I have told anyone. I did say, in passing, recently to my husband something about suicide by gun. He said "don't do it here, I don't want anyone to think I killed you." He was joking of course because he definitely loves me even though I am totally mentally ill and VERY hard to live with about 110% of the time. That comment started me thinking though. I will video my suicide from start, setup etc. to finish. I will leave a note on the door where I decide to do this NOT to enter and to call 911 that there is a deceased person there. Then I will have a note by my laptop to NOT show the video to my husband or family. I will tell them the password to the computer my husband knows but make him tell you not enter it. I don't want him touching the laptop (fingerprints). I don't want to traumatize anyone, this isn't for revenge for me only relief.
So whether I do the inert gas/bag, gun, OD. I plan to video it for the authorities. I will also make videos for each of the 6 people I know to view. I for each. I'll probably have those sent on a timer after death.