The more I research about how women have been viewed throughout history (and still are viewed that way in many parts of the world), it just causes me so much rage and hate at the world. I bet most of our ancestors were products of rape. I hate how women have been viewed as "spoils of war", "have a duty to respect and obey the husband", etc. You know, I bet that this perverted sexist loser thought that if he took my virginity (because I had told him that I didn't want to do anything sexual until marriage, aka "NO") that I would then consequently have to marry him. Fuck the bible too: "If a man encounters a young woman, a virgin who is not engaged, takes hold of her and rapes her, and they are discovered, the man who raped her is to give the young woman's father fifty silver shekels, and she will become his wife because he violated her. He cannot divorce her as long as he lives." My rapist lives in the 1st century. I told his thesis advisor yesterday in an email about what he did, I haven't received a response yet. I also asked the HR at his work to contact me back. Fuck him, fuck his manipulative exploitative nature, I feel dehumanized and I get constant memories of it. He pressured me and constantly pushed my boundaries, knew of my having no experience and barely any friends, my parents had also been telling him that I was having emotional problems. He told my parents "I view her as my daughter" no he doesn't, get the fuck out of here I don't care that your fucking ex-wife (from an arranged marriage) divorced you, don't go picking up the most "prime" "youthful" "suitable" person to be your next "wife", I hope he gets deported so he doesn't spread his beliefs onto others, fuck his country and their culture, fuck his entitlement, fuck his religion. I'm still waiting for the file to be reviewed by a crown prosecutor but I am impatient and I don't know what actions I can take.