

I’m never alone, I’m alone all the time.
Jun 25, 2020
I wish that when I CTB or die that "I" would wake up and all this would just be an awful bad dream and none of it would be real at all.

I've heard of other talk about a simulation theory and how maybe none of this is real at all and we just live this lives for fun.

I think it would be so cool to CTB or wake up and have this whole life, who I was, the people I know, and everything else to just be a nightmare like simulation game and the real world we awake into is pretty much perfect compared to here so we play theses games just for entertainment..

I imagine when we wake up from these simulation stories/realities it's really only been an hour or two in compared to a lifetime.

Maybe the people we know in this life play with us. Maybe your family, friends, spouses, are all playing with you and when we come back "home" to who we really are everything is way better. There's real love, and everything is good..

I imagine waking up out of this reality being a different person sometimes I imagine I'm myself now but a way better version of myself and that the person I am now in this reality is just a product of the nightmare simulation story.

When another part me likes to think I'm in entirely different person outside the simulation and who I am now is just a character in the simulation.

I imagine coming out of the simulation relived, laughing, glad it's all over and thinking "holy shit that was a wild story, glad it was all just a simulation"

Maybe my partner or family memories will also be around and will all laugh at another crazy simulation story, a game we all play for fun because our real reality is so perfect, fun, and pleasant and permeant that we play theses stories no matter no tragic and painful they may be just for fun. Maybe we learn things inside the simulation so we don't have to learn them in our actual reality because things are so perfect there the simulation is used to have a grow in ways we won't need to in our actual reality, but the growth still gives us something.

None of this is likely I guess but it's nice to dream about.

I'm not even sure if any of this made sense or was coherent at all but in my mind I see the picture I'm trying to convey and I wish it were the truth.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I've heard of other talk about a simulation theory and how maybe none of this is real at all and we just live this lives for fun.
Ice Cube What GIF
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I’m never alone, I’m alone all the time.
Jun 25, 2020
Well it's not any fun at all right now but imagine if you actually lived in a perfect permeant world where nothing bad ever happens really and this simulation life you live is really only like 2 hours instead of a lifetime and then when you're no longer in the nightmare world and you wake up that's the fun part.

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