

Aug 12, 2024
My names Evan. I'm 19 years old and I live in the United States. Just last Thursday, August 22 2024, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Colon Cancer. I am surprised but also not, 3 of my grandparents have passed of colon cancer. My mother suffered from Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis, and eventually had to have to colon removed.
I'm going to be documenting my journey here. I don't know how to feel. I'm open to questions if anyone has any I guess? I love you guys. <3
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Silent Night
Aug 23, 2024
I'm sorry you're going through that at such a young age. That's very scary. What is your treatment plan?
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Apr 18, 2023
My names Evan. I'm 19 years old and I live in the United States. Just last Thursday, August 22 2024, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Colon Cancer. I am surprised but also not, 3 of my grandparents have passed of colon cancer. My mother suffered from Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis, and eventually had to have to colon removed.
I'm going to be documenting my journey here. I don't know how to feel. I'm open to questions if anyone has any I guess? I love you guys. <3
Did you get tested for Lynch Syndrome? That many family members and your extremely young age is highly suspicious for it. God bless. I saw a lot of patients with colon cancer.
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Aug 12, 2024
I'm sorry you're going through that at such a young age. That's very scary. What is your treatment plan?
I don't know yet. I had a colonoscopy Thursday, and have an appointment at the cancer center place at my hospital this Wednesday. I assume that's when my doctors will make a treatment plan and do tests and such.
Did you get tested for Lynch Syndrome? That many family members and your extremely young age is highly suspicious for it. God bless. I saw a lot of patients with colon cancer.
Not yet but I have an appointment Wednesday and I assume they will be testing for everything lol


Silent Night
Aug 23, 2024
Did they remove a lot of polyps during the colonoscopy? What have you been doing to distract yourself since finding this out? Again, my heart breaks for you.
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Apr 18, 2023
I don't know yet. I had a colonoscopy Thursday, and have an appointment at the cancer center place at my hospital this Wednesday. I assume that's when my doctors will make a treatment plan and do tests and such.

Not yet but I have an appointment Wednesday and I assume they will be testing for everything lol
If they don't test for it ask about it. UC can cause cancer too but... This sounds very Lynchy to me. Like I said I wish you the best. Stage 2 is still early and colon cancer is usually pretty treatable. Best of luck. If you have any questions please reach out. I was a scribe in an oncology clinic, went to medical school, interned in an oncology clinic, was president of the oncology research group and wanted to be an oncologist.
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Aug 12, 2024
Did they remove a lot of polyps during the colonoscopy? What have you been doing to distract yourself since finding this out? Again, my heart breaks for you.
There were no other polyps, and my endoscopy was clear as well. They took some biopsies of the tumor and my colon wall and stuff.
I've been playing the new Overwatch season with my friends lol. It hasn't affected my life to be honest. I've just kind of been ignoring it. My friends don't know yet. I don't want to burden them in anyway of having to deal with me.
If they don't test for it ask about it. UC can cause cancer too but... This sounds very Lynchy to me. Like I said I wish you the best. Stage 2 is still early and colon cancer is usually pretty treatable. Best of luck. If you have any questions please reach out. I was a scribe in an oncology clinic, went to medical school, interned in an oncology clinic, was president of the oncology research group and wanted to be an oncologist.
Your life sounds very interesting. I used to want to be an orthopedic surgeon when I was in 1st and 2nd grade. That's something the diagnosis has done to me though, making me look back on my life. I'm remembering things I haven't thought about in well over 13 years.
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Apr 18, 2023
Your life sounds very interesting. I used to want to be an orthopedic surgeon when I was in 1st and 2nd grade. That's something the diagnosis has done to me though, making me look back on my life. I'm remembering things I haven't thought about in well over 13 years.
Ehh used to be. I can imagine that is a part of it. It makes you reflect and all that. What made you want to be an orthopedic surgeon?


想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Did you get tested for Lynch Syndrome? That many family members and your extremely young age is highly suspicious for it. God bless. I saw a lot of patients with colon cancer.
That was my first thought as well when reading this. OP, your case sounds so similar to textbook Lynch syndrome. If they don't mention it do push for the genetic testing as more research is coming out suggesting that certain treatments are more well tolerated in Lynch patients than those without the genetic mutations and vice versa. Also, others in the family may be affected or carriers.

So sorry to hear you're going through this. How are you feeling about everything? It's good that you're not feeling any pain right now. Hopefully by nipping it in the bud earlier you won't have many complications. Sending you good wishes.
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Aug 12, 2024
Ehh used to be. I can imagine that is a part of it. It makes you reflect and all that. What made you want to be an orthopedic surgeon?
I broke my arm twice at a young age, and I absolutely loved the experience of the hospital. I loved being in the OR room. I still like watching surgeries and dissections of human stuff (not in a weird way like a science nerd thing). To me it was just so perfect, the order, the procedure. It was everything I wanted to be. Unfortunately that wonder and desire faded lol.


Apr 18, 2023
I broke my arm twice at a young age, and I absolutely loved the experience of the hospital. I loved being in the OR room. I still like watching surgeries and dissections of human stuff (not in a weird way like a science nerd thing). To me it was just so perfect, the order, the procedure. It was everything I wanted to be. Unfortunately that wonder and desire faded lol.
Makes sense. It is definitely a surreal experience to take human anatomy and dissect people.


