Death is love

Death is love

Feb 11, 2023
i didn't ask to be born. whatever i did in a past life to deserve being sucked into this shitty world in the early 2000s, i don't know what i did to deserve it.

i was considered a "gifted kid" when i was diagnosed with autism at 3 years old. it was 2006, they were still using "functioning" labels then, and i was diagnosed as high-functioning. so much potential was wasted when i developed issues a little over a decade later.

when i was a kid, my parents fought many times, which basically guaranteed that i was gonna develop issues later in life. i lost an online friend of mine to suicide in 2014. i cried about it for over a year, for those past 10 years i felt like i could've saved her. all of that just proves my point.

then i, the "gifted kid", started going off the rails in 8th grade, when i developed mental issues and as a result, started doing shittier in school. the summer after i finished 8th grade left me a traumatized, jaded wreck. it pretty had set up how i would spend high school: being an angry, jaded, crying wreck who tries to act all smug and shit so people won't worry about me. i had a meltdown over an episode of my favourite web show. how pathetic is that? i was a very jaded teenager. all of that proves my point.

a good friend of mine i had for 7 years, who was once very supportive and sweet to me, turned out to be a fucking monster. this only further proves my point.

i got fucking gr00med and sexually harassed, both irl and online. i feel like it's all my fault.

i was in a relationship with someone i loved. they turned out to be grooming someone behind my back, doing everything in their power to hide it from me. they loved the person she groomed and a gay man (who clearly didn't like them back) more than me. i wasted my money on gifts for that bitch. i gave my virginity to them. this only further proves my point on my life being a joke. that's always what my first time is gonna be.

i've had intrusive thoughts telling me that my life is a joke and that my death will be the punchline. i had a nightmare last night where i lost everything and everyone i cared about. i feel like they're right, and i feel like i should just fucking die after that so i can save myself the pain of that dream becoming a reality.
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Aug 25, 2024
It's not your fault for being harassed in any way. Never was. I'm sorry you had to go through this.
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Randy Savage

Randy Savage

“Macho Man”
Jul 23, 2024
I'm so sorry you've had to go through this. It's not your fault, any of it, no matter how much it seems like that.

Please, do your best to stay strong and stay with us. Leave the memories of your asshole friend and ex behind, give yourself time to grow from those experiences. You have so much time left in your life to find people who really care for you.
Your life isn't a joke, and it can be so much more if you just give yourself a little bit of time and patience.

Best wishes :')
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