
Jun 2, 2021
I have only recently started looking at CTB.
My problems arent deep rooted, ie. abuse from an early age, physical or mental illness, My reasons are simply money.
This tangible issue can be fixed right ?

I have lost so much money in bad investments and trying to chase those losses, that they have only got worse and worse every time.
I felt like ok, ive had my spell of bad luck, it has to change now. What are the chances it will continue like this for the foreseeable right?

So I continued to try to fix the situation by investing more, because quitting would be accepting that I have lost, and kind of being a coward and being defeated.
Well only now do I wish I did quit. Iva made the situation so bad, I dont think I can ever come back from this again.

I feel I have let my family down, all the people around me I love so dearly. If/When they find out what I have done, they will be distraught.
The reactions I will face will be enough to kill me. Knowing how much I have let them down, and the pain they will feel, I cant bear to think about it.

When i goto sleep, and my brain switches off, its the only place I feel like I am at peace.
I wake up in the morning and its so difficult to fin the motivation to begin my day.
When I goto sleep at night, I feel less stressed as I have completed a day, but a part of me wishes I never wake up again.

There are so many millionaires and billionaires today, who could wipe my slate clean and propbably not even realise any "loss" - but how would it be possible to contact them
and explain to them that they would be saving a life/a family by parting with a tiny morsel of their worth, and if they could help?

I dont know what to do anymore. I feel like i have exhausted all avenues and now i am at the end of the road.
Im frightened of whats to come in the near future.

I dont want to die. I want someone to save me from the hell I have created for myself, and press the reset button so i can go back to being a normal person without this worry cemented in my brain which i now think about for every second of the day.

Are there any millionaires on here that might be able to help? Or perhaps a collective effort to raise funds so at least 1 life can be saved ?

Help.... I dont know what to do.
Any suggestions welcome.

Is it possible to get people to contribute to a fund so I dont have to CTB ? How would I prove that i am being honest and not lying ?
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Mar 22, 2020
Money issues can be fixed.
The problem is that not everybody realizes how many options they have and end up doing modern slavery jobs and getting more depressed than before.

I have a friend who didn't finish high school and now he makes a lot of money. He just learnt how to program by watching videos on youtube and now makes a living by being a freelance programmer.
Another ex friend of mine makes a living just by completing surveys and captchas online. He is from Venezuela so, every USD he earns is a lot of money for him.
And as for me, I've tried 10 different jobs throughout my life and I cried a lot and always ended up quitting. I really hated feeling like a slave and very miserable. Then, I became a freelance teacher and my life started to change! Now, I love my job.

Hope you can find something because if money is your only reason to ctb, you might sort this out and have a nice life!!

Hugs and love,

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Jan 21, 2020
Money issues can be fixed.
The problem is that not everybody realizes how many options they have and end up doing modern slavery jobs and getting more depressed than before.

I have a friend who didn't finish high school and now he makes a lot of money. He just learnt how to program by watching videos on youtube and now makes a living by being a freelance programmer.
Another ex friend of mine makes a living just by completing surveys and captchas online. He is from Venezuela so, every USD he earns is a lot of money for him.
And as for me, I've tried 10 different jobs throughout my life and I cried a lot and always ended up quitting. I really hated feeling like a slave and very miserable. Then, I became a freelance teacher and my life started to change! Now, I love my job.

Hope you can find something because if money is your only reason to ctb, you might sort this out and have a nice life!!

Hugs and love,

Agreed, I hope your financial issues can be sorted out OP.
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Mar 30, 2020
You are just like me. I've lost hundred of thousands of dollars in 2017 and all I can think about is suicide. There's no turning back, and I'm sorry to say that to you, but forget about any financials help. No one gives a damn about you or about me.
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Dec 2, 2019
Earn your own money instead of begging others. How? Apply for jobs and educate yourself.


May 6, 2021
Obviously,Bill Gates is not gonna cut you a check! But maybe you have friends or relatives who could help you? PM me, I can lend you maybe $10,000!
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Tired of existing

Nov 28, 2020
I have only recently started looking at CTB.
My problems arent deep rooted, ie. abuse from an early age, physical or mental illness, My reasons are simply money.
This tangible issue can be fixed right ?

I have lost so much money in bad investments and trying to chase those losses, that they have only got worse and worse every time.
I felt like ok, ive had my spell of bad luck, it has to change now. What are the chances it will continue like this for the foreseeable right?

So I continued to try to fix the situation by investing more, because quitting would be accepting that I have lost, and kind of being a coward and being defeated.
Well only now do I wish I did quit. Iva made the situation so bad, I dont think I can ever come back from this again.

I feel I have let my family down, all the people around me I love so dearly. If/When they find out what I have done, they will be distraught.
The reactions I will face will be enough to kill me. Knowing how much I have let them down, and the pain they will feel, I cant bear to think about it.

When i goto sleep, and my brain switches off, its the only place I feel like I am at peace.
I wake up in the morning and its so difficult to fin the motivation to begin my day.
When I goto sleep at night, I feel less stressed as I have completed a day, but a part of me wishes I never wake up again.

