
Feb 28, 2020
she is probably right, but there are a few things that has happened that ruined me, I still have a comfortable life, but I can't live with regrets of what I've done. I don't know what else to do, sometimes I just wish I had a gun to blow my head open.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
just because on the outside someones life is perfect doesnt mean that on the inside it is. i probably have what a lot of people would call "the perfect life" at least im working towards it. but the present doesnt change what happened in the past and thats what people dont see. try to not compare the inside and the outside so much, that can drive you just as crazy as comparing your life to someone elses :hug: :heart:
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Mar 22, 2020
Some people think having some money, a house to live in and a few friends is a perfect life but we all know it's not like that at all.
I should be the happiest person in the world in that case, but clearly I'm not lol
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the only thing humans are equal in is death
Aug 30, 2020
each person is different. there is no way to measure/compare such a subjective matter, your pain is no less than any other just because you have a so called "comfortable" background. pain is pain.
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I want to go home
Apr 18, 2019
my mom is like this. "we've not in the hospital, what more could you ask for?" happiness, that's what.
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May 27, 2020
No life is perfect. Yes some individuals may feel happier or live more comfortably than others, but that does not make them or anyone else immune to suffering or an unfortunate situation hitting them. Of course, on the other hand, having wealth can help to mitigate certain problems, but not all of them. A person may have a large house and an expensive super car, but do they have a sense of belonging? Do they have connections to loved ones? The artificial concept of "success" and the material possessions that come with it cannot always replace emotional needs.


Apr 17, 2021
no, you don't get it; if you aren't the single worst-off person on the planet you are not allowed to be sad because others have it worse and you are being unappreciative and I don't care about your problems, NO EXCEPTIONS
seriously tho, your mum is reacting really stupidly to your feelings and I'm sorry that happened to you
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Apr 5, 2020
she is probably right, but there are a few things that has happened that ruined me, I still have a comfortable life, but I can't live with regrets of what I've done. I don't know what else to do, sometimes I just wish I had a gun to blow my head open.
Isn't your unhappiness/inclination to die evidence that it isn't perfect? I mean surely the perfect life is one where the individual living the life never has these kinds of feelings. That's my thinking anyway, but I'm not trying to tell you what to think either way.


Mar 22, 2020
Reminds me of all the people, who after my failed attempt last year, told me that I shouldn't ctb because I have a great life; nice family, friends, a good job, a degree, etc.
I know things could be much worse for me but society forgets that suffering from depression and being suicidal and bipolar is hell.
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