Don't fear what's in your head
- Mar 29, 2024
- 86
So I've been wanting to CTB for three or four years now, but there are too many obstacles between me and the spot I need to be to commit to something like that. I am just now in the process of formulating a plan to get around these. This thread is mainly for three purposes:
A - to help organize my thoughts.
B - It feels good to tell somebody, because there isn't anyone in my life who I can talk to about this kind of thing.
C - If anybody has thoughts or ideas about this, or just want to talk about it, I am here for it.
The obstacles blocking me from the bus stop are mainly centered around responsibilities I have, or feel that I have. Those are as follows, in order of least to most difficult to solve:
A - I have a cat. If I were to disappear, he would need to be cared for.
B - I have roommates. If I were to disappear, They would likely not be able to pay for rent.
C - My mother is extremely attached to me. She has always been a good mom, and I feel responsible for her wellbeing somewhat, so I don't want to just up and kill myself or she would probably go crazy with grief.
I'm wanting to find ways to solve these problems that seem at least mostly plausible to my friends and family to avoid causing them to panic, so here's what I'm thinking so far. The lease on my house is for a year and it expires each February, so that creates a yearly window of opportunity for me to make the necessary changes. The idea of the plan is to find a plausible reason to leave the state/country for an extended period of time. I would leave my cat with my parents to care for while I'm gone (They love cats so they wouldn't be too upset if his stay became permanent). I would make this known to my roommates ahead of time so they could make preparations to find housing elsewhere so I can terminate the lease. There is no perfect way to solve obstacle C, but being gone for a reason that my mother finds acceptable would help her to feel less attached to me and get used to the idea of me not being around. This would lessen the impact on her daily life caused by my sudden absence.
This is the only path I can think of that would solve these three problems. The only thing now is that I need to find a plausible reason to leave for a long time, at least a year. I haven't come up with a good solution to that, but the ideas I have now are:
A - to find some amazing job opportunity abroad that I would plan to do for a certain amount of time before returning home. the problems with this are actually finding that job opportunity, and plausibly getting my current job to fire me. (simply quitting wouldn't really make sense because my current job is already a pretty sweet deal)
B - To get into a serious relationship with someone who either is okay with my plan, is okay with pretending, or wants to CTB with me. We would each tell our families that the other wants to move abroad for a job and that we are going with them. This one would work really well, but what are the odds of finding someone like that eh?
C - To join the military and get sent off somewhere far away. this one has the bonus that I could end up getting deployed somewhere dangerous and die accidentally, but the downside that suddenly enlisting would probably cause the panic and worry in my friends and family that I wanted to avoid in the first place. not to mention that I would have to come up with a believable reason to do so out of nowhere.
Once I am gone, I would slowly get in contact with my current friends and family less and less over time to make the transition less abrupt. Once I felt it was good enough, I would use what money I have banked up to attain whatever CTB method I choose. (Probably something peaceful like N or an exit bag, more research required) I would use the rest of the money to just do whatever I want, finish off the ol' bucket list. I would finish my autobiography, doubling as a suicide note, leaving no possible questions unanswered. I would find a nice spot, somewhere warm and pretty. In the mountains maybe. I'd lie down with some music and end it, at peace knowing I did everything in my power to make sure the people I cared about would be okay.
A - to help organize my thoughts.
B - It feels good to tell somebody, because there isn't anyone in my life who I can talk to about this kind of thing.
C - If anybody has thoughts or ideas about this, or just want to talk about it, I am here for it.
The obstacles blocking me from the bus stop are mainly centered around responsibilities I have, or feel that I have. Those are as follows, in order of least to most difficult to solve:
A - I have a cat. If I were to disappear, he would need to be cared for.
B - I have roommates. If I were to disappear, They would likely not be able to pay for rent.
C - My mother is extremely attached to me. She has always been a good mom, and I feel responsible for her wellbeing somewhat, so I don't want to just up and kill myself or she would probably go crazy with grief.
I'm wanting to find ways to solve these problems that seem at least mostly plausible to my friends and family to avoid causing them to panic, so here's what I'm thinking so far. The lease on my house is for a year and it expires each February, so that creates a yearly window of opportunity for me to make the necessary changes. The idea of the plan is to find a plausible reason to leave the state/country for an extended period of time. I would leave my cat with my parents to care for while I'm gone (They love cats so they wouldn't be too upset if his stay became permanent). I would make this known to my roommates ahead of time so they could make preparations to find housing elsewhere so I can terminate the lease. There is no perfect way to solve obstacle C, but being gone for a reason that my mother finds acceptable would help her to feel less attached to me and get used to the idea of me not being around. This would lessen the impact on her daily life caused by my sudden absence.
This is the only path I can think of that would solve these three problems. The only thing now is that I need to find a plausible reason to leave for a long time, at least a year. I haven't come up with a good solution to that, but the ideas I have now are:
A - to find some amazing job opportunity abroad that I would plan to do for a certain amount of time before returning home. the problems with this are actually finding that job opportunity, and plausibly getting my current job to fire me. (simply quitting wouldn't really make sense because my current job is already a pretty sweet deal)
B - To get into a serious relationship with someone who either is okay with my plan, is okay with pretending, or wants to CTB with me. We would each tell our families that the other wants to move abroad for a job and that we are going with them. This one would work really well, but what are the odds of finding someone like that eh?
C - To join the military and get sent off somewhere far away. this one has the bonus that I could end up getting deployed somewhere dangerous and die accidentally, but the downside that suddenly enlisting would probably cause the panic and worry in my friends and family that I wanted to avoid in the first place. not to mention that I would have to come up with a believable reason to do so out of nowhere.
Once I am gone, I would slowly get in contact with my current friends and family less and less over time to make the transition less abrupt. Once I felt it was good enough, I would use what money I have banked up to attain whatever CTB method I choose. (Probably something peaceful like N or an exit bag, more research required) I would use the rest of the money to just do whatever I want, finish off the ol' bucket list. I would finish my autobiography, doubling as a suicide note, leaving no possible questions unanswered. I would find a nice spot, somewhere warm and pretty. In the mountains maybe. I'd lie down with some music and end it, at peace knowing I did everything in my power to make sure the people I cared about would be okay.