

Liar who can't separate lies from reality
Aug 11, 2023
For a long time, I never got to spend time with her since we live far away. But, my brother hates her, and for a long time, I couldn't understand why. Until recently.

To describe her briefly, she's narcissistic, very stubborn, lacks understanding of others, can't read the emotion or room, even less empathy than someone like me who can't even 'feel' emotion (due to severe detachment problem). Moreover, I genuinely think she plays a huge role on my cousin's negative life experience.

Whenever she speaks, she never think of how other people might feel when hearing what she said, if anything, it feels like she's saying stuff to make herself feel better most of the time, with zero consideration of other people. She is very stubborn on pushing her 'ideal' on others. My cousin has an extremely sensitive tongue, she CANNOT handle spices at all, but my aunt (her mom) would force my cousin to eat spicy food because it's not spicy to her. Yeah, maybe because people are FUCKING DIFFERENT???

My aunt is 50+ and have a slightly boomer taste in fashion. Now, I like fashion and study color theory, I'm pretty good when directing fashion style for other people. Now, vibrant color does not suit (at least very hard) my cousin well, but my aunt would force her to buy clothes she doesn't like (whether the color doesn't match or she doesn't like the design). When you're wrong + proven wrong + still forceful + lacks consideration, go fucking away fro my face. If my cousin buy something that genuinely looks good on her, but my aunt doesn't like it she'll say shit like "i told you not to buy that" or "that thing looks bad and a waste of money" type of shit FOR YEARS AFTER THE PURCHASE. Although, it does look good.

She likes to say shit that makes her feel superior or whatnot. When she asked about my university and tuition cost whatever, she tried to say things in a way that basically tell me "you picked the wrong uni, you're an idiot, I got a better deal." and she does this to almost everyone. People around her has to bring nuance to ensure the 'target' of her 'criticism' doesn't get offended. She does good things from time to time but come on, those 'good things' are quite normal for anyone who isn't an asshole.

I'm very frustrated rn, the problem goes deeper than what I described here, but you get the point. She likes to bring other people down for her own sense of superiority. Whenever she made a mistake, she always try to blame it on anyone else but herself. She can only criticize, but not help. An emotionless fuck like me can have better emotional understanding of people than her, and let me tell you, I'm severely underdeveloped in this aspect.
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