
Jul 24, 2019
Hi everyone,

I just want to post my story and ask for your advice. My wife and I had been married for over 10 years when she told me that she wanted to separate last October. I had no idea about this and I thought we were fine. We have three kids together. She said that she wanted to separate, then did not want to separate then did again. She then persuaded me to start looking for rooms to rent and pushed me to accept the first room that I saw even though it did not feel right. A week before I was due to move out she announced her feelings for another man (which never happened in the end) and that she had support from her friends and family for him. That week really crushed me as I felt like she was pushing me out so he could move in. I was so angry and so alone during that time. At Christmas she pushed me out of the front door saying that I could not be there when the kids were not there even though it was my house. I heard her mum asking her if she wanted them to stay until I left because "it is well within your rights to do so" like I was some kind of threat. That was after I found out that the kids were going to stay with her parents for a few days which cut into my time with them. She did not tell me about those plans and I had to find out from our kids. I felt like I was no longer relevant and that all decisions were being made without me. The way she casually talked about our divorce as if it was just another thing to get past really hurt. Then in January she asked me why I was so grumpy. That question really threw me as I thought that, along with everything else, showed a complete lack of empathy for my situation and what I was going though. It seemed to me that she was forgetting that there were two people affected by all this. That she was only concerned about herself. I would sit in my room alone with no one to talk to and only netflix to keep me company. All the while I felt like she didn't give a damn about me, the man who gave her three children, the one who enabled her to buy a house, the one who stood by her. Yes I had made mistakes, yes I had my problems but so did she and I stood by her even though I may have not have shown it she was the love of my life and she decided that I needed to leave and I had no say in the matter. At no point did she reveal her doubts to me, doubts that she apparently had for years. She did not suggest marriage counselling or any help for both of us. She just kept it to herself hoping something would change. Now she is living in my house, sleeping in my bed, raising my kids and I'm not there. The kids are growing up without me.

I feel like I have lost my best friend, the person I could always count on to be there for me, the one that was always there at the end of the day. I may not have talked or shared much but it was an enormous comfort to me to know that she was always there. I forgave her for her mistakes so I felt like we were a strong team despite all our faults. We survived a lot of bad patches so I could never figure out why we could not survive this.

I will never understand or accept the situation and I could never live with the knowledge of her living with another man in my house, raising my kids. I am always tormented by those images. She keeps saying that I am a nice guy and that it was not me that was the problem but she felt trapped and suffocated by rules or something. But if she felt trapped with me and I'm not the problem then she will feel the same in any relationship. So if she was dating again then why could it not be me? What was wrong with me? We had both changed but she seemed so resistant to the idea. I could never understand her reasons. It was only a few days ago that she apologized to me for everything. The only hope that sustained me was the small hope that we would get back together and that hope is now gone so I have nothing to go on for. She is fine without me. The kids are being taken care of. I can't even provide child support for them so I am no longer the provider. They adapted to the separation and they will adapt to this. After all I am hardly together with them. All I am is a burden, a waste of space and a financial strain.

Sorry for the big post but I am done with life. I can't even imagine what life is like tomorrow let alone a few years. I feel nothing inside. Sometimes I might feel a spark of joy or happiness but that is quickly extinguished leaving nothing again. I want to leave this world. I have already written my note and I tried hanging but that just felt uncomfortable and scary to me so I want to try carbon monoxide. I want to buy two of these https://www.bunnings.co.nz/samba-disposable-bbq-grill_p00307750, burn them until no more smoke, put them into my car, get in myself and drink some alcohol.

I don't know when I will leave but I guess I'm just waiting until something else drives me over the edge. I appreciate your advice.

Sorry for the big post and thank you for reading.
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
sorry to hear, this is devastating. i just can't fathom loosing a partner after just developing a relationship and being with her for how long you were just for her to go for someone else. hope you feel better and find some sort of peace.
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Jul 24, 2019
Thanks for your kind words. The only escape I can see is ctb. Hopefully my method works.
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
not necessarily, it doesn't have to be just through CTB. Have you tried other options, i hate to just throw in meds but therapy? talking to someone? maybe moving away and starting fresh and getting away from everything.
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
I realise that in this moment this probably isn't really important for you but, listen:
I don't know where you are from and what laws apply in your country but i wouldn't definately let her keep the things that are also yours.
You have the right to receive your share. Didn't you get to keep half of your belongings during divorce?
It sounds like your ex pushed you around for quite some time and that's definately not a good thing.
Do you have a close relationship with your kids at least?
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Apr 27, 2018
Is there some advocacy you can seek ?
You seem like a battered husband to me ... ( no insult here , I've been bullied by women a bit ... ) and our western society doesn't understand that .

