
Dec 17, 2023
Thank you for translating.

Jesus Christ......😪
03:38 Toma de N
"Muy, muy salado, 4 veces mas salado que el agua de mar. Se puede tragar pero es muy salado."
03:39 Conversación normal con su pareja. Aun luce consciente. "Veo doble".
03:40 "Nos late el corazón mas rapido. Muy rapido".
03:41 Conversación, aun hay conciencia.
03:42 "El corazón va a mil... como cuando terminas una maraton".
03:43 "Me cuesta respirar".
03:44 "El corazón no se para. No me da miedo pero es incomodo".
03:45 Caterin se para y cierra la puerta. Javier declara que no puede levantarse y que al alzar la mano ésta le tiembla. No siente nauseas. Aun un poco de sabor. Trata de dormir.
03:46 Se corta la llamada a solicitud de Katherine
En inglés
03:38 Take of N

"Very, very salty, 4 times saltier than seawater. You can swallow it but it is very salty."

03:39 Normal conversation with your partner. He still looks conscious. "I see double".

03:40 "Our hearts came faster. Very fast."

03:41 Conversation, there is still awareness.

03:42 "The heart races... like when you finish a marathon."

03:43 "I have trouble breathing."

03:44 "My heart doesn't stop. It doesn't scare me but it is uncomfortable."

03:45 Caterin stands up and closes the door. Javier declares that he cannot get up and that when he raises his hand it trembles. He doesn't feel nauseated. Even a little flavor. Try to sleep.

03:46 The call is cut off at Katherine's request
He made CTB is already confirmed
He made CTB is already confirmed
I assume
03:38 Toma de N
"Muy, muy salado, 4 veces mas salado que el agua de mar. Se puede tragar pero es muy salado."
03:39 Conversación normal con su pareja. Aun luce consciente. "Veo doble".
03:40 "Nos late el corazón mas rapido. Muy rapido".
03:41 Conversación, aun hay conciencia.
03:42 "El corazón va a mil... como cuando terminas una maraton".
03:43 "Me cuesta respirar".
03:44 "El corazón no se para. No me da miedo pero es incomodo".
03:45 Caterin se para y cierra la puerta. Javier declara que no puede levantarse y que al alzar la mano ésta le tiembla. No siente nauseas. Aun un poco de sabor. Trata de dormir.
03:46 Se corta la llamada a solicitud de Katherine
En inglés
03:38 Take of N

"Very, very salty, 4 times saltier than seawater. You can swallow it but it is very salty."

03:39 Normal conversation with your partner. He still looks conscious. "I see double".

03:40 "Our hearts came faster. Very fast."

03:41 Conversation, there is still awareness.

03:42 "The heart races... like when you finish a marathon."

03:43 "I have trouble breathing."

03:44 "My heart doesn't stop. It doesn't scare me but it is uncomfortable."

03:45 Caterin stands up and closes the door. Javier declares that he cannot get up and that when he raises his hand it trembles. He doesn't feel nauseated. Even a little flavor. Try to sleep.

03:46 The call is cut off at Katherine's request
He made CTB is already confirmed
He made CTB is already confirmed
@Sun_ I assume the translation is SN and not N judging from the photo he posted.
Why was call cut off? And how was CTB confirmed? Trying to be sensitive to this situation and also ask for any more information...
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Jul 4, 2022

@Sun_ Supongo que la traducción es SN y no N a juzgar por la foto que publicó.
¿Por qué se cortó la llamada? ¿Y cómo se confirmó el CTB? Tratando de ser sensibles ante esta situación y también pedir más información.
If it is SN it is an error. The other thing a guy called and confirmed to a group that did CTB @Isbel88
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
Rest in ethernal peace 🕊
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Goku Black

Goku Black

Global Mod
Jun 5, 2023
If it is SN it is an error. The other thing a guy called and confirmed to a group that did CTB @Isbel88
Let me get this right, so he used sn and ctb and it's been confirmed?
Goku Black

Goku Black

Global Mod
Jun 5, 2023
Yes .Yes, it was confirmed
Took me off guard with how fast this was but thank you, whilst I didn't know @Onelegman, I appreciated their presence on this site and I'm sure many did as well and will be dearly missed.
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  • Aww..
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Jul 4, 2022
Me tomó por sorpresa lo rápido que fue esto, pero gracias, aunque no conocía a @Onelegman, aprecié su presencia en este sitio y estoy seguro de que muchos también lo hicieron y lo serán. muy extrañado.
He was very loved. A group call was made on Telegram, that was the good thing.
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Message me to plan our double suicide
Sep 14, 2023
03:38 Toma de N
"Muy, muy salado, 4 veces mas salado que el agua de mar. Se puede tragar pero es muy salado."
03:39 Conversación normal con su pareja. Aun luce consciente. "Veo doble".
03:40 "Nos late el corazón mas rapido. Muy rapido".
03:41 Conversación, aun hay conciencia.
03:42 "El corazón va a mil... como cuando terminas una maraton".
03:43 "Me cuesta respirar".
03:44 "El corazón no se para. No me da miedo pero es incomodo".
03:45 Caterin se para y cierra la puerta. Javier declara que no puede levantarse y que al alzar la mano ésta le tiembla. No siente nauseas. Aun un poco de sabor. Trata de dormir.
03:46 Se corta la llamada a solicitud de Katherine
En inglés
03:38 Take of N

"Very, very salty, 4 times saltier than seawater. You can swallow it but it is very salty."

03:39 Normal conversation with your partner. He still looks conscious. "I see double".

03:40 "Our hearts came faster. Very fast."

03:41 Conversation, there is still awareness.

03:42 "The heart races... like when you finish a marathon."

03:43 "I have trouble breathing."

03:44 "My heart doesn't stop. It doesn't scare me but it is uncomfortable."

03:45 Caterin stands up and closes the door. Javier declares that he cannot get up and that when he raises his hand it trembles. He doesn't feel nauseated. Even a little flavor. Try to sleep.

03:46 The call is cut off at Katherine's request
He made CTB is already confirmed
He made CTB is already confirmed
I'm glad he wasn't alone
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Jun 19, 2024
Well, I was on a call with them. Personally, I couldn't recommend this method. Method N is much better than Method SN. I know getting N is difficult but it worth it.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
Well, I was on a call with them. Personally, I couldn't recommend this method. Method N is much better than Method SN. I know getting N is difficult but it worth it.
Yes N is a much more prefered and a superior of almost all the methods out there but can you elaborate more on what you saw that made you not recommend this method?
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