AI is currently at the point of needing more data to have the chance of evolving. After stealing all the available Internet data, it needs more.
I'm a programmer and in my profession there already is AI to "help" with coding, said AI that needs access to your entire project's code to "help" you and simulatenously uses it to improve itself - aka grabbing all that data. It's very interesting to see that the companies are quite afraid of allowing that - my job doesn't allow the use of AI for that reason and same thing happens to other acquaintances in other companies.
Everyone wants their hand on the AI pie but don't want to sell their code for it so they start making their own open AI wrapper, and then face the issue that there isn't enough data for the AI to progress and so we go again.
Currently, for programming, the AI is quite dumb. What seems to be good for is finding patterns and autocompleting variable names, function names or summaries. Several months ago I saw someone that integrated AI in Unity, the game engine, and was creating a cube and some basic functionality with it. I find that so sad...making games is a creative endeavour, if you can't even be bothered to make a cube jump up and down than what will you bother doing?
I don't know about other people, but whenever I'm purchasing something, I'm actively looking for signs of it being made by AI. If I think it was (and some sites disclose that openly), I look elsewhere. I don't see AI "work" as anything other than a mismatch of stolen art and I don't support that. I'm hoping other people will think the same.
^THIS. I'd give it a thousand likes if I could.
Copyright infringement WILL be a major issue too. About the complete overturning of the human race, quite frankly I don't see how that could happen. Not that you specifically were arguing for it, but many people are, as I'm sure you're aware.
For around 3 years now, one of the only things I've managed to find joy in is writing. I can't write without the approval of others, obviously: I like to know that people enjoy my works, even if I find them subpar. So long as my writing makes even one person happy, I'm glad. But more and more I see people using AI to write stories for them and corporate jobs firing writers for GPT, and I realise that people want me gone. Even if I could hypothetically get a job doing the only thing I love, I'd be replaced by soulless AI eventually.
When I write I pour all of my misery, all of those sleepless nights of sobbing into my palms, into the text. But people don't want that; people don't care about how *you* feel, so you smith that into the character. You ensure that your misery, the reader's misery, is the character's misery. This is the only way to make it interesting: but now people are trying to cut out the middle-man entirely. Misery formulated by no mind. An algorithm placing words one after the other without understanding what they mean. It makes me sad.
TL;DR: The artistic part of writing will NEVER go away no matter the advancements of AI, so if art is what's important in the things you write, you'll be fine.
If you treat books exclusively like a product, as if it were a piece of furniture, then yeah, AI will produce more and thus "beat you", but if you look at it as a piece of art, like an artist would, does it even matter? I struggle to find artistic content in much of what an AI would write. It lacks the kind of processing a human being would go through, and I think it's pretty obvious when you read stuff written by brilliant minds, such as Dostoevsky, Tolstoj, Tolkien, Lovecraft and many, many others. A LLM will only try to fool you with varying success, and in my mind there is no way of proving that it can understand what you're saying, much like the autocorrect feature on your phone. I don't even think there's a way to prove that proving it can understand what you're saying is possible, but I'm an electronics engineering student with limited programming skills, I may definitely be wrong about that.
In short, if you're remotely decent at writing, and your work is artistic, your work WILL NOT be replaced by AI.
Also don't forget that AI is like many other things a tool. It CAN increase your productivity somewhat in some cases, but REPLACING a human being that actually does complex things is something we're very far from.