You are stuck between the welfare of the kids in the house and your wife ripping
you off financially .

At the least - you should get a lawyer and get half the house value .

She will be on a benefit as a solo mum and the state will pay the mortgage ,
so you are not taking a roof away from your kids .

Get some help man , from community law advice .

I reckon your being trampled on here .

If you've had enough of life , thats your business , but it reads like you are
being bullied into powerlessness .
Counselling / therapy helped me see where I was short changing myself a lot
in my life .
All the best dude . ( Sorry if that all came across as insensitive - just my gut reaction ... men are taking the fall a bit too often I think . I'm no MGTOW freak , just a bit concerned at the 'women get the kids and the house' trend in Govt. institututions .

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Jul 24, 2019
Thanks everyone. I have tried meds and therapy and they made some difference for a time then lose their effectiveness. I am trying therapy again but I don't think it will have any effect.

Yes I was pushed around and trampled on but I did not have any choice. I have a relationship with the kids but I only see them every second weekend. I do call them but they don't speak, they are 5, 7, 9 yo.

She is working and getting support from her parents. I don't want to let go of my part of the house because that is the only thing she can't take away from me. If I still own it then she can't tell me that I can't be there from a legal standpoint but she is reluctant to let me into that house and everyone I know is telling to respect boundaries and that it's not good for me etc. They just don't grasp that she has taken everything from me and left me with nothing. I did make some big mistakes but nothing abusive or infidelity. She has everything that she wants and I have nothing. She just expected me to roll over and take it and I had to take it because everyone was supporting her.

I have no fight left. My studies are adding to the pressure and draining me so I've checked out. I just want out and maybe that will really tell her how far I have been pushed.

So will my method work?
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Jul 24, 2019
I just bought 3 disposable bbqs and a box of matches. I will wait until I next my next benefit payment to buy a bottle of alcohol and then I will have what I need.


Jun 23, 2019
Hey, I'm sorry you are going through this, it must be devastating for you to lose your home, your family, and the person you love. I understand and respect your choice to ctb BUT I feel there are some things you could try before taking this step.

It's good that you still see your children, are you able to increase your contact with them to maybe a day in the week as well? Every other weekend is a large gap and your kiddies need you in their lives as much as they can.
Have you tried mediation in regards to the finances? If you don't work you can get this for free. Both you and your ex would attend with a neutral third party mediator who will help you unpick what assets you have and how they can be divided as fairly as possible.
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Jul 24, 2019
Thank you for your kind words. We live in different towns so it is not possible for me. My kids are being taken care of. They got used to the separation so they will get used to this.

I'm done fighting. There is no shame in admitting defeat.


Jun 23, 2019
I'm really sorry you feel there's nothing you can do to recover from this. You've been treated unfairly by your ex.

Have you ever felt suicidal before all of this happened?


Jul 24, 2019
I suffered from depression and did have suicidal thoughts but I was never serious about acting on them.

She is not a bad person but how she handled everything destroyed me. She just doesn't realized even though I told her.


Jun 23, 2019
I understand. People can behave shockingly during divorce and separation.

She has hurt you very badly and I'm sorry about that. I wish there was something I could do to help ease your pain.

I've seen people destroyed by their exes behaviour but I've also seen many come out the other side.

My brother had a very similar situation to you. His wife cheated on him, threw him out and alienated his daughter from him.

He was at rock bottom, lost his job. Was consumed by depression. A year and a half later he has met someone else and is happy. He still doesn't see his daughter because his ex has done everything she can to ruin their relationship. It's upsetting to see how hurt he is because of this.

I know not everyone can come through it though. And it does take time.

I just worry that you may ctb because of a situation that could get better for you if you give it some time and chance for healing.

But whatever you decide, I hope you find peace. Sending hugs.
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Jul 24, 2019
Thanks for the hugs. I'm not diving into it now but I'm sure something will come along that will push me over the edge. Like I saw an email from her to my mum saying "I can't believe that my baby is off to school!" If I wasn't alone that would have driven me to insanity. I kept thinking she is my baby too.


Jun 23, 2019
Yeah I can understand how that would cut.

I'm glad you're not going to rush into anything. I really hope things get better for you. There are many lovely people here who will lend an ear and give advice if you ever feel on the edge and need to talk.

Also just to mention, if your ex is working, she will have some mortgage capacity to be able to borrow and take on the house or buy another one. Yes she may get a larger share because she has the kids but you should still get some share of any house equity. I urge you to at least try mediation to try and come to an agreement so you can both start again.
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