

*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
What the title says.

No troll here.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
So what's the curse?
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*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
So what's the curse?
I can't ever access anything vital (basic normal things such as relationships, a decent place to live, a place to belong etc) no matter how hard I try or how many different strategies I attempt, and I keep losing every single thing I love.
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Fish Face

Apr 19, 2019
I know you may be very distressed now but could you please explain a bit more?
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*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
I know you may be very distressed now but could you please explain a bit more?
I've already explained in other threads such as this one :

and it seems self explanatory enough...
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come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
I feel similar. My curse is ugliness, I was born ugly. Because of my ugliness I never had a relationship or sense of belonging, because ugly males are not valued by society.
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*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
I feel similar. My curse is ugliness, I was born ugly. Because of my ugliness I never had a relationship or sense of belonging, because ugly males are not valued by society.
I'm really sorry for you. I do know that many physical issues can be resolved though weight loss and self care, worst case scenario plastic surgery is a thing if you can afford it. And you may be beautiful to someone without realizing it. In my case I don't think it can be explained by my appearance according to what people say even if I constantly doubt it. Now it might come from an internalized unconscious sense of worthlessness brought on by other people but I've been working on it for decades so I consciously know it's a lie and I keep repeating it to myself, plus I know it'll never heal completely outside of healing relationships and positive experiences, I don't know what else I can do without that to change it right now.
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*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
Well I've had the first exorcist on the phone today, he said he found a curse placed on me by my genitors and entities in my apartment where I attempted suicide and stayed between life and death for 4 days and that he blocked them so I should be free and see things get better within a week. All of that is way beyond me as I know nothing about black magic, if it even exists or not so I'm giving this the benefit of the doubt, he was a recommendation of a therapist who was taking that seriously, but I hope it's true so I can actually get to live freely now and meet my needs. I'm observing how things go from now on. This is curious for sure.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
It's hard for me to understand the post, both again and again, .. web translators don't make it easy for me to understand, (Neither Bing nor Google ... both mess with artificial intelligence and quantum computers for nothing).

Thank goodness you used the word exorcist.
Let's see, years ago I tried to find one, they came out from under the stones in a dojo. But as I am not a believer I was very critical of them and suspicious ... I deduced that it did not matter that I was not religious if they had developed a method to deal with what was happening to me, but most of them were some cheaters.

The problem is that they based the resolution of the "incident" on my beliefs and deeds, rather than on their own ability to resolve them ... and my beliefs do not match theirs.

So after researching a bit and discovering that the vast majority were not authorized by Rome, I went to a religious store and after asking about this book (the Spanish edition):

... and don't buy it because it was sold out and I have no idea about these things, they passed me the phone of one, I was actually an exorcist but I was fine because I just wanted to talk with him to unravel the entanglement myself and catch them as I could.

From that more than 3 years ago, what that guy told me (he treated me great, even though I was already very ill, he was quite old) is that without having religious beliefs it was very difficult to resolve what was happening to me. .
He advised me that if it got worse later I would go straight to the Cathedral, but keep in mind that the methods could be quite hard and I had to discern if what was happening to me was really what I thought I was or the result of a mental illness. (they know how to distinguish it).

All in all, I didn't solve anything, but it was clear to me that they were in charge of it:

I only say this because you are very careful about who you trust. There are exorcists, but it may not be what you expect, and it's best to follow the official channels to get one.

M'ha costat entendre el post, tant l'altre vegada com aquesta,.. els traductors web no em faciliten pas la comprensió, ( Ni Bing ni Google... tant fer patxoca amb la intel·ligència artificial i els ordinadors quàntics per rés).

Menys mal que has usat la paraula exorcista.
A veure, jo fa anys vaig intentar cercar-ne un, van sortir de sota les pedres a dojo. Però com no sóc creient vaig ser molt crític amb ells i desconfiat... vaig deduïr que no importava que jo no fos religiós si ells havien desenvolupat un métode per fer-hi front a allò que em passava, però la majoría d'ells eren uns embaucadors.

El problema es que basaven la resol·lució del "incident" en les meves creences i fè, més que en les seves pròpies aptituts per resoldre-ho... i les meves creences no coincideixen amb les seves.

Així que després d'investigar una mica i descobrir que la immensa majoría no estaven autoritzats per Roma, vaig anar a una botiga religiosa i després de preguntar per aquest llibre (l'edició en castellà):

... i no comprar-lo pas perquè estava esgotat i no en tinc ni idea d'aquestes coses, em van passar el telèfon d'un, en veritat era ex-exorcista però a mi ja m'anava bé perquè només volía parlar amb ell per treure jo mateix l'entrellat i apanyarme-les jo com pogués.

D'això fa ara més de 3 anys, el que em va dir aquell bonhome (em va tractar genial, tot i que ja estava molt malalt, era força gran) es que sense tenir creences religioses era molt difícil de resoldre el que em passava.
Em va recomenar que si més endavant empitjorava anés directament a preguntar a la Catedral, però que tingués en compte que els métodes podien ser bastant durs i calia discernir si el que em passava era realment el que jo em creia o fruït d'una malatia mental (ells ho saben distingir).

Total, no vaig resoldre res de res, però em va quedar clar que aquests se n'encarreguen d'això:

Només ho dic perquè vagis amb molt de compte en qui confies les teves esperances. Exorcistes n'hi ha, però potser no és el que t'esperes i millor seguir els canals oficials per aconseguir-ne un.

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Jun 14, 2019
Hey, I have severe PTSD and I've made progress in breaking my "curse". I'm a magical thinker as well for better or worse.

Just a dive into the spiritual woowoo stuff, I'm a gnostic Christian and use prayer a lot. I pray to Christ but have talked to Archangel Gabriel as well. Prayer works better for me in water.

Other than that, chakra work has always helped me. If you're holding onto negative energy in your physical body and spirit chakra work and yoga are good options.

I definitely think that freedom from "curses" involves understanding the power and love within you. Don't depend on the exorcist's work alone. Build strength through loving activities and spiritual work for yourself. It will repel anything holding you down.
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*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
Hey, I have severe PTSD and I've made progress in breaking my "curse". I'm a magical thinker as well for better or worse.

Just a dive into the spiritual woowoo stuff, I'm a gnostic Christian and use prayer a lot. I pray to Christ but have talked to Archangel Gabriel as well. Prayer works better for me in water.

Other than that, chakra work has always helped me. If you're holding onto negative energy in your physical body and spirit chakra work and yoga are good options.

I definitely think that freedom from "curses" involves understanding the power and love within you. Don't depend on the exorcist's work alone. Build strength through loving activities and spiritual work for yourself. It will repel anything holding you down.
Thanks for your contribution.

I would never rely on someone else's help alone, I've been working on myself forever.

Unfortunately I keep trying my own version of what you suggest yet things keep on getting worse regardless, which is why my therapist suggested an exorcist.

What I do know is that healing absolutely requires a positive loving relationship no matter what for me, I can't heal in isolation and loveless hell no matter what I try to do. It's especially necessary for my own trauma.

So far there's no sign of the "curse" being lifted though unfortunately... Dating sites keep suffocating me with existential annihilation and I've had no energy to go outside though I will have to succeed eventually. I have another appointment scheduled next week with another exorcist and I want to try another therapist, that's all I can think of... If I somehow managed to have enough energy to go out to some places I've been wanting to check out it might help, but it might also not make a difference like it has so far...

I would like to try Qi Gong (preferably) or Yoga though. If I can find anything affordable here.
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