head in the clouds
- Apr 5, 2024
- 78
My father and I both have difficulty expressing our emotions to each other. He has developed a way of talking to me about difficult subjects using metaphors, analogies, symbolism, etc.
In the past year he has seen me in the midst of severe psychosis, rescued me from jumping from a cliff twice, watched me be taken to inpatient in an ambulance and found my neck injuries from a failed hanging. I have always struggled mentally but it has certainly come to a head.
I'm staying with my parents for now. On occasion my dad will ask me to help with a project. One day we were in the garage after his recent purchase of an ATV. Suddenly staring into my eyes intently, he explains that I should never run it when the garage is sealed because I could die in minutes.
Knowing him well, I realized he was giving me an option. With tears in my eyes I asked him to explain how to start it. He said he would do so another time and that we'd have to be together. I was reminded of the time he saved me from a cliff above water and he said had I jumped he would have to dive after me.
One night he stood in my doorway in the middle of the night, saying nothing. I knew from hints he had dropped during the day that he was saying "if you go to the basement, I'm going with you."
It breaks my heart to think about him offering to die with me. He is very smart and I do think he's doing this to deter me from CTB, but I also believe he would go through with it if it came down to it. He's been the best father he could be despite his own upbringing. Still, I turned out to be a nightmare and he wants to help however he can. I can't respect his wishes. My mom really needs him as she is likely to develop dementia. He is a way better person than me and shouldn't have to give up everything because I made bad descisions.
When I CTB it will be alone, I'll have to find a way. With or without him there I will feel guilty. I'm terrified that he will follow me, but at that point it would be his own decision. I just can't bear taking him with me. Thanks for reading, I just really needed to express this because there's no way I can tell anyone irl about it. Lmk what you think, these feelings are so confusing.
In the past year he has seen me in the midst of severe psychosis, rescued me from jumping from a cliff twice, watched me be taken to inpatient in an ambulance and found my neck injuries from a failed hanging. I have always struggled mentally but it has certainly come to a head.
I'm staying with my parents for now. On occasion my dad will ask me to help with a project. One day we were in the garage after his recent purchase of an ATV. Suddenly staring into my eyes intently, he explains that I should never run it when the garage is sealed because I could die in minutes.
Knowing him well, I realized he was giving me an option. With tears in my eyes I asked him to explain how to start it. He said he would do so another time and that we'd have to be together. I was reminded of the time he saved me from a cliff above water and he said had I jumped he would have to dive after me.
One night he stood in my doorway in the middle of the night, saying nothing. I knew from hints he had dropped during the day that he was saying "if you go to the basement, I'm going with you."
It breaks my heart to think about him offering to die with me. He is very smart and I do think he's doing this to deter me from CTB, but I also believe he would go through with it if it came down to it. He's been the best father he could be despite his own upbringing. Still, I turned out to be a nightmare and he wants to help however he can. I can't respect his wishes. My mom really needs him as she is likely to develop dementia. He is a way better person than me and shouldn't have to give up everything because I made bad descisions.
When I CTB it will be alone, I'll have to find a way. With or without him there I will feel guilty. I'm terrified that he will follow me, but at that point it would be his own decision. I just can't bear taking him with me. Thanks for reading, I just really needed to express this because there's no way I can tell anyone irl about it. Lmk what you think, these feelings are so confusing.