can't turn you away for that like in Peru.

Thank you all for your comments and tips.

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Oct 27, 2018
@TheLastTrip I've considered Bolivia & Peru myself but I'm from the Netherlands and travelling for over 30+ hours from a country beneath sea level to some of the highest capitals in the world didn't seem like such a great plan. Especially since I have every form of epilepsy. So I went for a different source instead.

But I admire your courage..
Good luck to you and all the best.
I hope you find peace.
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Reactions: Empty RN, TheLastTrip and RaphtaliaTwoAnimals


Sep 24, 2018
Hi all,

I am very wary of ruining my N. Due to the fact it is a chemical then I understand it needs to be handled with care.

My question is, does anyone know how fragile/robust N is? Does it degrade in air?

I am asking because I am thinking about opening all the bottles, putting them into a glass and then taking the bottles to dispose of them outside my hotel, then going back in to do the deed. Normally N is extracted from the sealed bottle with a syringe though and then injected into an animal, so it doesn't get much contact with air, but this way I'd have the solution exposed for a fair chunk of time (I have to open 5 of those bottles, then take the time to get rid of them, 30 mins?).

I'm probably worrying about nothing, but it's the only question I have outstanding about my method.


Oh I should probably add that I am ditching the bottles to hopefully confuse the cause of death, it might not work but if I can get a ruling of natural causes that would be easier on my family.
This is also my plan if my N gets through customs. I wasn't sure about the degridation either when taking time to discard bottles at hotel, so I thought maybe some glad wrap and a rubber band over glass may suffice(was simplest thing I could think of).

Do you plan to use test kit at all??
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Nov 2, 2018
How is the hotel case working for you by the way? I was originally planning to ctb in a hotel, I even had one for my SN but failed. I guess I'll have to get another but it is so tempting to just die at home.

Sorry I missed this earlier. The hotel I will use isn't booked yet, ideally I'd like to ctb after Christmas, so I have two weeks in Lima to try and get N there, if I can't I go to Cusco for 2 weeks, if not then 2 weeks in La Paz. Once I have it and am ready I'll book a really nice hotel in Lima (Cusco is too high and I don't want that affecting the N, even though in all likelihood it will make breathing more difficult which will make N more effective) and do it there.

@TheLastTrip I've considered Bolivia & Peru myself but I'm from the Netherlands and travelling for over 30+ hours from a country beneath sea level to some of the highest capitals in the world didn't seem like such a great plan. Especially since I have every form of epilepsy. So I went for a different source instead.

But I admire your courage..
Good luck to you and all the best.
I hope you find peace.

Yes with epilepsy the plane ride alone would be hard, but you're right the altitude will mess you up! Luckily Lima is near sea level so I'll be going back there to do it.

Thank you for your kinds words, I hope you find peace too.

This is also my plan if my N gets through customs. I wasn't sure about the degridation either when taking time to discard bottles at hotel, so I thought maybe some glad wrap and a rubber band over glass may suffice(was simplest thing I could think of).

Do you plan to use test kit at all??

I am glad it wasn't just me worrying about this then! That sounds like a good idea, my initial idea was to just put a coaster or something similar on top of the glass to stop the air.

I wasn't going to use a test kit as I don't know how to get one. I looked into getting one from Exit a few months ago but it mentioned about asking for proof of age etc when ordering so I was scuppered. Buying direct from a vet shop in Peru I trust that it will be the right stuff as it will be new, boxed product that is sold to actual vets. If I was buying off A or anyone else I would be a lot more worried and without a test kit I'd probably take a spoonful of it to see if it made me drowsy or not and if it tasted like I expected.

One way or another I am dying within a few days of taking my N, even if it was fake or some other reason stopped me, I'd walk out of that hotel the next day and go get some rope and a secluded place with trees and wait for dark. I failed multiple times when I was a kid, I am not failing again now I'm an adult.
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Empty RN

Empty RN

Oct 25, 2018
This is the first time I've heard of personal experience from someone going to another country to obtain N! Very courageous indeed. I hope your search is successful and easy to obtain. I'm not sure about your original question about N and air exposure. My plan is to use a syringe in a few days to try some and see how it taste. I need to obtain lidocaine still or some form of numbing agent but I'm just going to try a bit and see what it taste like without anything. Maybe for me it won't be too bad? Please keep us posted on your quest! I'm sure there are others who will benefit from knowing how this goes
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Nov 2, 2018
Sorry I am new to the forum so I didn't even realise my journey was unusual and/or could be helpful! Ok once I have it in person I will do a thread documenting exactly how I did it, where I bought it, where I failed to get it etc.

Haha, I would love to say I was being courageous, but I'm traveling because I am too much of a coward to use anything but N! (but I know what you mean and thank you for your kind words) I've had 4 failed attempts in my life, so this time I'm using the gold standard.
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Empty RN

Empty RN

Oct 25, 2018
Sorry I am new to the forum so I didn't even realise my journey was unusual and/or could be helpful! Ok once I have it in person I will do a thread documenting exactly how I did it, where I bought it, where I failed to get it etc.

Haha, I would love to say I was being courageous, but I'm traveling because I am too much of a coward to use anything but N! (but I know what you mean and thank you for your kind words) I've had 4 failed attempts in my life, so this time I'm using the gold standard.
Welcome then! I didn't realize you were new on here. You've done your research enough to know how to best obtain it for yourself. I agree, it's supposed to be the most successful and least painful method there is.
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Resident Slime
Oct 18, 2018
Sorry I am new to the forum so I didn't even realise my journey was unusual and/or could be helpful! Ok once I have it in person I will do a thread documenting exactly how I did it, where I bought it, where I failed to get it etc.

Haha, I would love to say I was being courageous, but I'm traveling because I am too much of a coward to use anything but N! (but I know what you mean and thank you for your kind words) I've had 4 failed attempts in my life, so this time I'm using the gold standard.

Honestly, if you're looking for a partner to ctb with let me know then... personally I'm looking to ctb much sooner and found someone I was planning to buy N with tomorrow after I got a PO box, but I would be completely open to going to another country to get N, it's probably safer that way too.
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Empty RN

Empty RN

Oct 25, 2018
I think the huge hold up right now for a lot of people is where to obtain N since A isn't shipping/ selling right now and no real idea as to when he'll start again. Scales, if you do end up joining the adventure, it would only add to the benefits of others gaining knowledge on how to obtain it via travel. Best of luck to the both of you
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Nov 2, 2018
Group outing to Peru! lol. Last one to ctb has to pay the hotel bill ;)

Scales - I will message you separately.
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Nov 12, 2018
Group outing to Peru! lol. Last one to ctb has to pay the hotel bill ;)

Scales - I will message you separately.
Hey TheLastTrip - I have been a silent reader for some days here and finally made an account today, because I need Your help.

I informed myself over the various methods to commit suicide...the reasons for my decision I can tell You via PM, if the reason even matters.

I was stuck long time with the charcoal-burning-method, but thinking more and more about it, I dont think this is an honorable death.
So I read over the N chapters in "The Peaceful Pill" once again and then found this forum and Your threads about Your travel to Lima/Peru. You are going there today am I right?
While reading the N chapters I thougth these were outdated long time - but it does not seem that way, and I am glad, that You are willing to document Your current travel.

Personally I am planning my own last trip in december - got 3 Weeks of vacation and will travel to Peru from Europe. When I thought about the charcoal-method, the last trip to a foreign country seems much more appealing to me. First Focus on getting the N, and then have some really nice evenings on this planet and leave this world behind.

Glad to meet You here - hope we can communicate and that You can help me.
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