There are so many millionaires and billionaires today, who could wipe my slate clean and propbably not even realise any "loss" - but how would it be possible to contact them
and explain to them that they would be saving a life/a family by parting with a tiny morsel of their worth, and if they could help?

I dont know what to do anymore. I feel like i have exhausted all avenues and now i am at the end of the road.
Im frightened of whats to come in the near future.

I dont want to die. I want someone to save me from the hell I have created for myself, and press the reset button so i can go back to being a normal person without this worry cemented in my brain which i now think about for every second of the day.

Are there any millionaires on here that might be able to help? Or perhaps a collective effort to raise funds so at least 1 life can be saved ?

Help.... I dont know what to do.
Any suggestions welcome.

Is it possible to get people to contribute to a fund so I dont have to CTB ? How would I prove that i am being honest and not lying ?
Lack of money or
I have only recently started looking at CTB.
My problems arent deep rooted, ie. abuse from an early age, physical or mental illness, My reasons are simply money.
This tangible issue can be fixed right ?

I have lost so much money in bad investments and trying to chase those losses, that they have only got worse and worse every time.
I felt like ok, ive had my spell of bad luck, it has to change now. What are the chances it will continue like this for the foreseeable right?

So I continued to try to fix the situation by investing more, because quitting would be accepting that I have lost, and kind of being a coward and being defeated.
Well only now do I wish I did quit. Iva made the situation so bad, I dont think I can ever come back from this again.

I feel I have let my family down, all the people around me I love so dearly. If/When they find out what I have done, they will be distraught.
The reactions I will face will be enough to kill me. Knowing how much I have let them down, and the pain they will feel, I cant bear to think about it.

When i goto sleep, and my brain switches off, its the only place I feel like I am at peace.
I wake up in the morning and its so difficult to fin the motivation to begin my day.
When I goto sleep at night, I feel less stressed as I have completed a day, but a part of me wishes I never wake up again.

There are so many millionaires and billionaires today, who could wipe my slate clean and propbably not even realise any "loss" - but how would it be possible to contact them
and explain to them that they would be saving a life/a family by parting with a tiny morsel of their worth, and if they could help?

I dont know what to do anymore. I feel like i have exhausted all avenues and now i am at the end of the road.
Im frightened of whats to come in the near future.

I dont want to die. I want someone to save me from the hell I have created for myself, and press the reset button so i can go back to being a normal person without this worry cemented in my brain which i now think about for every second of the day.

Are there any millionaires on here that might be able to help? Or perhaps a collective effort to raise funds so at least 1 life can be saved ?

Help.... I dont know what to do.
Any suggestions welcome.

Is it possible to get people to contribute to a fund so I dont have to CTB ? How would I prove that i am being honest and not lying ?
Lack of money or debt is no reason to ctb in this world.

An inability to work and make a decent income would be a good reason, because unfortunetly that often brings about a miserable life.
But money $€ in itself comes and goes, that's no reason to take your life.
You should look at the big picture and beginn to see how this world actually works in the economic sense.

70-80% of money we see people push around in transactions is actually CREDIT.
Not money earned and then spent, but debt.
You are not alone, the majority of people has negative net worth in their name.
That's how most societies operate these days.
You will seldom see a car on the street or a house anywhere that is truly owned by the person who dwells in it.

What I am trying to say is, there are simple legal ways to get rid of your debt.
Some financial institution, brokerage-whatever loaned you money for "trading" aka gambling and that loss is on them.
Whatever it is you have done, margin trading, daytrading, Forex, Krypto...
You are not the first one who lost, actually up to 80% of participants in these games lose money.

Get an professional attorney and lay out a plan how you can default on your loan payments and even start a bankrupty acording to the procedures in your country.
You can't press blood out of carrot, your creditors will take the hit.
The good news is, since all advanced societies rely on CREDIT as I mentioned above, that's not the end of the world for you.
Credit ratings bounce back very quickly, financial services want to work with you again within months.
If everyone is deeply in debt, that's good news for you, since there will be legal avenues to default on debt.
Or otherwise there would be blood in the streets with so many people who have nothing to lose.

Your real treasure financially speaking is in your head and in your hands and your time left, what you can put to use to make an INCOME.
As long as you can work, you can start over from 0 $€ every time you hit bottom.
To be honest, most succesfull startup founders went broke over an over again and still tried again and again and again untill they succeed.

When it comes to your family, about "keeping face" and so on, think about the problem in a practical manner.
A dead person is no use to anyone.
A living person has potential to bring in some income and time to support loved ones.
Your debt is on you, your family takes no financial hit if you default on it.
It's going to be humiliating, yet live goes on and emotional wounds heal.

But your family would certainly take a hit if you can't bring home an income in the next decades and offer your time.
Parents need to be taken care of, children especially if you have some.
If not money, time is also a service you can provide.

