

Let me be Selfish, just this once.
Aug 15, 2020
Yesterday was my scheduled off day, as always dur to therapy and me making other appointments.. I informed her the night before I had appointments and would not be able to come in at pretty much any point besides 5am.. she dismissed me then.. but last night she yelled at me over the phone saying I should answer .. I told her I left my phone (because i don't function outside of work with my phone attached to my hip)

She proceeded to tell me that she wants to have a discussion about my performance and wants me to be more available because its becoming a problem that I am unavailable...one day out of the 7 days I come when called.

She also said she called 30 times ... (actually 3) and left a lot of text messages (actually 1)..
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Lost and Lonely
May 23, 2020
Sounds like a good old bit of bullying and harassment to me ! Document everything and if your able to ask your supervision to clarify any verbal conversations about your conduct in an email. Also screen shot your call record and look at the policy on harassment and also look at the law around equality and diversity especially around mental health access to therapy support
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Let me be Selfish, just this once.
Aug 15, 2020
The talk today i plan to record. But I'm anxious as always about this confrontation so I'm hoping I don't freak out midway and cower.. honestly
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Mar 22, 2020
The talk today i plan to record. But I'm anxious as always about this confrontation so I'm hoping I don't freak out midway and cower.. honestly

This is a good idea. Record everything just in case.

Btw, what an annoying supervisor!
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Let me be Selfish, just this once.
Aug 15, 2020
This is a good idea. Record everything just in case.

Btw, what an annoying supervisor!
That works for the post office ... very very annoying
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Jun 26, 2020
I feel so, so sorry for you. I am 64 years young and I have had ALOT of what you just experienced. I have had managers yell at me for not coming in on a Saturday, I was hired for Monday through Friday. I have been fired for, oh boy what a LONG list!, 95% of the time, not my fault. Like one time i was assigned to a location but the manager of that location, did not get to interview me 1st before coming there and he wound up firing me over that. I could write a book just on my expereinces with this subject. So with that said, I truly feel for you and I hope that you can find a better position with a better, nicer, manager/boss. Life is too short to have to put up with mean people. If I got to go back 30 to 40 years and got a do over, I would tell some of my past managers good bye and not take all the verbal abuse that I did. All my love, caring, empathy, kindness AND SUPPORT goes out to you, as you are part of my family here! Walter:hug::hug:
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Oct 13, 2020
Idk what ur work entails, but i try not to be available for works on my free time. It's free time for a reason, we're not slaves of our jobs.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Doesn't sound very "super" at all.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
Tell her to get fucked, i have no tolerance at all for people like this, might be why i'm 10 years unemployed. :D
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Tell her to get fucked, i have no tolerance at all for people like this, might be why i'm 10 years unemployed. :D
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Reactions: KuriGohan&Kamehameha, saltshaker, lobster salad and 2 others


Let me be Selfish, just this once.
Aug 15, 2020
I feel so, so sorry for you. I am 64 years young and I have had ALOT of what you just experienced. I have had managers yell at me for not coming in on a Saturday, I was hired for Monday through Friday. I have been fired for, oh boy what a LONG list!, 95% of the time, not my fault. Like one time i was assigned to a location but the manager of that location, did not get to interview me 1st before coming there and he wound up firing me over that. I could write a book just on my expereinces with this subject. So with that said, I truly feel for you and I hope that you can find a better position with a better, nicer, manager/boss. Life is too short to have to put up with mean people. If I got to go back 30 to 40 years and got a do over, I would tell some of my past managers good bye and not take all the verbal abuse that I did. All my love, caring, empathy, kindness AND SUPPORT goes out to you, as you are part of my family here! Walter:hug::hug:
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement Walter. I appreciate it
Doesn't sound very "super" at all.
It's not... well the job is nice. The supervisor is not
I wish I could lol
Tell her to get fucked, i have no tolerance at all for people like this, might be why i'm 10 years unemployed. :D
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Apr 22, 2019
Sounds to me like she is being way too dramatic and shouldn't be in charge of anyone. NOT to mention that you can't be available always, we are humans we are supposed to have lives and have stuff to do other than work. I think it's actually illegal for her to demand from you to be available every day. ESPECIALLY if you booked your free day beforehand and warned her about it from what it sounds like you reminded her about your scheduled day off more than once. Which also is telling me that she didn't pay much attention, or that she messed up in the scheduling of your coworkers to put someone to cover the hours while you can't and when she realized she messed it up she called you and when you could't come she tried to blame you for her mistakes and for not being able to figure out how to place coworkers in the schedule to cover all shift. And also, of course you are not always walking around with your phone in your hand, it's perfectly natural to miss some calls, she's a grown up person she should understand these things happen. I'm sorry you have to deal with this stupid, and insensitive person. You don't deserve it! You deserve so much better❤️
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Feb 19, 2021
hey there, i feel for you.

i get hella anxious about phonecalls (i never answer them unless they're in my phone already or once in a blue moon).

i actually had a similar experience this past sunday where i was called in on my day off bc they apparently had me scheduled (they didn't; i took a photo of my schedule my last shift n sent it and they still wanted me to come in bc i think they were short because they "scheduled" me and didn't staff the shift sufficiently). and my manager proceeded to treat me like they usually do (like crap lol)

either way, you don't deserve this kind of treatment by your supervisor. i hope that your talks go well and that you're able to hang on until you either find another, better place or the work environment gets better (sometimes it does?). :mmm:
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Apr 24, 2020
I've been bullied all my life. I was mistreated at work so many times that it became a habit. I was yelled at, called names (crazy, looney, weirdo, loner, strange, liar, dishonest... among others). It's called mobbing. I complained so many times thaht I simply lost count. This pattern of abuse and harrasment continued for 7 or 8 years until I broke. I felt lost and hopeless. I just couldn't haddle it anymore. I started having panic attacks on a daily basis, my depression became severe and toxic and this combined with severe anxiety, pychosis, paranoia and my autism. It was a timed bomb. My supervisor, my manager, the Department Director and even my co-workers called me names
and treated like a was less than nothing. I was hospitalized 17 times in three years. The day I tried to killed myself in the office I was immediately removed from work and was in a license without pay for 8 months. As soon as this benefit expired, I resigned. This really fucked me up to the point i never recovered. Now i'm disable and have a tutor. All I think is about dying and the damn voices don't help.

That's why I hate life and gave up a long time ago. I can't ctb right now but as soon as i solve some issues i hope i can finally put an end to my miserable life.

Nevertheless, I don't encorage noboby to follow this path. If you have the opportunity to be happy, just grabbed it. If you feel overwhelmed, reach out. I wish i could apply these recomendations
to myself. But I can't... i just can't see myself alive in a few months or years.
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