The Israeli army has been bombing and killing civilians in Gaza for decades now - stealing territory and killing innocent lives indiscriminately.
Both Hamas and the IDF are equally awful and inhumane - but Israel has more firepower and backing from powerful countries, and it is using it currently to carry out their plans of ethnic cleansing in the Gaza strip.
Anyone who sees the Hamas attack as an event that just came out of the blue without questioning the actions of the Israeli government is naive and filled with foolishness.
One can condemn Hamas and their terrorist acts while also condemning the opression and suffering that the IDF causes to innocent lives. One is not an anti-semite for saying that the Israeli government is illegally ocuppying Palestinian land, and opressing millions within the Gaza strip, and one does not support Hamas for saying that Palestinian lives are equal to any other lives.
Bombing of civilians is always awful.
The difference is that Israel is currently threatening millions of innocent lives on Gaza, while Hamas do not have enough firepower or resources to do so.
One does not even have to focus on the current timeline to see the warcrimes the Israeli government has been carrying on for decades now.
Here's a tiny summary of it, ignoring the illegal ocuppation and other acts of oppression such as restricting water, food, electricity and other resources in the Gaza strip:
This is the latest assault by Israel on Gaza since the 11-day war in May 2021 killed hundreds.
To end this comment: Israel is currently pulling a mass punishment for all Palestinian civilians because of the Hamas attack, in short, collective punishment has always lead to acts of genocide.