My own worst enemy🌹💔
Aug 10, 2024
My names Evan. I'm 19 years old and I live in the United States. Just last Thursday, August 22 2024, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Colon Cancer. I am surprised but also not, 3 of my grandparents have passed of colon cancer. My mother suffered from Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis, and eventually had to have to colon removed.
I'm going to be documenting my journey here. I don't know how to feel. I'm open to questions if anyone has any I guess? I love you guys. <3
Wow, that's devastating news to get! I hope you're able to find the inner strength to fight but as a cancer survivor myself I know how hard that can be. Thank goodness it's only stage 2!
So young to experience such a thing. We live in such a toxic world that it's not a surprise to me that so many people have cancer.
If you need someone to talk to I'm a good listener🌹💔
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Apr 25, 2023
My names Evan. I'm 19 years old and I live in the United States. Just last Thursday, August 22 2024, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Colon Cancer. I am surprised but also not, 3 of my grandparents have passed of colon cancer. My mother suffered from Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis, and eventually had to have to colon removed.
I'm going to be documenting my journey here. I don't know how to feel. I'm open to questions if anyone has any I guess? I love you guys. <3
Man, I'm so sorry. It's unfair to have cancer at such a young age. I hope you find peace in both life and death.


binge restrict cycle
Dec 15, 2021
I really wish the best for you and your family, Ty for sharing your journey. I have a question for you if you don't mind but pls tell me if I'm overstepping:

Do you think it's messed up/morally bankrupt when suicidal people wish to be terminally ill?


Aug 12, 2024
I really wish the best for you and your family, Ty for sharing your journey. I have a question for you if you don't mind but pls tell me if I'm overstepping:

Do you think it's messed up/morally bankrupt when suicidal people wish to be terminally ill?
No, it's not messed up at all. I've definitely wished to be terminally ill before.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
I'm so sorry to hear this Evan. No matter their outlook on life it isn't something I'd wish on anyone.
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Aug 12, 2024
I'm in class right now. It feels so weird living just knowing I have cancer. It might seem odd but I feel like I can feel the tumor. It's at the top of my descending colon right after the transverse ends.
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Jul 18, 2024
Im sorry you're going through this! It seems like you're pretty calm.


New Member
Aug 25, 2024
A 19 anni non si dovrebbe vivere con una cosa simile. Hai tutta la vita davanti a te e ti auguro ogni bene e che ne uscirai a testa alta. La scienza fa fatto passi da gigante e vedrai che andrà tutto bene. Ho avuto una mia carissima zia che ha avuto il tuo stesso cancro ed è guarita quindi prendi il Toro per le corna e fagli vedere chi comanda.
Sempre a tua disposizione se hai bisogno.
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May 31, 2024
Really sorry to read this OP.

I'm praying you can beat this and live a normal life.

Medical-based suicidal thoughts are really hard to parse, as often, you really do want to live, just without the pain/discomfort/anxiety/prognosis of your condition

Best of luck
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Aug 12, 2024
A 19 anni non si dovrebbe vivere con una cosa simile. Hai tutta la vita davanti a te e ti auguro ogni bene e che ne uscirai a testa alta. La scienza fa fatto passi da gigante e vedrai che andrà tutto bene. Ho avuto una mia carissima zia che ha avuto il tuo stesso cancro ed è guarita quindi prendi il Toro per le corna e fagli vedere chi comanda.
Sempre a tua disposizione se hai bisogno.

Grazie mille amico. <3


Aug 12, 2024
Update #1:

This Wednesday, August 28 2024, I met the team that will be overseeing my treatment. They were very kind and walked me through every step of my journey that I'm about to embark on.

The plan as of now is to have the tumor surgically removed in the next 2 months, then go through rounds of chemo until my cancer enters remission. The good news is, though my tumor has grown through the wall of my colon (as seen on my scans), it doesn't seem to have metastasized yet. They didn't give any % of survival or anything, but they told me it's very likely I will survive this. I still have a young and strong immune system. I've been prescribed some pre-op medications to try to slow the growth of my tumor and control it before it is removed. I went through some other tests, blood, stool, etc... (It was a very long visit to the hospital, to say the least). I did get tested for Lynch syndrome thanks to you guys! (I'm very thankful for all the input you guys have given me <3). I should the test results back in about 5-7 days, so I'll keep you all updated.

As for my emotional and mental state, I've definitely noticed a decline. I moved back in with my parents this week and everyone just seems so down. I understand it. If my son got cancer I wouldn't even know how to feel. They're trying to keep me happy, but it's not really working lol. I've never been "happy" and I doubt I ever will. There were days this week when I didn't even get out of bed until 2 pm.

My university knows of my diagnosis, and they are trying their best to cater to my new life. I'm a music education major, which is not an easy degree to earn online. My lesson teacher said she cried when I sent her an email informing her. I really do love my school. I took this week off, except for some of my online assignments. I think I'm gonna try to go for at least 3 days next week, the least I can do is try right? The meds are making me very drowsy though :(

I'm here for any suggestions or comments or anything lol. I love you guys.
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Aug 24, 2024
I truly wish I could find the right words to say. It is not fair that someone your age is going through this. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, ever. I am hoping for the best possible outcome for you. :heart:
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I'm sorry you have to go through this with just 19. Life is often so unfair. 🫂
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