So think about it and only ctb for the right reasons.
If you can and care to contribute to your family in the long run, debt in your name is no existential problem.
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May 3, 2021
Hey! Get to the back of the queue, I've been needing money from kind millionaires longer than you, and I have kids.

Seriously, if I had enough money to have a home for my kids I wouldn't want to ctb, but at my age and with little earnings potential it makes for a miserable existence.

Hence the desire to no longer exist.

C'est la vie, or end of la vie.
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the crucified
Dec 28, 2018
Lack of money or

Lack of money or debt is no reason to ctb in this world.

An inability to work and make a decent income would be a good reason, because unfortunetly that often brings about a miserable life.
But money $€ in itself comes and goes, that's no reason to take your life.
You should look at the big picture and beginn to see how this world actually works in the economic sense.

70-80% of money we see people push around in transactions is actually CREDIT.
Not money earned and then spent, but debt.
You are not alone, the majority of people has negative net worth in their name.
That's how most societies operate these days.
You will seldom see a car on the street or a house anywhere that is truly owned by the person who dwells in it.

What I am trying to say is, there are simple legal ways to get rid of your debt.
Some financial institution, brokerage-whatever loaned you money for "trading" aka gambling and that loss is on them.
Whatever it is you have done, margin trading, daytrading, Forex, Krypto...
You are not the first one who lost, actually up to 80% of participants in these games lose money.

Get an professional attorney and lay out a plan how you can default on your loan payments and even start a bankrupty acording to the procedures in your country.
You can't press blood out of carrot, your creditors will take the hit.
The good news is, since all advanced societies rely on CREDIT as I mentioned above, that's not the end of the world for you.
Credit ratings bounce back very quickly, financial services want to work with you again within months.
If everyone is deeply in debt, that's good news for you, since there will be legal avenues to default on debt.
Or otherwise there would be blood in the streets with so many people who have nothing to lose.

Your real treasure financially speaking is in your head and in your hands and your time left, what you can put to use to make an INCOME.
As long as you can work, you can start over from 0 $€ every time you hit bottom.
To be honest, most succesfull startup founders went broke over an over again and still tried again and again and again untill they succeed.

When it comes to your family, about "keeping face" and so on, think about the problem in a practical manner.
A dead person is no use to anyone.
A living person has potential to bring in some income and time to support loved ones.
Your debt is on you, your family takes no financial hit if you default on it.
It's going to be humiliating, yet live goes on and emotional wounds heal.

But your family would certainly take a hit if you can't bring home an income in the next decades and offer your time.
Parents need to be taken care of, children especially if you have some.
If not money, time is also a service you can provide.

So think about it and only ctb for the right reasons.
If you can and care to contribute to your family in the long run, debt in your name is no existential problem.
This is excellent consolation for me, I have also lost around $2000 of my savings due to bad decisions. My father gives me $64 pocket money every month, my only source of cash (I have no job, too depressed to work).

I'm figuring out a way to earn all my lost money back, hopefully that will reduce my guilt. I'm not sure if I fully understand your explanation of credit, debt and negative net worth, it sure sounds true to me.


trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021
I want someone to save me from the hell I have created for myself, and press the reset button so i can go back to being a normal person without this worry cemented in my brain which i now think about for every second of the day.
this is what bankruptcy is for. Consult with an attorney.

I went through my own financial struggles and for years thought I'd CTB instead of paying things back. instead I filed for bankruptcy, and now all my debt is gone. It sucked, it's a painful process, I lost a lot, but I now have zero debt and positive net worth for the first time in years.


Psychopath family tortured me
May 25, 2021
in real life not many people are so generous and willing to help like in tv or media.
Lack of money or debt is no reason to ctb in this world.
There are people who ctb only because of boredom though thats even much way worse than money issue.


Born Alone, Die Alone.
May 9, 2021
I know how you feel. I lost hundred of thousands of dollars in the stock market as well and is part of my reason to ctb as well

Tired of existing

Nov 28, 2020
This is excellent consolation for me, I have also lost around $2000 of my savings due to bad decisions. My father gives me $64 pocket money every month, my only source of cash (I have no job, too depressed to work).

I'm figuring out a way to earn all my lost money back, hopefully that will reduce my guilt. I'm not sure if I fully understand your explanation of credit, debt and negative net worth, it sure sounds true to me.
You can do this.

Also, transform your "weakness" into your strengths, that gives you an edge in this world.
Believe in yourself, your sufferings can give you strenght.

You have learned to survive on so little, most rich or middle classe people wouldn*t be able to endure that.
They whine and cry about petty material things.
Consider this, pretty much every man and woman on the streets you see in good clothings is probably more in debt than you.

Most people buy things that they don't need with money they don't have to impress people they dont't really care about.
Don't be like them, and you can still prosper in this world.
Your first priority must be to get an income, than save and live frugal.
Then try to get into a job that you like, even if that means job hoping 10 times and more.

Once you are in a job you like for the most part, confidence kicks in.
And you will be in a position to support your loved ones.
Don't get into debt, whatever you are making, pay cash for everything you need and want.
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